Pacific Motor Show
The Pacific Park Business Center in Sriracha is hosting
the Pacific Motor Show 1999, which started on the 27th August and will be
ending on the 5th of September. Many car and motorcycle manufacturers are
at the show displaying their models and equipment with a caravan of more
than 100 vehicles.
Proof vehicles on display.
One of the highlights at the show is the presentation
of locally produced bullet-proof cars. The vehicles cars are customized to
special order, with the bullet proofing conversions done by the Preecha
Auto Safety Company Ltd. These can be done on any type of vehicle and the
finished product looks no different from an otherwise normal vehicle. The
conversions meet the U.S. Standard NIJ STD-0101.03 with bullet and blast
proof windows, Kevlar body armour and steel plating. The tires have Run
Flat Tire Inserts capable of continuing on at 50 km/hour even after being
Cola’s Mobile Simulator.
Also appearing is the Coca Cola Mobile Simulator, which
cost over 30 million baht. This is the first and only simulator of its
type in Thailand. Using British technology, it shows virtual reality
movies. The purchase of two cans of coke and a 30 baht ticket allows you
to play games such as ice jet skiing or various car racing games.
Also on display are bicycles to promote cycling for
health, Car World Club is displaying vehicles used in the work area and
Kawasaki is holding a Moto-cross contest in an outside arena.
Chonburi Governor Sujarit Pachimnan presided over the ribbon cutting
ceremony to open the show.
Amazing Agro-tourism
It is often said that nobody who’s willing to work
will ever starve in Thailand. A 13th century king’s praise for his
homeland, inscribed in stone and memorized by schoolchildren, proclaims
that “there is rice in the fields and fish in the waters.” Even in
hard times like today, the country’s natural wealth continues to provide
hopes and a livelihood for its sons and daughters.
Thailand’s geographic location spans a length of more
than 1,600 kilometers-roughly the distance from New York to Miami-which
means its climate and plant and animal life are the most diverse in
Southeast Asia. The country is therefore able to grow tropical,
sub-tropical, and temperate lowland and lowland crops for domestic
consumption and export.
Rice has always been the most important crop, and many
varieties have been developed over the year to suit the climate and soil
types of different regions.
Cash crops such as rubber, cassava, maize, soybean,
tobacco, sugarcane and pineapple were introduced in the 1950s and 1960s.
Since then Thailand has become one of the world’s major food producers,
and looks set to keep its place into the next millenium.
It is impossible to talk about agriculture in Thailand
and not mention the Royal Projects. The first of these were started in the
early 1970s with the goal of improving the living standards of hilltribe
people in the North and wean them off opium cultivation. Temperate-climate
fruits and vegetables were introduced as replacement crops. These, as well
as later projects, have proved very successful both in eliminating opium
growing and promoting new farming methods in the northern provinces of
Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lumphun and Mae Hong Son, all of which offer
abundant opportunity for agrotourists.
The Royal Project Foundation has four research stations
and 34 development centers which work to support farmers in selecting
crops, improving farm management, and helping to preserve the environment.
The Foundation also helps farmers with marketing, packaging and
processing. Products are marketed under the brand name Doi Kham and are
available at supermarkets and at the Farmers Market near Chatuchak Park.
Traditional farm life varies from region to region. The
Central Plains are known as the country’s rice bowl, but the crop is
grown everywhere. Though mechanization is taking over in some parts,
manual labor is still in wide use, from planting to harvesting. Rice is
grown year-round in the Central Plains, but elsewhere the planting cycle
is fixed. Most of the country starts planting in May or June and harvests
the crop between October and December. The South, which has a different
rainfall pattern, starts planting between July and September and harvests
its crop between February and March.
There are fascinating rituals surrounding each step of
farming, and harvest time is the best time to stop by and see the farmers
at work, especially in villages where farming is not yet commercialized.
It is possible to visit the rice fields during harvest time, and at some
facilities, such as Maejo University in Chiang Mai, you can try your hands
at planting or harvesting the rice in their demonstration fields.
Fruit and salt farming flourish in the provinces on
both coasts of the Gulf of Thailand. The Eastern provinces receive the
southwest monsoon that makes them greener and wetter than the rest of the
country. They produce quality rambutan, mangosteen and some of the best
durians for local and overseas markets. Provinces southwest of Bangkok are
also fruit growers, though the list varies from one to the next, and
cottage industries long ago sprung up to absorb oversupplies. A visit to
these quaint little factories offers an opportunity to sample their
products and take home some of the best.
Thailand’s agro-tourism to a large extent shares a boundary with eco
and cultural tourism, since farm life is inseparable from local culture
and heritage. Agro-tourism centers run by the Department of Agricultural
Extension offer tours of local farms with nature exploration and home stay
in the villages. Some agro destinations can be enjoyable stops on a long
trip, offering sightseeing, education and shopping opportunities in one
Buddhist Meditation
Any of us have at one time or another found the toll of
living in the modern world hard to bear. Stress, depression and
disillusionment are some of the diseases of modern times that leave us
yearning for a solution, a cure, so to speak. More and more people are
turning to meditation as they fail to find the answer through worldly
Meditation is found in some form or other in all major
religious traditions. Even those who are not religious use it to focus the
mind, to hone it, so that it works better. In Buddhism, meditation is the
integral to the eight-fold path to enlightenment. One trains one’s mind
so that it can see the four-point Supreme Truth that forms the core of
Buddha’s teachings: suffering, what causes it, the end of suffering, and
the path to that end. Even if you are not interested in Buddhism,
meditation is a valuable training that can be applied to daily life, for
it helps with concentration and when done correctly can lead to a state of
peace and calmness that’s beyond worldly joys.
