Environmental protection: Oil
refineries among ten plants blacklisted
Ten industrial plants and factories inside the Mab Ta
Phut Industrial Estate have been blacklisted after they have found to have been emitting
chemical fumes or releasing toxic wastes hazardous to the environment. The tough measure
was taken, and was reported to the Ministry of Industry, after a working committee on
environmental protection met last week, said industry sources.
The oil refining plants of Star Petroleum Plc and Rayong Refining Co;
chemical plants of Tuntex (Thailand) and TOA Chemical Co; power producers Thai Co.,
Generation Co. and the Co-Generation Co.; have all been blacklisted. Under Thailands
industrial and environmental protection laws, blacklisted plants will be put on the watch
list by the national committee on environmental protection, and could face closure.
PM Chuan Leekpai, chairperson of the national commission on
environment, will be informed of the blacklist in a meeting later this month.
Though improved measures for environmental protection by the 10 plants have been
approved by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Energy, they will still be watched
closely under the code of industrial works.
Notebook computer: Competition heats
up in second half
Competition in the notebook computer market will heat up
in the second half of this year as major players vow to race for bigger stakes in the
market and introduce more products. Market leader Chevalier OA will launch 14 more models
as Acer Computer said it will contest for the champions seat in the second half, in
a market which is expected to sell over 24,600 units this year.
According to Chevalier marketing manager Veera Ratchatavarothai, the
company will soon start its launch of 14 Toshiba models in three families - Satellite,
Tecra and Protege - to customers in all market segments. Chevalier sold a total of 4,000
units of Toshiba notebooks in the first 6 months, controlling about 40% of the domestic
market, while the whole-year target is 9,000 units.
Acer Computer said it sold 1,100 units in the first quarter, and 1,400
more units in the second quarter, controlling 20% of the market.
Acer will launch a new model to the consumer market, while aiming for
more share of the corporate computing market, under its plan to be the market leader in
the first quarter next year.
Compaq is offering 1% interest rate in installment purchasing program.
Xenophobia: Groups target FM Tarrin
for plans to sell Bangkok to foreigners
Several pressure groups, led by Thai senior citizen and
social activist Dr Praves Vasee, have launched a new round of xenophobic campaigns to
protest a plan to sell parts of the government-owned Bangchak Petroleum Plc to foreign
investors. The groups, under the We Love Bangchak club, are to launch a
nationwide campaign which may oust Finance Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda, who they blame
for the sell off plan.
Leaders in the new campaigns include outgoing Bangchak president Sopon
Supapong, Narong Chokwattana of Pan Group and several other leading business figures,
former commerce minister and former president of GF Bank Dr Narongchai Akkrasenee, and
generals of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, said sources.
The groups will produce evidence to support the allegation that Dr
Tarrin is selling Thailands oldest oil refinery in a conspiracy with foreigners.
Former prime minister Dr. Anand Panyarachun is reportedly to join
forums to be organized by protesters in a nationwide campaign. The group said the
government privatization plan has been designed to benefit only a handful of private
investors. Associations of employees of state enterprises will join the campaign.
Note: Sources report that Governor of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand,
Virawat Chalayont, will resign from his post, following the example set by the president
of Bangchak Petroleum, if shares of the Ratchaburi power plant are sold to foreign
Frozen food: Colonel
Narong to go to America next month
Frozen Thai food products under the brand name
Thai Thai will be sent to the US market for the first time next month. The
products, with an imprint of the face of producer Narong Jiwangkura on the packaging,
which is similar to that of Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken, will later go to
Europe, aiming to attract Thais working overseas.
According to Narong, a marketing veteran and former managing director
of Kodak (Thailand), he but his face on the products because he was so very proud of them,
which are now available in Tom Yam, Tom Kha and Kaeng Keo Wan (green curry) with rice.
Narong also hopes that the products will some day become popular like KFC. Thai Thai food
products are produced by Sky International Co., chaired by Narong.
Only vegetarian Thai Thai products are available in the US market in
order to comply with restrictions on chicken and beef imports to the US.
While Thai food has been popular in international market, it is hoped
the face of Colonel Narong will help customers recognize his products.
