Pattaya Mail — Features

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Talk of the town lives up its name
What should you do with your money these days
Day in a Rice field
Enzo Masetti - born to be an entertainer
Health and Nutrition Facts
Local women represents disabled ladies of Thailand at International Conference
Halloween '97
Cafe Kronborg

Talk of the Town lives up to its name

It’s hard to keep a straight face watching "Talk of the Town" on Channel 3; but then again, it’s not designed to be serious.

Written and produced by Patrick McGeown (Captain Pat), Talk of the Town is Channel 3’s first English TV show and Thailand’s first English show on main Thai TV. Yes, there are shows that teach English, but this one talks to an audience who already understand or are learning English. The target audience is executives 25+.

The show is presented by Gina Daruty, a former runner-up to Miss Thailand World. Gina studied at UCLA in the United States. Her mother is Thai and her father American. Gina also models and is often seen in fashion magazines.

Captain Pat is the co-presenter, and when you talk to the good Captain he is adamant that the show is designed for Thai people. In fact, the read of the show is 140 words per minute (Western announcers normally present at 220 words per minute), which makes it suitable for people with English as a second language. But that is where the difference stops. Pat says the formula for the show would work in any country in the world. News of the strange, idioms explained, business tips and Pat’s sense of humour have turned early morning into a treat. And it seems Channel 3 are on a winner. The DEEMAR ratings indicate that Talk of the Town leads on Channel 3 with an average daily audience of 750,000 people - and at 5:50 a.m., that’s a lot people glued to the box.

Captain Pat is no stranger to humour. He studied as a playwright at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in Sydney. He then pioneered Pat’s Uninteresting Tours of Sydney in the early 80s and his tours became famous with incredible free publicity - thanks to the media. His unique sense of humour had tourists visiting rubbish tips, graveyards, car parks and low class drinking saloons. Pat sold the business after three years "on the bus" and moved into advertising at Olgivy & Mather. Pat also produced New Zealand’s top comedy radio show with Kim & Danny on 91FM in the early 90s. Pat’s been in Thailand for seven years, mostly in advertising at EURO RSCG and also presenting and producing two TV shows on the CNBC satellite network. He has written two comedy books and another with a serious note called "Thoughts from the Pattaya Orphanage" - a book the Pattaya Mail has presented previously - a book that has sold nearly 6,000 copies. Earlier this year Pat took up the challenge from Brian Marcar from TERO and created Talk of the Town.

"Talk of the Town" is shown Monday to Friday at 5:50 a.m. on Thai TV Channel 3 - and it’s all in English.

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What should you do with your money these days?

...Thai economy will remain week for a while...

...Many finance companies may never be in business again...

...Thai commercial banks’ ratings are being lowered...

...A lot of companies will go bankrupt due to the floating of the baht...

...The stock market seems to be heading southwards...

...The bond market is dead because of default and illiquidity...

...The inflation rate may hit 10% by year end...

Do you think with all the turbulent news in the Thai economy these days, you know exactly what to do with your personal, hard-earned money?

What should you do with your money these days?

The recent financial turmoil, uncertain political situation and the slowdown in the economy in general, have all, in one way or another, affected our daily lives. It is quite a common phenomenon to hear moans and groans from consumers and businesses alike over the recent surprise announcement of increased excise taxes and import duties, particularly the hike on gasoline fuels that has an immediate impact on us all. This is one of the great pains that we all have to suffer in order to meet the stringent IMF requirements for the rescue package. The story has only just begun and we will anxiously await more specifics on the government’s plan to rescue the troubled financial sector. Political interference? We shall see...

Yet, we will have to accept the fact that this situation will definitely prolong at least in the short to medium term. Regardless of the present situation in our country, it is imperative that you begin to protect your personal wealth by planning for your investment wisely now, be it for your own safety, your children’s education or even for your own retirement.

Take for example, if you had invested in stocks or property five years ago and you had hoped to get a handsome profit from selling them in the future. Unfortunately, the values of those stocks and real estate in your portfolio are now under their respective market values. There is no demand for them in a down market like this anymore. Liquidity or ease of having access to your invested money whenever you need it - comes into the picture immediately. Liquidity is critically important to individuals like us, especially in a short term period during this uncertain economic condition. Perhaps you should not blame yourself for indulging in these investments then. Perhaps you do not have access to the updated information of the financial and capital market and may need advice from professionals in the respective fields or industries since they are the ones who are supposed to know best.

