Vice NLA President backs NCPO’s plan to ease ban on political movements

NLA vice president Peerasak Porjit.
NLA vice president Peerasak Porjit.

Bangkok – A vice president of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has voiced his support for the National Council for Peace and Order’s (NCPO) plan to relax restrictions on political activities in order to pave the way for municipal elections.

Second NLA vice president Peerasak Porjit said Saturday that he supported the NCPO’s and the government’s plan to lift the ban on political activities related to local elections, adding that he personally agrees with the idea of holding municipal elections before a general election while urging the NCPO to wrap up investigations into the activities of local politicians so as to ensure a smooth and transparent process.

Peerasak is of the opinion that the plan to hold local elections prior to a national election is not to test the popularity of the NCPO or the government, but is meant to encourage the new generation to represent their communities.

However, if local elections are allowed, politicians and candidates will be asked to refrain from criticizing the NCPO and the administration.