Yala fruit orchards under wild elephant siege


YALA, 23 July 2015 – Community leaders and village defense volunteers have carried out a survey of damaged fruit orchards in Mae Wat subdistrict in the southernmost province of Yala, following recent destruction by wild elephants.

An unknown number of wild elephants have invaded local farmland to feast on their fruits. The damage extended over 10 rai of fruit orchards. Villagers initially spotted a herd of wild elephants in their neighborhood a week ago, but were unable to drive them back to the forests for fear of being attacked.

The pachyderms are believed to have migrated from Malaysia. During this period, the neighboring country has granted concessions to loggers for large swaths of forest. Locals assume that the sound of chainsaws may have scared the animals away and driven them into the Thai territory.

Village heads are compiling damage reports to seek aid from the provincial administrative organization.