Trang steps up measures against IUU fishing


BANGKOK, 15 June 2015 – Trang is urgently registering migrant workers in the fishery sector before the registration closes on 30 June 2015.

Governor of Trang province Somsak Parisutho Hemthanon said Trang was ready to cooperate with all units in the province in tackling the illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and human trafficking after the government included the issues in the national agenda.

The government has instructed all relevant government units and provincial governors to join hands in solving the problem.

The governor added that the province was closely monitoring the human trafficking and IUU fishing situations. It was trying to make entrepreneurs in Trang, especially those in the fishery sector, understand the government’s fight against human trafficking and IUU fishing, Mr. Somsak said.