The Management of Success

Andrew J. Wood, Presidential Candidate 2021-23 Skål International Asia

Dear Friends

I write to you today as I reach out to all our Skålleagues , as a Presidential candidate for the Skål Asian Area which it has been my honour to serve since first elected to the board in 1995, 16 years ago.

I wish to convey my assurance, to everyone that I will work hard as your President with a dedicated commitment and above all my hallmark passion for SKÅL.

As the world of travel and tourism faces its greatest challenges, its darkest hours, I am inspired to see the shoots of rejuvenation and growth. To once again feel hope and progress as we rebuild, rediscover and recover our travel and tourism industry.

As the wheels slowly turn it is important that we learn from our past mis-deeds. That our paths be sustainable and responsible. We are in Asia and should support Asia businesses wherever possible. That we have a plan, a vision. The plan needs to be time-dependant, organised and managed, not just showing spurts of activity at election time, or worst, simply dragging our feet – procrastination is not an option.

Earlier in June this year I introduced a road map for the Skål Asian Area (SAA), this is my vision, my plan. Recorded for all to see, born out of years of successfully developing achievable goals not only at club level but also national. It is good to see that some are being acted upon by the current President at the end of his term – though much more needs to be done. My 12-point road map for Skål Asia can be found here:

We need to ensure we get ahead and reach our goals. It is essential that all exco team members are cognizant of the important  components. These need to written down and used as points of reference which ultimately will lead to success and goals being achieved.  As President, in 2019 my club, Bangkok, won Skål International ‘s Club of the Year. Winning by stretching ourselves, reaching past our comfort zones, applying the same successful techniques of team building and setting achievable goals learnt from experience.

All of the above can be transferred into the Asian Area.

As I step down from successfully running my club for the past 4 years, to stepping up to take over the reins of running the Asian Area, I bring with me all of my knowledge. How to successfully engage our membership and to grow. To develop the look and feel of our brand. Back in 2009 I was part of a small team of International Councillors that developed the theme of “to be the trusted voice” which was rolled out during the Presidency of Hulya Aslantas. The small Task Force as we were called, included myself and 2 great leaders, Mok Singh (USA) and Thomas Vincent (CAN). For my part in the Task Force I was later awarded Skål International’s Order of Merit in 2013.

Managing success is part of my DNA, from World Class Hotels, Global Media and SKÅL. My drive, energy and above all commitment is absolute. I look forward to the future opportunity to serve.

Andrew J Wood
(Membre D’Honneur)
Presidential Candidate 2021-23
Skål International Asia