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Business News





HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Top policeman issues crackdown on foreign mafia

District Chief says drug problem out of hand

U.S. Embassy Consular Officer to visit Pattaya July 23

Singer gives chase to deadbeat diners

Budget Launches Dynamic Incentive Marketing Plan

Top policeman issues crackdown on foreign mafia

Also orders hired killers off the streets

Police General Pracha Promnog, Director-General of the Royal Thai Police, issued strong orders for local law enforcement to crack down on foreign mafia in the area and get hired gunman off the streets.

The General visited Pattaya with his staff of officers and called together police department commanders from throughout the area for a three hour meeting, during which he issued orders to, amongst other things, clean out the mafia element, both foreign and Thai.

The Director-General told news reporters after the meeting that he was very concerned about Pattaya due to the city being a major tourist resort known world over. He went on to say the city has many visitors, both Thai and foreign, and it is not known what the intentions of all the visitors are who come here. The main concern for police is Mafia connections and others avoiding their own courts, hiding in Thailand after marrying Thai women or posing as tourists.

n1.jpg (24417 bytes)Police General Pracha Promnog, Director-General of the Royal Thai Police, talks with reporters after meeting wiht the area's police commanders.

In the recent past the police in the area apprehended many of these persons wanted for crimes in other countries. The Director-General said that he has reiterated the order to continue the effort to clean up the area.

At the same time he wants a concentrated effort to collect data, including confidential information, on all individuals suspected of having criminal involvement.

In addition, the intelligence collection centers and the tourist incident reporting centers are to be reorganized, emphasizing special attention for the safety of visiting tourists.

Another area to be emphasized is the recently established Foreign Criminal Suppression Center, which to date has not been producing as expected.

The Pattaya Police Department has also been instructed to request additional funds to initiate a new center to safeguard women and children.

The Director-General continued, describing the lack of communication among the many police agencies in the area, such as the coastal patrol and the port authority. He said he has yet to contact them, but the poor coordination is causing the efficiency of each department to suffer. Therefore, he has issued orders for the communication between all law enforcement agencies to be immediately re-organized to improve the overall efficiency with a combined effort to decrease crime in the area.

The Director-General also commented on the lack of meetings to coordinate activities and instill proper behavior within the police departments themselves, with internal problems often occurring. This was also discussed during the three hour meeting with unit commanders.

The Director-General ended the interview with news reporters by adding that orders have been issued to Chonburi, Chacheunsao, Nakhonayok, Chanthaburi, Trat, Nakhorn Pathom, and Prachinburi, whose areas are known to have a number of killers for hire, to have them identified and taken off the streets. The manner required to get it done is not so important as long as it gets done.

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District Chief says drug problem out of hand

“Drug dealers selling from tables set up on the street”

During a recent Banglamung District Security conference, District Chief Prasert Thanasethakorn emphasized that the ongoing drug problem is turning the district, as well as the country, inside out.

He referred to local residents who recently reported that the situation is so out of hand, drug dealers in the area of Soi 6 between Pattaya 2 Road and Beach Road are arrogantly selling drugs from tables set up on the street, with buyers queuing up to buy the junk.

He said the residents are astonished and are even more perplexed because authorities somehow allow it to continue. However, the District Chief said, "Now that this information has reached my office I intend to have the matter taken care of immediately." The location referred to is a congested commercial area full of restaurants, beer bars, and go-go bars.

The District Chief went on to say that the concerned residents have already made contact with his office and will be providing photographic evidence to support their accusation. This, he said, will assist police in cleaning up the area.

The Chief added that he is gratified that concerned residents such as these are willing to get involved. "Acts like this are sure to help society in resolving this drug epidemic we’re experiencing."

The Pattaya Police commented on the matter and also applauded the residents. A police spokesman said that in the past there were not always enough officers to patrol each and every area requiring attention, causing the criminals in some locations to feel at ease. This action will make the police’s job much easier, especially with the pictures as evidence, which will insure making the charges stick so the criminals do not get away with this criminal act. It’s not always a matter of the police not being aware of such incidents but in some cases it’s the lack of available evidence to support the accusation. If evidence is available the police are prepared to act immediately.

District Chief Prasert said that according to policy issued from the Ministry of Interior, administrators throughout the country have been instructed to target the drug problem, with a concentrated effort to resolve the situation.

One of the main aspects of the Ministry of Interior policy is to get local residents involved. The drug problem is considered to be epidemic, rampaging through the schools and the various tourist locations.

