United Thai Nation Party leader says Prayut to remain in politics

The party’s leader, Pirapan Salirathavibhaga, confirmed that UTN will not deviate from the conventional process, which grants the party with the highest number of House seats the right to form the new government said Gen Prayut will remain involved as the party’s chief strategist.

The leader of the United Thai Nation Party (UTN) has announced that Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha will continue his political career while adhering to established norms regarding the formation of a new government.

UTN, which ran Gen Prayut as its prime ministerial candidate, has pledged to respect political tradition in the transfer of power to the next government. The party’s leader, Pirapan Salirathavibhaga, also confirmed that UTN will not deviate from the conventional process, which grants the party with the highest number of House seats the right to form the new government.

Pirapan further emphasized the party’s commitment to upholding these norms and expressed satisfaction with UTN’s performance since its establishment two years ago. When asked about Gen Prayut’s future in politics and his association with UTN, he said Gen Prayut will remain involved as the party’s chief strategist.

Gen Prayut meanwhile expressed gratitude to all the voters who supported him and his party. He acknowledged his efforts to work in the national interest and promote development, while also affirming his respect for democracy.

However, he refrained from commenting on the likelihood of the Pheu Thai Party forming a new government or the possibility of a minority government resulting from the votes of the 250 senators. (NNT)