www.MOT.go.th and hotline 1356 to provide traffic updates during PDRC’s action


BANGKOK, 10 January 2014  Transport Minister Chatchart Sittphan has announced that the Ministry of Transport will be providing updates on the transportation situation in Bangkok through the website www.mot.go.th and the hotline 1356, during the period the PDRC’s attempt to paralyze Bangkok. 

Mr. Chatchart also expressed his belief that transportation in Bangkok will not become paralyzed by the PDRC’s action, because the subway train, sky train, boats and normal trains will still function normally. For motorists, the Ministry of Transport has arranged 36 parking areas in the suburbs of Bangkok so drivers would be able to park and then use public transportation to get into the city. There will be around 17,000 parking spots.

The State Railway of Thailand will be operating extra trains to carry commuters in and out of Bangkok on January 13, the day the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) will attempt to grind Bangkok to a halt. The extra trains will run at 15-minute intervals starting on Monday. Sprinter trains will also be making 3 additional stops to pick up passengers.