Top 5 tourist arrivals to Thailand in first 7 months – Malaysia, China, S. Korea, India, and Russia

Statistics for foreign tourists entering Thailand from January to July show that the cumulative number is 15,391,104 people. (Photo – Jomtien Beach, Pattaya City)

Thailand welcomes over 15 M tourists in first 7 months of 2023.

According to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Thailand has welcomed more than 15 million foreign tourists during the first seven months of this year (January-July).

Statistics for foreign tourists entering Thailand from January to July show that the cumulative number is 15,391,104 people. That made Thailand’s income from foreign tourists rise to 638,161 million baht.

Here are the top five countries of origin that have traveled to Thailand:

  1. Malaysia, 2,439,710 people;
  2. China, 1,839,660 people;
  3. South Korea, 907,463 people;
  4. India, 885,772 people;
  5. Russia, 854,946 people. (PRD)
