TAT expects 2 trillion baht revenue in 2016 through ‘Discover Thainess’ campaign


Thailand Tourism Authority (TAT) has expects Thailand’s tourism revenue to reach 2.23 trillion baht in 2016 from the ‘Discover Thainess’ tourism campaign, leading the nation to prosperity and stability in accordance to the government’s policy.

TAT’s Deputy Governor for International Marketing Juthaporn Rerngronasa has said in the ‘A Compass for Thailand’s Tourism Industry’ seminar, that TAT is expecting tourism revenue in 2016 to reach 2.23 trillion baht, with comprising of income from international markets at 1.53 trillion baht, and 802 billion baht from the domestic market.

This revenue forecast promises a 8.32 percent growth expectation in international markets, and a eight percent growth expectation in the domestic market. TAT expects the international market revenue to come from ‘near markets’ at 62 percent, and from ‘far market’ at 36 percent. In a more specific segmentation, TAT expects a 10.4 percent growth from the Asia Pacific market, 12.1 percent growth from East Asia, 8.3 percent growth from ASEAN, 4.4 percent growth from Europe, and 5.8 percent growth from the American market.

TAT is also set to establish Thailand as a Quality Leisure Destination with marketing communications campaigns featuring contents on well-known Thai identities such as the Thai smile, Tuk Tuk vehicle, and Pad Thai delicacy.

Communications for Thailand’s tourism image would still be executed under the Amazing Thailand brand with some modern adjustments, while the TAT’s role in increasing tourism revenue will be executed through the government’s ‘Discover Thainess’ campaign.