Ranong to hold bike trip to Myanmar


RANONG, 10 January 2014 Thailand’s Andaman coastal province has joined hands with the Tourism Authority of Thailand organizing a bicycle trip to Myanmar.

Ranong’s governor Cherdsak Champates said on Friday that the bicycle trip from the adjacent province of Chumphon via Ranong to Koh Song province in Myanmar would be held between January 25 and 26, under the theme of “Peddling your bikes, visiting two countries.”

The event is the first of its kind with an aim to promote tourism between Thailand and Myanmar, which share more than 2000 kilometers border line. According to Cherdsak, travelers joining the trip would gain quite an experience cycling both in Thailand and Myanmar; on the newly open route, which he believed would be popular in the near future.

It is part of the Thai tourism sector to open up new opportunities to attract more foreigners to Thailand as well as to cooperate with Myanmar, which many people widely believe will be a new travel destination with high potential to attract large numbers of tourists.