Tuesday Cabinet meeting approves several amendments to outdated laws


BANGKOK, 3 Dec 2014,  The Cabinet yesterday agreed to amend the Anti-Human Trafficking Act, the Military Court Charter, and approve ministerial regulations on the development of five tourism zones. 

Yesterday’s Cabinet session approved an amendment of the Military Court Charter proposed during the previous Government in a bid to modernize the code. Several articles have been improved such as those giving the authority to provincial military courts to process all criminal cases, except that the commissioned officers involved indicate their wish that their cases be tried at the Bangkok military court.

An amendment was also given the green light in order to reduce a death sentence on pregnant inmates to life imprisonment.

The Cabinet also approved amendments to the Anti-Human Trafficking Act which was deemed outdated and in need of adjustment to better conform to the current situation. The changes are made to protect informants from punishment in case their information is not accurate. Amendments will also allow authorities to temporarily close down immediately any business venue with imminent act of violating the human trafficking law.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet also approved a ministerial regulation draft defining the development zones for tourism as proposed by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The regulation stipulates 5 tourism development zones in accordance with the Government’s tourism development strategy.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha reiterated to the meeting that the development zones must help distribute income to local people, provide safety to tourists and at the same time protect the environment.