Every investor should hold a certain amount of cash in his portfolio to pay for day-to-day expenses and to be well prepared for that proverbial "rainy day". Indeed, most personal finance guides suggest that an investor hold 3-6 months salary in liquid funds in case one loses one’s job, faces a sudden medical emergency, or loses one’s home or other assets in a fire or other catastrophe. In addition, especially when an investor is nervous about the stock market and prefers to reduce the percentage of his assets which are in stocks. While "sitting on the sidelines" is not the most exciting strategy, it can be a more profitable approach than being heavily invested when stock markets are falling.

Whatever reason for holding cash, it only makes sense to ensure that your money is working as hard for you as you did to earn it. Generally, this means shopping around for the highest possible rates (which is not quite the most practical attitude now in Thailand since these high rate deposits are vulnerable to non-withdrawal status by Bank of Thailand’s policy). After putting aside a certain amount of "working capital" in an easily accessible current or savings account with a reputable bank, you will want to put your remaining funds on deposit so that they earn the highest possible returns.

Additionally, most of us often fail to differentiate between diversification - having our eggs in many baskets - and asset allocation - having our eggs in the right basket. Each asset class responds differently to shifts in the economy and the financial markets at large, and each adds its own dimension to portfolio performance. Stocks historically have offered the best long-term returns and inflation protection; bonds provide current income and generally less volatility. Cash equivalents offer capital preservation and the ability to convert investments into cash in emergencies. Creating a portfolio that includes all three assets can help minimize risk and reduce volatility because setbacks in one asset class are often offset by relatively higher returns in another.

As far as asset allocation of your personal money, you don’t really have too many choices now:
- Putting money in banks... Safe, but are you happy with the relatively low yield? What about smaller banks that are rumoured to future shutdown?
- Placing money at the remaining 33 finance companies... Do you still believe that they are still healthy?
- Investing in the stock market... Do you know which stocks to buy?
- Investing in high grade debentures... Where do you get them? Are they liquid and safe enough?
- Investing in real estate... Are you sure this is already rock bottom? What about selling it when you want, will there be an instant demand?
- Investing in mutual funds... Possibly the most effective way for most investors, but some are risky, too.

With the various alternatives presented above, you should be extremely cautious of whichever investment you decide to make tomorrow. To the more sophisticated investors, high yield is not a primary goal anymore nowadays - the safe return of their principal investment is more of a major concern ever since the suspension of the fifty-eight finance companies crisis. To achieve maximum return from your own portfolio, you should, therefore, selectively invest in only assets that you are comfortable with, both in terms of risk and return.

Contributed by Ayudhya Jardine Fleming Asset Management Limited, tel: (662) 263-0200. fax: (662) 263-0199, email:

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Day in a Rice field

Maung Lat, Roe Et, North East Thailand

by Peter Jaggs

It was a late August day in a rice field in North East Thailand. The long yellow grains that the peasant farmers had scattered some six weeks previously had germinated, unseen, and pushed their way valiantly through the cloying sticky mud. The seeds had now become sturdy young shoots that rose an obstinate six inches above the water-logged surfaces of the paddies to form a lush, rolling carpet that flowed and waved in the warm gentle breeze like a vast, dark green ocean for as far as the eye could see. The crop was now ready for thinning.

All available hands are needed for this mammoth, time-consuming task. Every able bodied person of age in the surrounding villages is summoned and the happy, the willing, the lazy and the surly work together, calf deep in the muddy brown water. In certain parts of the fields, perhaps where the soil is more fertile or simply where an over-enthusiastic hand has sown rather liberally, the rice grows thickly and in bunches. The people of the villages distribute the crop, evening it out by pulling thousands of the small shoots by hand, one by one from the mud, and replanting them in the sparser areas, shoot by painstaking shoot.

As I watched them from a distance, stooped to their labours, the farmers looked like a flock of some huge, lumbering species of wading bird foraging in the shallows of an olive coloured estuary. Straw hatted heads were bent low to the task over the stalks, and gaily coloured rumps clad in taughtly stretched "patungs" bobbed rhythmically in time to the pickers and planters distinctly avian-like contortions

The villagers make their way to the rice fields when the first cool, grey morning mists begin to ghost away from the dew-decked crop and work steadily through the day, apparently oblivious to the fierce, stark heat of the tropical rays. At dusk, when the sun sinks slowly out of sight and the last stubborn fingers of light slink west across the darkening acres, it becomes, at last, too dark to continue. The men and women stand straight again, and sighing and cursing, stretch and flex their aching backs and limbs. They trudge their way down winding, dusty tracks in a weary, yawning procession to collapse on woven rush mats in wooden, tin roofed houses to sleep like the dead, until the rising sun begins the cycle for another day.

