Unauthorized group found with weapons, animal carcass in Sai Yok National Park


Kanchanaburi – Sai Yok National Park authorities have reported the capture of an unauthorized off-road travel group led by a district chief found with rifles and an animal carcass.

The authorities were led by head of park security and the Phaya Sua Task Force Panachakorn Pothibundit, and were acting on a tip that six off-road vehicles had entered Sai Yok National Park without authorization. An inspection of the vehicles found rifles equipped with silencers, two pistols, ammunition for the weapons and an Arctictis carcass.

The group was comprised of 10 men, two women and three children, with one adult purporting to be the chief of Dan Makam Tia district. All have denied any transgression but their details were filed. The contraband discovered in their vehicle has been sent for testing by police.

Kanchanaburi Governor Jirakriat Phumsawad said he has received a general brief on the incident and that if it is proven a state official was involved in such crimes a committee would have to be formed to consider punitive measures including expulsion from the civil service.

Sai Yok Police Director Pol Col Thanee Sanguanchin assured members of the public that even if the case involves a district chief of police it will proceed as usual, noting that the evidence gathered appears straight forward. He added that one of the group has already asked to take full responsibility for any transgressions discovered, but said no aid will be given and all involved will face justice.

The Arctictis found with the group is listed as an endangered species protected by CITES.