US embassy releases viral Songkran celebration clip


BANGKOK, 11 April 2014– The US embassy in Bangkok has made a video clip to celebrate the Thai New Year, which is also known as the Songkran Festival. 

Like the previous year, the US embassy in Bangkok released a 1:34 minute long video clip dedicated for the Songkran Festival. The clip started with US ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney greeting the viewers and starting to lip-sync a Thai song called “Suk Kan Thoe Rao”. The video also showed scenes of the embassy staff splashing water and dancing to the song.

The clip went viral on the internet, receiving over 30,000 hits on the video-sharing website Youtube in just a day.

The clip was also made to commemorate 180 years of diplomatic relations between Thailand and USA.

The video can be viewed on Youtube. Simply type in “Sook Sun Wan Songkran from U.S. Embassy Bangkok” and enjoy the clip.