Thankfully, the thinning of the crops is usually finished within a month. Then, the village women return to the usual routine of sitting around on low bamboo tables outside their houses, playing cards for one baht hands and reviewing the latest scandal whilst eating Somtam. For several days the men, before returning to hustle for fares in their rickshaws and Tuk-Tuks in Korat and Udon, get loud and stupid on clear Thai whisky. However, just for once, the wives do not nag them, for they know that there never was a more deserving company of drunkards as those tough Peasant Farmers of North East Thailand.

As a Farang and a tourist, I was of course, exempt from the press gang that daily roused the lazy, the tired and the malingerers. Nevertheless, despite this, I felt that I would quite like to try my hand at thinning the crops. In the past, having laboured and roughnecked on several building sites and drilling platforms in the North Sea, I thought that I could take it. After all, I could see women of fifty and sixty years of age working in the rice fields. No problem for a rugged ex-oilrigger, I assured myself smugly. So one morning, donning my own conical straw hat and wearing an old sarong, I joined the band of farmers as they passed along the path outside my door. They were, of course, delighted to have a daft Farang along to alleviate the drudgery of the day.

It was not many hours later that I seriously began to doubt the wisdom of my decision. In fact, the work was damn near killing me. My physique may well have been suited to carrying a hodfull of bricks or hefting a drilling pipe tong, but I was soon experiencing severe discomfort at being doubled over like Lynford Christie at the start of a one hundred metres sprint for several hours. On top of that, horrible, nameless slimy things slid around my legs and between my toes in the binding sticky mud. Very soon, I’d had enough, but of course I could not give it up. Too many pairs of dark eyes watched expectantly from under brims of sun-blasted straw hats, waiting for just that, and surreptitious glances were exchanged when an occasional audible groan passed my parched lips. Knowing the Thais, no doubt several bets were exchanged. Would the foolish Farang throw in the towel, or would he go the distance?

In fact, I saved my pride and worked through the whole day, although after twelve hours of crouching head below arse under the tropical heat it was all that I could do to put one foot in front of the other in the sucking, restraining mud to struggle to the side of the rice field. Once there, an old woman had to help me up on the bank before I could wend my shattered way home. My muscles, furious at me for putting them through the strains and contortions necessary for a day spent thinning the crops, screamed their painful protests at me for a week.

Early the next morning, I could barely lift my creaking bones from my sleeping mat, but knew that it was imperative that I rouse myself and hobble to the bamboo chair that stood outside my house. I determined to make it in time to greet the tattered, colourful procession of Peasant Farmers as they passed by along the pot-holed road to work, and I greeted them heartily and waved, making sure to appear the picture of health and fitness. I quickly turned the wince of pain that was caused by a sudden stab of cramp in my stiff joints into a beaming smile and felt rather pleased with myself, knowing that there was a certain new mutual respect between both parties as we bid a friendly good morning. Despite this sense of well-being, when a sturdy, sun browned young girl with a purple bandana called out to the Farang and asked if he would care to join them for another day’s labour of thinning the crops, I declined politely - explaining that I would love to but thought perhaps, I had best stay at home to take care of the chickens today, instead.

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Enzo Masetti - born to be an entertainer

by Elfi

Enzo Masetti is the Entertainment Manager at the Hopf Brew House in Pattaya, and has been a ‘full-blooded’ entertainer for the past 35 years.

Born on a September morning in St. Maria Capua Vetere, near Monte Casino, little Enzo knew early on that he wanted to be a musician. He learned how to play piano, keyboard, drums and guitar, and trained his beautiful voice.

5 years after finishing school, he won first prize at the music festival of Ariccia, and in 1968 he turned professional. Soon after he was recording songs as a solo-artist, and became a friend of and worked with Rita Pavone and her manager/husband for over a year. The experience helped him to form a band, called "Teoremi", which became a famous underground Rock-band. This group was on the top of all charts for another two years, and currently their songs are being re-released as CDs in Italy.

Enzo smiles and relates, "I found out too late. When I went to Italy last year, the record company told me my claims for a percentage had already elapsed. Now the company is making all the money, which I believe is a lot, since the CDs are selling very well." He shrugs his shoulders in the matchless way only Italians can do and adds, "I am proud that people still like my kind of music."

