Woman rescues shivering mole from floodwaters in Phrae province

A TikTok user named “Mam_khemnapat” posted a video showing the rescue of a mole struggling in the flood.

PHRAE, Thailand – A viral TikTok clip has captured the hearts of netizens as a woman rows a boat to rescue a mole from the floodwaters in Thung Laeng Sub-district, Long District, Phrae Province. The mole was successfully released back into the wild.

On August 26, a TikTok user named “Mam_khemnapat” posted a video showing the rescue of a mole struggling in the flood. In her caption, she humorously referred to the mole as a “flood victim.” She also mentioned that the mole seemed to be a wild animal and not a pet. She spotted it swimming and decided to help it, later releasing it safely back into its natural habitat.

The heartwarming clip has garnered a flood of comments, with many expressing their affection for the rescued mole. Comments included, “Dry him off; he’s probably scared and cold, still so young,” “This little flood victim is so cute, shivering from the cold, thank you for saving him,” and “So sweet, thank you for seeing the value of this small life; it has a right to live too.”

She spotted it swimming and decided to help it, later releasing it safely back into its natural habitat.