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U.S. Embassy Consular Officer to visit Pattaya July 23

Consular Officer Ethel Oates from the U.S. Embassy, Bangkok will visit Pattaya on July 23, 1999. Her visit will provide the opportunity for the Americans residing in the area to obtain a number of consular services without having to travel to the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok.

The officer will be providing services at the following times and location:

* Friday, July 23, 1999 from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 13:00 to 16:00 p.m. at the Merlin Hotel, 429 Moo 9, Pattaya Beach Road, Pattaya, Chonburi. Tel: (038) 428-755.

Below is a list of services that will be provided during this visit:

* extra passport pages

* passport applications (be advised, however, that new passports must be picked up at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok - they cannot be sent via mail)

* notarials, including affidavits required by the Thai governments for marriage, driver’s licenses and certain types of visas

* registration with the U.S. Embassy

* information on application procedures for Thai citizens seeking U.S. visas (note that applications must be submitted at the U.S. Embassy, Bangkok)

Please note that U.S. law requires a US$55 (or Thai Baht equivalent) fee for each notarial service provided. Passport applications cost US$40-60.

Please share this information with other Americans in your area. Should you have any questions, contact the American Citizen Services office at 02-205-4049.

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Singer gives chase to deadbeat diners

Gunshots fired but no injuries

Pattaya Police were called to apprehend two men who were partying at the Dara Café in Soi Bua Khao. Apparently the two had run off without paying their tab in the early morning hours on July 8th.

A singer from the Café gave chase as the men got in an old red Fiat and took off. One of the two men fired shots from a pistol as they sped away, but luckily there were no injuries.

n4.jpg (20260 bytes)These two caused quite the scene after first refusing to pay dared give chase.

Personnel at the Café gave police the description of the car and told them it went on South Pattaya Road and turned left on to Pattaya 3 Road towards Central Pattaya.

A patrol car caught up to the two men, but the red Fiat would not pull over until the police pulled along side of their car with their weapons drawn, motioning for the two desperadoes to pull off to the side of the road.

A search of the two men and the car produced a 9mm pistol with one cartridge left in the chamber and two empty shell casings inside the car.

Police returned to the Dara Café to complete the report where they met with the singer, Thawisak Phanphrom, age 37, who had given chase. He told police the two men came into the Café and ordered beer and food, with the bill coming to over 500 baht. They called for the check and argued over the price, then left after refusing to pay.

Thawisak noticed the argument and went after them, asking them to pay the bill. One of the men pulled a gun from his waist as he got into the car. Thawisak said he hesitated and as the car drove off, the man fired one shot. Thawisak said he had enough and jumped for cover. The man fired off four more shots as they went down the road.

Police found the other five shell casings and two of the slugs.

At the station Somkhuan Sunorndecha, age 32, from Chonburi City District, was found to be the shooter and is being charged with possession of an unregistered weapon and attempted murder.

The other man, Samojariya Keudsap, age 24, is from Banglamung and is being charged as an accomplice.

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Budget Launches Dynamic Incentive Marketing Plan

‘Team Budget’ Targets Sales Agents Nation-Wide

In a drive to make Budget the most widely known car rental group in Thailand, the company is embarking on an intensive 12-month travel trade marketing push.

Launched on July 1, 1999, Team Budget will target more than 500 individual Thai sales agents working in the airline, hotel, ticketing and travel industries.

The agents will receive a Team Budget Folder together with a lavish incentive scheme kit - Budget Rewards - which will offer an exciting range of gifts for participants who have accumulated Points (and Bonus Points) by recommending Budget.

The Team Budget program has been produced in the Thai Language. According to Budget General Manager, Thailand, Allan Davidson, this represents the firm’s goal of "building a strong enduring relationship with Thai agents".

"Our research revealed widespread customer and industry satisfaction with Budget services, but it also showed that Budget was not always top-of-mind with many individual agents," he said.

Mr. Davidson said the Budget Rewards catalogue - with a 200 choice gift range including selections of audio/video, household, life-style, toys & education, business & transportation prizes - was specially designed to encourage agents to promote Budget.

"Budget has been in Thailand for four (4) years and we are growing faster than our competitors. Now we want to show agents why they should recommend the Budget brand."

Mr. Davidson said he believed the Team Budget program would result in a significant increase in the number of dedicated Budget sales agents, leading to a large increase in car rental customers.

"This is a win/win situation for everyone; customers, agencies, individual agents, and Budget."

Budget is currently the third-largest car rental operator in Thailand. Budget has branches in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phuket, Koh Samui & Pattaya (and Krabi, from August, 1999).

The company has over 3,200 international locations world-wide, including 825 airport centres.

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Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand 
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Updated by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek.