Fr. Corsie Legaspi, also known as the faith healer is scheduled to return to the Church of Assumption on Soi Siam Country Club Pattaya on Friday April 5, 2019. Holy mass and his divine treatment commence at 1 pm.
Father Corsie has previously treated people in Pattaya who were suffering from injuries and ailments by placing his hand on their forehead, causing them to momentarily lose consciousness while being supported by helpers who lay them gently on the ground. The treatment is called ‘slain in the spirit’.
Father Corsie introduces four basic types of healing which are: ‘Physical Healing’, referring to the healing of the physical aspects of the body, both external and internal. This is why 90% of patients come to a healing session. The ‘Emotional Healing’, which has to do with dispelling painful memories of the past. These bad recollections may lie buried in a person’s subconscious, and may at times become the cause of physical illness. ‘Spiritual Healing’ involves the vicious cycles of sin and the forgiveness of sin. ‘Deliverance Healing’ means deliverance from demons and evil spirits. The Bible speaks of such healings being performed by Jesus Christ.