Two Czechs arrested for 2mln Euro heist


BANGKOK, May 20 —  Thailand’s Immigration Police Bureau arrested two Czechs with outstanding arrest warrants from the Czech Republic and Interpol for a 2 million Euro bank cash delivery robbery in 2008.

Josef Blazek, 32, and Rudolf Tesarek, 35, were arrested at a Robinson Department Store in the eastern province of  Chon Buri’s Sriracha district.

The two men are being held under arrest warrants from the Hradec Kralove Court and Interpol.

They robbed a cash-delivery vehicle of the Czech central bank on Jan 17, 2008 taking 3 million euros (Bt126 million) before they were arrested and sentenced to 12 years in jail. However, they jumped bail while appealing the court’s verdict.

The Thai Immigration Police Bureau coordinated with Interpol and found that the two men had entered Thailand from Laos in August 2010 and successfully tracked down them through clues from contact between Mr Tesarek and his Czech wife who is three months pregnant.

His wife arrived in Thailand last Friday and made an appointment to meet him at a department store to show him an ultrasound film image of their baby.

Police initially charged the two men with overstaying in the kingdom and would extradite them to stand trial on robbery charges in the Czech Republic. (MCOT online news)