Austrian National Day celebrations in Pattaya


Austrian National Day will be celebrated on Friday 30 October 2020 at the Thai Garden Resort, Pattaya.

Guest of Honour: H.E. Dr. Eva Gardner, the Austrian Ambassador.

Authentic Austrian 3-Course Menu: Grießnockerlsuppe, Backhenderl mit Petersilienkartoffeln und kl. Salat oder Fiakergulasch mit Semmelknödel, Pickels und Spiegelei. Nachspeise: Wiener Apfelstrudel.

Only 450 Baht per person. 20% Discount on all drinks.

Live Music. Dance performance by children from the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand.


Cocktails at 6 pm Festivities begin at 7 p.m.

Accommodations available at only 1500 baht for a Double Room with breakfast for two persons.

For reservations Tel. 038 370 614 Email: [email protected]