Miracle of Colours


Myriad colours on varied canvass frames reflect the complex feelings of abstract artist Suthep Sungpetch.

His collection of 60 paintings of various hues of colours represent his memories and moods at the time he created each painting during the past two years.

“Are viewers going to feel the same as I did? I don’t know. It’s uncertain. They may feel different from me. It is like eating food. Some may say it is delicious. Some may say it’s not. No need to think a lot. Just look at them and enjoy,” said the artist.

Varities of mood, represented by a variety of colours, opens the door to the imagination. Art viewers can absorb the feeling of these colours, telling stories through the international language of colour–with a Buddhist philosophy note attached to each painting. These dharma messages are what the artist learned from revered Buddhist monk, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, who came to fame during part of his life in the monkhood.

The artist wants to convey the truth of life about impermanence and non-attachment to the viewers.

“If they come to visit this exhibition and want to see these artworks again. That’s enough. It is mind to mind communication. I add dharma here, so when viewers read it, they are inspired to think or do something for better life,” Mr Suthep said.

The Miracle of Colour exhibition is on display until October 5 at a gallery of Thailand Cultural Centre in Bangkok.