Safety First at Thai Garden Resort


Thai Garden Resort recently held his annual fire prevention training in cooperation with the Pattaya City Fire Department in and in front of the Moon River Pub.

The training was separated into two sections

The first part took place in the morning between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Moon River Pub, where the members of the fire department informed the TGR staff how to use the right fire extinguishers in the right time for the different kinds of fire. They have been trained how to avoid dangerous situations and the right handling with dangerous equipment, such as gas bottles or electric devices. This training was supported by a PowerPoint presentation.

TGR staff were trained using the exciting “learning by doing” motto.TGR staff were trained using the exciting “learning by doing” motto.

After the theory training in the morning, they started in the afternoon with the praxis session in and in front of the Moon River Pub. The Fire Department has been teaching our staff how to find a way out from a room or building, if it is impossible to see. This was followed by live fire training, following the motto “learning by doing”.

At about 4 p.m. the training was finished and beside a lot of helpful information and a lot of new experiences, it was a lot of fun for everyone too.

We would like to say a special thanks to the Pattaya City Fire Department.

The entire staff is now trained in fire prevention.The entire staff is now trained in fire prevention.