Enzo has been living in Thailand for 26 years. "I moved to Thailand towards the end of 1971. I hung around for about three months until I formed a new band with some Italian friends. We were immediately offered an engagement at the Sheraton Hotel in Bangkok and did the opening of the Cavern Bar there. After 6 months, my band broke up and I went back to Italy to form another group there. Through an agent from the USA we got another contract in Thailand and played at the First Hotel in Bangkok. Only during the revolution in 1973 did we have to stop playing for a while. But soon after everything returned to normal, we started playing at leading hotels in Bangkok, including the Dusit Thani, Siam Intercontinental, Hyatt Rama, Hilton and many more. We also got engagements in Singapore at the Shangri La, in Macao at the Oriental Macao, and in Hong Kong at the Landmark. But usually we always had long-term contracts in Bangkok.

"We played everything what was in fashion at that time: typical classical songs and, of course, a lot of Italian songs. Later I changed from this type of music to Jazz. I played with "Brown Sugar" off and on until two years ago.

"I love Jazz because it is so emotional. It gives one the chance to look for different dimensions. Playing jazz, you can express yourself without any restrictions; it’s different every day. After a certain period you’ll find out that there are other ways of expression. A band can play different melodies at the same time, but the sound together has to fit and can be so beautiful.

"I am a professional by heart and experience, and I never stop learning. I’d rather spend my days working hard than just hanging around. To play music is like a never ending story, there’s always something new to learn.

"I also like Thai music, as opposed to many other Europeans who find it out of tune for their ears. I admire Thai musicians who keep the roots of genuine Thai music - like Lek Carabao, Tong and a few others."

Although Enzo has lived in Thailand for many years, it’s been a while since he last played in Pattaya. "In 1976 I played at the Pattaya Regent (now the Montien) for about six months. Pattaya was very different then. When I first came to Pattaya, it was like a dream. The atmosphere and the beauty were incredible. One can say, in comparison to now, Pattaya went from heaven to hell. The prostitution is the worse part. The Americans left a disaster behind. When the GI’s left, people had to do something, so they made prostitution the selling point again, this time for tourists. Nobody thought about what it would do to the town’s reputation in the long run. The reputation of Pattaya is destroyed and all of us have to work very hard to change it. Since I live permanently in Pattaya now, I’ll try to do my best for this cause. Before I got the offer to work at Hopf Brew House, I wouldn’t have dreamed of coming to Pattaya. But now I trust the people I work for. They are very clever and good and I believe they see a future in Pattaya, and they have convinced me to do the same."

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Health and Nutrition Facts

Healthy habits

by Laura Zubrod, Registered Dietician

To manage your health and weight effectively, you may need to rethink your eating habits and identify those that promote weight gain or contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Consider what, when, why, where, and how you eat. Then make some changes towards a more healthy eating style.

Plan meals and snacks ahead. Haphazard eating often leads to high-calorie eating.

Portion foods before bringing them to the table. You are likely to eat less when serving bowls and platters are not placed on the table. Use smaller bowls and plates so small portions look larger.

Eat from plates and bowls, not from packages. When you eat chips or crackers from a package, it is easier to over eat.

Do not eat in front of the television or while reading. When you eat unconsciously while watching television, reading, or driving, you may consume more than you think.

Stop eating when you leave the table. Avoid the urge to nibble on leftovers as you clear the table and clean up.

Eat slowly. Savor each bite. Make meals last 15 to 20 minutes.

Wait 20 minutes before having seconds. It takes about that long for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s full. If you are still hungry after 20 minutes, have a small second helping.

Forget the clean plate rule. You don’t need to eat everything on your plate. When you are full, stop eating.

Follow the ½ ,¼, ¼ plate rule. Half your plate should consist of bread, rice, potatoes, or pasta, ¼ of your plate should be vegetables, and the other ¼ should be meat or other protein foods.

Chew gum. Chew gum while cooking to prevent nibbling or after a meal to prevent the urge to eat more.

Eat fewer deep-fried foods. Frying can triple the number of calories in foods. Look what it does to 3½ ounces of shrimp: boiled=100 calories, 1 g fat; deep-fried=230 calories, 11 g fat.

When you get the urge to nibble and you’re not hungry, do something else. Go for a short walk, call a friend, or read. Stay busy doing things you enjoy.

Eat only when sitting at the kitchen or dining room table. Nibbling while doing other things can lead to over eating.

