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Asia’s first Jumelage formed

Alec E. Allison (right) Bailli Regional of the Bailliage de la Cote d’Or, Australia and Joachim Caula (left) Chancelier President Bailliage de Pattaya exchange momentos as other officers looke on.

When Mr. Alec E. Allison and his lovely wife Madge returned to Pattaya last year, the long time visitors were pleasantly surprised to learn that a branch of one of the world’s most exclusives clubs, the Chaine the Rotisseur, had recently been founded here. Alec, who is the Bailli Regional of the Bailliage de la Cote d’Or, Australia (president of his club at the Gold Coast of Australia), had the great idea of making the young club of Pattaya into a sister club of his own, well established club in Australia.

Members of the Chaine des Rotisseurs de Baillage Pattaya pose outside Bruno’s Restaurant after a sumptuous banquet.

This “Jumelage” is some-thing very special, since there are a lot of sister clubs but mostly within their own country. This step to build a Jumelage between the Gold Coast and Pattaya is a big step to further build up good friendship all over the world, exchange ideas, and open lines of communication between countries separated by international boundaries.
After much hard work and a lot of preparation, Alec was finally able to come back to accomplish this “Jumelage” with the signature of both of the Presidents. This signing ceremony was performed by Mr. Alec E. Allison and Mr. Joachim Caula just before a gala dinner was served at Bruno’s Restaurant in North Pattaya on December 2.
Of the VIP’s who joined this dinner were former governor of Cholburi Province, Khun Juwarat Gamolvej and his beautiful wife Saisunee.
As usual, dinners with such importance as this have to be prepared to the greatest perfection. No salt and pepper are allowed on the tables, for the food must already be seasoned to the perfect taste. As usual, the professionalism of Bruno’s staff accomplished this task to the full appreciation of all who attended. The ambiance was most elegant, matching the outfits of the honorable guests, and during dinner, every dish served and all the wine was explained and described by Mr. Jacques Heller.
After an excellent meal, Mr. Caula and Mr. Allison held short but very interesting speeches. Alec informed the guests that each capitol of Australia has formed a Bailliage. Most of the Club’s are restricted to 60 members only, to guarantee the quality of the members as well as the quality of the food. He also elucidated that he and his Club are very happy and proud to be the first to have a sister Club in Asia. He said he hopes that this friendship can be extended through a visit of about 20 members from Australia to join a Jumelage Amicable Dinner in Pattaya in April next year. He also said he hopes that some members of the Pattaya Club will come to the Gold Coast of Australia in the near future so that he may pay back some of the hospitality he and his wife received during their stay in Pattaya.
Plaques and letters of special greetings from the Premier Minister and the Lord Mayor of the Gold Coast (both of them members of the Bailliage) were passed on to Joachim Caula, and he accepted them on
behalf of the Bailliage de Pattaya. Alec also received Plaques from the Pattaya contingent, and in a few days he will have a meeting with the Mayor of Pattaya at City Hall to receive special letters and presents to bring back to Australia. Mr. Bruno Forrer, owner of “Bruno’s”, his Chef and all the serving staff received certificates of appreciation for their fantastic preparation and presentation during this dinner.
As usual, none of the guests left directly after dinner. Like in most club’s, most stayed long into the evening to chat away the time with their old - and new- friends.

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