The fridge from PSC and 5 bicycles
donated by Rick Bevington.
William Macey
Baby sitters and a qualified paediatric nurse are on site 24 hours per
day at the Pattaya Orphanage to care for the 70 plus babies under the age of
three. There are 25 children under the age of 6 months and when Pattaya Sports
Club had an occasion to visit, there were twin girls that had just arrived and
were 1 week old. They do not have the benefit of the mother’s milk or receive
the love that every child deserves, but the staff cares for the children as if
they were their own. The numbers rarely change for there is always a request
from a hospital somewhere asking if they could accept another child. No child is
ever turned away.

The old fridge long past its sell
by date.
Cleanliness and health issues are paramount and anyone
entering the nursery must wash with an antiseptic gel and have their temperature
taken as a safeguard. Good quality and well preserved food is so important which
was the subject of a conversation that Toy had with Pattaya Sports Club for they
were given two second hand refrigerators, so long ago that they could not
remember when, which were almost ready for that happy retirement home on the
scrap metal site. One had given up completely and the other was not far away. It
was obvious that a new refrigerator was essential.
Pattaya Sports Club never turns down the opportunity to help Toy and the Pattaya
Orphanage so a new large refrigerator was ordered and delivered much to the
excitement of the staff. The babies did not take too much notice but they will
certainly benefit from food that will remain fresh and uncontaminated.

The new fridge will make all the
On the day the refrigerator was delivered, Rick Bevington
just happened to have 5 bicycles that he had completely overhauled. He kindly
donated these for the children to use around the centre. The children who could
ride or wanted to ride, appreciated the gift and there were smiles all around.
With 160 children at the orphanage they always welcome donations of food,
clothes or money, so if you feel that you could help in any way please contact
William on 0861522754 or Pattaya Sports Club on 038 361167. Rick is always
looking for bicycles that are no longer being used and is happy to collect these
from a local address if need be.

Tiring for the staff. The children
want to play all day.

There are always babies to take
care of.

The staff treats the babies as
their own.