Drink water. Drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water each day. Drinking a glass of water before you eat will help your stomach feel fuller.

Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast makes you more likely to binge later in the day.

Snack smart. Eliminate over hunger and you will eliminate over eating. Keep low-calorie snacks on hand.

Buy chips, candy, and other snacks in individual-sized packages. Or divide up a box of crackers or cookies or a bag of chips into small baggies. That way you’ll have built-in portion control.

Shop on a full stomach. When you are hungry you tend to buy more food and extra goodies.

Don’t give up your favorite foods. Just eat smaller portions. Have 2 slices of pizza instead of 3, or share a dessert with a friend.

Plan ahead. If you know you are going to a party or having a big dinner, make lower fat, lower calorie choices earlier in the day.

Take the stairs. Exercise plays an important role in losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Every little bit counts!

Weigh yourself no more than once a week. Make sure it’s at the same time of day. Your weight goes up and down from day to day which might be misleading and possibly discouraging.

Make a list of fun activities and post it on your refrigerator. When you are bored or upset, take part in these activities instead of eating.

Take it off slowly. The slower you take the weight off, the longer you keep it off. Aim for a weight loss of ½ to 1 pound per week.

Keep a record of what you eat. Write down how much you eat, when and where you eat, who you’re eating with, and your mood. After a week or two, go over your records and look for any patterns that occur that you would like to change.

Practice moderation. While no single food is fattening, too much of anything can be. Your body will turn 3,500 calories of unused energy into 1 pound of fat, regardless of whether those calories came from cookies or watermelon.

Switch to low-fat milk. One cup of low-fat milk has 100 calories and 3 grams of fat while whole fat milk has 150 calories and 8 grams of fat. If you drank 1 cup of milk every day, switching from whole milk to low-fat milk will save you 5.2 pounds per year!

Buy lean cuts of meat. Trim visible fat off your meat before cooking and take skin off of chicken. Taking the skin off of a chicken breast saves 50 calories and 5 grams of fat.

Praise yourself every day. Give yourself a pat on the back for something positive you did during the day—getting some exercise, following your eating plan, passing up a high-calorie dessert.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is a continuous process of making small changes over time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Start Today!

Readers may write Laura care of the Pattaya Mail with questions or special topics they would like to see addressed.

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Local woman represents disabled ladies of Thailand at International Conference

by Suzanne Dooley

There was great excitement at The Redemptorist Vocational School recently, when Chanasta Ruenyen 31,who works for the school in the areas of public relations and fund raising, received an invitation to attend a consultation in Ferney-Voltaire, France, near Geneva, Switzerland, from November 17 to 19. All of Chanasta’s travel expenses will be met by the organizers.

Photo: Chanasta Ruenyen is delighted with her invitation to Geneva.

Chanasta, or Daow as she is more usually known says that "This is a dream come true! It is the most exciting moment of my life. I have always wanted to see Switzerland. I think I will have a good experience, although it is my first overseas trip."

Part of the International Labour Office’s response to the 1992 Beijing Plan of Action, initiated after the International Women’s Conference, the focus of the Consultation is integrating women with disabilities into the workforce. Being the only Thai participant from Thailand, Daow will bring to the consultation her experience as a disabled women trying to obtain an education and career in the kingdom.

Born in Northern Thailand, Daow contracted polio at the age of one year, the disease causing her to lose strength in her left leg, she now walks with the assistance of crutches. As an only child, she was fortunate to have parents who cared for her. They provided the extra help necessary for her to receive an education, enabling her to graduate from Chiang Mai University with a Degree in Economics.

Daow sums up the plight of disabled women in Thailand."If parents have many children, including a disabled daughter and they have a limited budget for education, then they will choose to educate the boys and not the disabled girl. They often don’t have the time to give the assistance the child needs, so the disabled girl does not attend school. They think that when she grows up, one of her brothers or sisters will take care of her. They see no need for her to be educated."

However upon university graduation, because of her disability, she could not find employment. Daow was refused a government job, although she had passed the written exam, the reason she was told; ‘because you have crutches.’ Resourceful, she worked from her home, tutoring local students for four years.

In 1992, after two years of unemployment, Daow came to Pattaya to study computing at The Redemptorist Vocational School for Handicapped Students. Upon graduating, Daow worked in reservations at Bangkok’s The Pan Pacific Hotel for two years before commencing employment at The Redemptorist Vocational School.

