Malaysians visit Songkhla during Diwali Festival


SONGKHLA, 3 November 2013 Malaysian tourists visited Thailand’s South over the weekends, as they are having a long holidays of Diwali, Hindu Festival of Light. 

At Leam Samila of Songkhla, Malaysian tourists who are on long holidays until Monday came to relax and enjoy the festive period. The area was packed with vans and tour buses.

The Golden Mermaid Statue was one of the attractions in the area. People took turns taking a picture with the statue. Although Songkhla is currently hit be northeastern monsoon, which create rain and high waves; the tourists still prefer traveling here.

Local merchants are reaping profits as the travelers buy food, drinks, and souvenirs. It was reported that this year, there are more Malaysian and Singaporean tourists than previous years. The merchants’ profits have therefore increased significantly.