Suvarnabhumi named best airport by European travellers


BANGKOK, April 10 – Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport was named the ‘Best Airport in the World” for 2012 by the Barcelona-based eDreams travel website.

Suvarnabhumi Airport Director Vilaiwan Nadwilai said the award was announced late last month on which conducted a survey among globe-trotting netizens, mostly from Europe, who complimented the airport on various categories including service, available merchandise, cleanliness and accessibility to the city centre.

The leading travel site connects its customers via email with the company’s DreamGuides, an online community of travellers.

She credited the success to cooperation by over 200 agencies at the airport under the concept “Airport of Smiles” which aimed at enhancing travellers’ satisfaction towards Suvarnabhumi airport.

The Airports Council International earlier ranked Suvarnabhumi  sixth among the world’s best airport for 2012 in the category of airport which serves more than 40 million passengers annually.