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Horseshoe Point hosts second annual Able the Disabled Countryside Challenge

The top seven finalists in the trotting category.

Derek Franklin
The second annual Able the Disabled Countryside Challenge took place recently at Horseshoe Point. Twenty children and teenagers, all with varying special needs, competed over a series of challenges, all with the hope of lifting the winner’s trophy.
Organised by Sandra Cooper and her wonderful team of dedicated volunteers, the competition saw the children riding horses while performing a series of activities, all under the watchful gaze of the judges.
While the competition looked like a lot of fun, there was a serious side to the event. The Able the Disabled Foundation has been providing weekly hippotherapy sessions for several years, with the aim of improving the posture and balance as well as increasing muscle strength of children with Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism and other intellectual disabilities.
Due to the varying levels of ability, the children competed in two categories, those who were able to trot while on a horse, and those whose horse walked around the course.
The aim of the competition was to judge the children on their skills, not just the way they rode their mount, but also the way they balanced themselves, controlled their horse and used their motor skills to perform a set of activities. Activities included guiding the horse around a series of large plastic animals, picking fruit of a tree and dropping it into a bucket, and posting a letter in the postbox, all while sitting on the back of a horse.
Many of the children competing attend the Father Ray Center for Children with Special Needs, and there were also two international competitors from Russia, who, like all the other children competing, received a medal for their efforts.
While the winner of the trotting group, a young man called Tom, lifted the winner’s trophy for the second year running, the competition was not all about winning. It was about taking part, showing off their skills, making their families proud - the medals, which every competitor received, were just a bonus.

A very happy Tom, winner of the trotting category for the second consecutive year.

Rivals in the ring, but friends forever.

Miss Ploy, winner of the walk category, receives the winner’s trophy from Sandra Cooper.

Miss Bee, this year’s runner-up.

Contemplating his strategy.

After winning gold and silver medals at the recent Summer Olympics, this young man had to settle for seventh place this time.

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Horseshoe Point hosts second annual Able the Disabled Countryside Challenge

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