MFA invites public to vote for the best Thai-Muslim way of life photo


BANGKOK, 18 June 2012  –The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is inviting the public to vote for the best Thai-Muslim way of life photo in order for a preparation of Islamic calendar of the Hijri year 1434 or 2013 A.D. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is holding a photo contest regarding the lifestyle of Islamic people in Thailand. The purpose of the contest is to decide on the best photo that will later next year be on Islamic calendar for the year 2013 or 1434 in Hijri year. The calendar will be in both Arabic and English languages and will be distributed to Muslim people throughout the country as well as to Muslim in more than 20 different countries through consulates and embassies around the world. The calendar will depict the Muslim way of life, people, and culture.

As a result, MFA is inviting all people to vote for the best picture on from now until August, 10 2012. Ten lucky voters will be selected to receive gifts which include 2 table calendars and a DVD about “A Panorama of Thailand’s diversity.”