Transport Ministry holds maritime emergency drill off Samui Island


SURAT THANI – The Ministry of Transport has held a rescue drill for boats off Samui Island, simulating a fire aboard a sea vessel to trial evacuation of passengers.

The Ministry of Transport’s Marine Department has worked jointly with Surat Thani provincial officials and other public and private agencies to stage the official 2017 maritime rescue drill off Samui Island.

This year’s training involved a fire on a ferry boat and included the use of helicopters, speed boats and jet skis, all with the purpose of helping to evacuate passengers from the ferry.

Minister of Transport Arkhom Termpittayapaisith observed the drill and said it went off in an orderly fashion. He elaborated the drill was to practice communication and integration during an emergency and adherence to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) standards. IMO mandates that the state and relevant private agencies are able to work hand in hand in times of emergency and are effective in a set zone surrounding off shore.