Ubon Ratchathani officials step up measures to crackdown on illegal logging


UBON RATCHATHANI, 18 July 2014 – Ubon Ratchathani provincial authorities have met to decide on ways to put an end to the illegal wood logging activity in Thailand’s forests .

The Ubon Ratchathani meeting seeks to implement plans and strategies combating this environmental crime, rampant in many parts of the country.

Invited to the conference were representatives from the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, three branches of the military, police officers from across the country and members of the private sector. The many units met to collaborate in ending illegal logging and preserve the natural resources of the country.

The Governor of Ubon Ratchathani, Serm Chainarong has also announced the results of successful cases in shutting down forest encroachment.

The effort to put an end to forest encroachment is in line with the announcement and the NCPO’s policy.