Transport Minister: Wildlife corridor will boost ecology and economy


Prachinburi – The secure wildlife crossing on Highway 304 Kabinburi-Paktongchai is expected to boost the ecology of the Dong Phrayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex World Heritage Site and also benefit commuters travelling between eastern and northeastern regions, Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said Saturday during an inspection of the construction site before a mobile cabinet meeting in the eastern provinces.

The Transport Minister said the crossing will help wild animals move between the two national parks better, which will result in reduced inbreeding and increased biodiversity across the forest complex.

The project, which includes road-widening and the construction of bridges and tunnels, will conserve both the environment and bring convenience to the people who travel along this highway between the Eastern and Northeastern regions. The tunnels are expected to be completed this year and the whole project will be fully complete early next year, said Arkhom.

The minister also said the upcoming mobile cabinet meeting will focus on eight provinces in the eastern region, especially the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) area. The EEC is the Highlight Special Economic Zone of Thailand, established to attract more investment. Major infrastructure projects such as a new airport, high-speed train links and the new phase of the deep sea port are all on the drawing board.