Excise tax: Duty structure on
pickup trucks will be changed
The Department of Excise is set to change the tax
structure on trucks and utility cars adapted from pickups in order to reduce a huge
difference in rates collected from the sales of those vehicles. The departments
director-general, Dr. Somchai Ruechupan said taxes on double-cab, four-door pickups will
be brought down from the current rate of 50%.
The department has organized meetings with local car makers in the past
several weeks and a conclusion could be made within the next 2 months at the latest, he
said. The department had also met with the US Big Three who earlier said their
four-door vehicles could not compete with the Toyota Sport Rider, which is adapted from
Toyota Tiger pickup, because of the difference in tax rates.
A fairer tax structure should be adopted as Thailand is the second
largest maker of pickup trucks, only after the USA. Currently, the department collects
only 5% excise tax from every pickup unit.
Some local car makers have suggested that present rates be maintained,
to make room for them in competing with stronger foreign car makers.
Dusit group demands Baht 50
million in compensation
Dusit Thani Plc, which owns and operates a number of
hotels worldwide, has asked for a Baht 50-million compensation package after the
management agreement over Rayawadee Hotel in Krabi Province was revoked by the owner,
Premier Resort Krabi. Chairwoman of Dusit Thani, Khunying Chanat Piyauy demanded the
compensation in a letter to Premier Resort management on July 1, said industry sources.
Dusit Thani group signed an agreement with Premier Resort to manage the
Rayawadee for 10 years. The group has brought the hotel to the forefront during 6 years
under its management, with a record of success. Dusit Thani sources said the only reason
behind the Premier Resort move is that the group does not want to pay their management
fee, which amounted to a good deal last year, due to a huge increase in income.
Premier Resort management, however, said the Dusit group did not meet
their expectations, while internal changes inside the group sent Rayawadee into an
uncertain future.
Premier Resort, in accordance with terms of the agreement, has a legitimate right to
scrap the deal with Dusit Thani. The company officially told Dusit group last November
their intention to terminate the management agreement.
Garbage pails can be a highly
effective media
Thousands of new garbage pails along the two sides of
main Bangkok roads will not only keep the waste but will also carry advertisements. PJ
Group, a leader in outdoor advertising services, has been in discussions with Bangkok
Metropolitan Administration with a plan to put advertising on garbage bins. The company
will invest about Baht 100 million in the garbage pail project, said its chairman,
Prachuab Sajjafuengkitchakarn.
4,000 pails carrying advertisements will be placed at bus stops on 3
main roads, Prachuab said. PJ Group has been negotiating for 6-year rights with BMA over
managing the project, which will be invested one-sidedly by the company, he said. Trash
bin ad buyers range from small businesses to political parties running in the general
elections next year, Prachuab said.
PJ group will also introduce a few other new media to advertising industry, including
huge billboards carrying advertisements on top of Bangkoks skyscrapers, as well as
sides of buses and trucks carrying advertisements.
Internet boom: Number of users
likely to jump to 1 million this year
Internet services have expanded at an unexpectedly fast
pace this year. The industry has attracted a huge number of local Web surfers, surpassing
668,723, the figure estimated earlier this year. The number of Internet users in Thailand
could reach 1 million at the end of the year, said Thai ISP Club president Rear Admiral
Prasart Sriphadung.
Surfing fees are likely to fall further to between Baht 15 and Baht 20
per hour, from the current Baht 30 to Baht 35 per hour, when the four major Internet
service providers achieve the break event point, Prasart said. The club also sees a huge
increase in connecting capability to the World Wide Web, from 60.3 megabits estimated
earlier this year to more than 100 megabits at the end of the year. The connectivity has
already been increased to 65 megabits in the first 6 months, Prasart said.
The club says the main reason behind the rise in using the Net is the
economy, which has started to pick up. Internet surfing is no longer an extravagance and
the club has seen a huge increase in number of individual users.
The four largest providers - Internet Thailand, KSC, Loxinfo and A Net - have earned
much more this year, while smaller ISPs have also started to make a little profit.
Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
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Updated by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek. |