Trains fully booked for New Year holidays


SONGKHLA – Train services between Bangkok and Southern destinations have been fully booked, as people begin traveling home for the New Year holidays.

Hat Yai Junction Railway Station is now crowded with passengers traveling back to their hometown via train ahead of New Year holidays in order to avoid the congested travel during the period.

Seats in the first and second class trains are now fully booked from today until 3 January 2016, with only third class seats remaining. Passengers have also been reported to turn up early to book the free tickets for the Su-ngai Kolok-Bangkok train route, which are limited in number.

Meanwhile, more tourists are using the Hat Yai – Padang Besar DRC trains route, between Thailand and Malaysia, connected to the ETS train in Padang Besar which started operations since 21 December 2015, with a service capacity of 4 trains per day.