Speaking of Equal Opportunity for disabled women, Daow says "Thai women don’t have equal opportunity. This applies to all women, not just the disabled. But the situation is worse for disabled girls."

The Redemptorist Vocational School does accept girls, however currently only twenty-five percent of its students are female, as is only one of its twenty teachers. As Daow explains, "The disabled girls in Thailand don’t have the studies to get in. Some would like to study computer, but they don’t even have a Junior Secondary education."

At the Consultation, Miss Daow hopes to tell others the good points about The Redemptorist Vocational School. She also hopes to learn much, to further the opportunities for disabled women in employment in Thailand.

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Halloween '97

Halloween was originally a Celtic-Druid festival held in France and the British Isles in the Pre-Christian era. Closely associated with the harvest, which was gathered during the Autumnal Equinox, it was a time of great fear among the Druids. The Druids were a learned and intellectually sophisticated people who believed that evil spirits arose to during this time.

To keep these nasty demons from causing harm and destruction, the Druids would combine festivals of rejoicing for the harvest and watchful vigils to keep the demons away. One of the main ways was to keep bright lights, anathema to demons, burning. This became the ‘Jack O Lantern’ of today.

During the Christian Era, the Church renamed this Druid Samáin as Halloween, or ‘All Hallowed Evening’, to undermine Druid beliefs. The Church declared the following day ‘All Saint’s Day’.

The original significance of Halloween has been lost and a strange new twist has occurred. Instead of being frightened of the destructive demons, we now emulate them.

People’s true characters could be seen emerging all over Pattaya this Halloween, as the populace indulged in Druid revels.

When the Pattaya Mail enquired as to why, the answer was, ‘The devil made me do it!’

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Cafe Kronborg

Bjarne, the owner of Cafe Kronborg, is originally from Denmark, but this month he celebrates 20 years living in Pattaya. During all those years, he has kept alive the tradition of home made Danish food. Bjarne was also one of the founding members of the Pattaya Sports Club and is still very active as a registrar. PSC Sports news is a common topic of discussion in his place. No wonder that, besides his fellow countrymen, a lot of Sports Club members are regular customers.

The restaurant, being a ‘Dansk Restauration’, is designed like so many other restaurants in Denmark: cosy, clean and casual. A huge bar is in one corner, whilst in the other corner is an always occupied, large pool table and a dartboard. The rest of the space is filled with comfortable tables for four persons, garnished with red and white table clothes - the Danish colours.

After ordering an excellent glass of red wine, my friend and I began to study the menu. It’s not overly big, but contains quite interesting dishes. Since we were only two persons, we couldn’t order the "Smorgasbord", a selection of the sandwiches Denmark is famous for. For this order you must be in a group of a minimum of 6 people, but it is available any time.

Our first order was "Rulle Polse" for a starter. ‘What’s Rulle Polse?’ asked my friend. ‘You are a European, you should know’. I had to admit that I didn’t. It turned out to be a type of pressed ham and tasted almost like jellied meat, except without the jelly. It was topped with lots of onions and was served as one of the famous Danish sandwiches. Together with melted fat spread on brown bread, it just tasted marvellous.

The second starter we chose was "Pickled Herring" on another kind of Smorje bread. The herring was freshly imported from Denmark in a very spicy, sour sauce, again with lots of onions and mustard. The perfect dish for those with a hangover.

We also tried "Scandinavian Hash"; home fried potatoes, mixed with onions and pork and topped with fried eggs. It is a hearty dish for those who have just had a workout.

The last main dish we ordered was "Danish Meatballs". As soon as we tried it, we could taste the difference to other meatballs. The mixture of 2/3 pork, 1/3 beef, eggs, flour and onions, makes them very tasty and soft, especially as they are served with brown gravy, boiled potatoes and mixed pickles.

We ended our meal, traditionally Danish, with a cheese platter. The cheese is also imported from Denmark and I believe I don’t have to make any remarks about it, for all cheese lovers know the good taste of Danish cheese.

Cafe Kronborg also has a wide selection of Thai food and, of course, other European and international dishes. All the prices are very reasonable and range between 50 and 300 baht (for the cheese platter). Cafe Kronborg is also in the catering service and can make your party a success with prices ranging between 6,000 to 12.000 baht, according to the amount of people in your party and the food you choose.

Cafe Kronborg is located at 33/33 Soi Diana Inn, off Second Road, Tel. 423 203 or 423 809.

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Created by Andy Gombaez