World Cockfighting to be held in Ranong next weekend


RANONG, 16 April 2012 -Ranong province will be holding World Cockfighting from April 21st-22nd in a bid not just to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the province but also to promote tourism.

The provincial governor, Mr. Peerasak Hinmuangkao, said the Thai Fighting Cock Association and Ranong Province will jointly hold a fighting cock beauty contest on the first day of this event. Fighting cocks of various breeds are expected to be seen at the contest.

Cockfighting competition will take place on the same day in the afternoon at a public park in Muang district. There will also be a seminar on how to breed local cocks, conducted by experts. Visitors can also buy a wide range of affordable products relevant to this event.

On the last day of the event, there will be 3 cockfighting competitions, which consist of the fights of the cocks with or without spurs, as well as ones fitted with artificial spurs.

Bird owners from Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are expected to bring their cocks to the game too, which will be held at Salapadliamphukaoyha in Ngao sub-district of Ranong.