There are two main branches in Buddhist meditation:
samatha (calmness, concentration) and vipassana (insight), which stresses
mindfulness. This doesn’t mean that the two are entirely separate, since
you cannot be mindful unless you have at least some level of
The techniques of samatha meditation are many, some
older than Buddhism, others developed after the time of the Buddha. Among
the most commonly practiced here is anapanasati, or “mindfulness with
breathing.” This technique was advocated by the Venerable Buddhadasa
Bhikku (1903-1993), founder of Suan Mokkh Forest Monastery in Surat Thani.
Meditators at Suan Mokkh (Garden of Liberation) follow the 16 steps of
anapanasati as laid down in Pali texts.
Mantra meditation, in which you repeat a few words over
and over, is also widely practiced. Followers of this technique may chant
“Buddh” as they inhale, and “dho” as they exhale. The words may
vary, but the purpose of chanting is really to get the mind focused. Yet
another widely taught technique is kasinas, where meditators concentrate
on an object outside themselves, such as the flame of a candle, or a
crystal ball.
Sati, or mindfulness, is key to vipassana meditation.
You train yourself to be aware of the body’s action, the rise and fall
of your chest as you inhale and exhale, the movement of your feet and legs
as you walk, as well as your feelings, your thought, and finally, the
state of mind you are in.
Walking, sitting and lying meditation are but a few of
vipassana techniques. When the mind is untrained, concentration can be
shattered by the slightest stimuli-noise, smell, heat, hunger, pain, etc.
The key is to become aware of what happens, but not dwell on it. Still, a
novice can only ward off so much distraction, and that’s one reason why
vipassana retreats are usually held in peaceful and isolated settings.
Meditation teachings are widely available in Thailand.
You can attend a class at one of the teaching monasteries for an afternoon
or evening. Wat Mahadhatu near the Grand Palace, for example, has two
meditation training centers open to locals and tourists. Or you may join a
vipassana retreat, which usually takes a weekend or longer. A number of
retreat centers, most of them located in the provinces, run intensive
courses of up to four weeks on an ongoing basis. All vipassana retreats
require you to follow the Five Buddhist Precepts. These include refraining
from harming all living beings, from taking what is not given, from
improper sexual behavior, from lying and incorrect speech, and from taking
liquors and drugs that will cloud the mind. Some retreats may require that
you take the Eight Precepts, which in addition to the first five include
refraining from dinner, from all forms of entertainment and bodily
decoration, and from sleeping on high mattresses.
Respect for one’s teacher is inherent in Thai
culture. At the start of a vipassana session, you must attend an opening
ceremony, where you pay respect to the meditation masters and present them
with traditional Buddhist offerings of incense sticks, candles and
flowers-usually three lotuses or a hand garland. There is also a closing
ceremony, where you thank your teachers and bid them a formal farewell.
Even if you cannot stay for the duration of the course, be sure to perform
this ritual before you leave, since not doing so is considered very rude.
Once you get enrolled in a course, be sure to follow
only the technique taught there. Mixing techniques will only confuse you.
Usually, you are given instructions daily, and are required to report your
progress-or lack of it-to your meditation master on the following day.
After the interview you will be given advice and new instructions, or old
ones to repeat.
All-white, modest clothing is required at vipassana
retreats. Check ahead if there is a shop on the compound, or if you have
to bring your own. At most monasteries, simple accommodation and food are
provided, usually free of charge. Talking, reading and writing are
discouraged, as they will distract you from your meditation. And
meditators are not allowed to leave the retreat compound unless absolutely
necessary, so be sure to bring enough change of clothes, toiletries and
personal items for the duration of the course.
For first-time meditators, it might help to attend a day session or two
before you join a long retreat. Bangkok has a number of meditation centers
offering day classes in English. Many temples around the country also
teach samatha and vipassana meditation. Contact the nearest office of the
Tourism Authority of Thailand for a list of local temples where
English-speaking classes can be arranged.
What’s in the Bond
Another ceaseless worker for Pattaya’s needy, for the
Pattaya International Ladies Club and for Pattaya’s name has been
Catherine Bond. During her Presidency of PILC she was seen at so many
functions she became known as “the ubiquitous Mrs. Bond”! Her leaving
here after a three year stint cannot go without mention.
Catherine joined PILC for its networking possibilities
and worked her way through from the Membership Committee to the
Presidency. Her method of operation has always been professional, and that
professionalism shows today in even such small things as the PILC
Membership booklet.
She admits to “... always being an instigator” and
before coming to Pattaya was involved in charity fund raising in America.
Here she really developed and when the United Charities of the Eastern
Seaboard was formed she became the UCES inaugural Chairwoman.
Through these positions she became a very public
persona, but while help for those in need became a driving force there was
a hidden agenda being nurtured in her bosom as well. And that is the name
of Pattaya itself.
Catherine has been very disappointed in the publicity
the international press has given Pattaya. “Is there no sex in
London?” she said with the pent-up emotion coming through in her voice.
“No crime in America? No pornography in Germany?” She continued,
“These guys are just not doing their footwork. They sit in the bars in
South Pattaya, a very small part of the city, and write the ‘easy’
stories to sell to their readers. It makes me irritated! Boy, my blood is
getting hot just talking about it.” Catherine certainly wears her heart
on her sleeve.
It came as no surprise to find that even as she was
packing for her return to the United States she was finding the time to
assist Arlette Cykman, the Chairwoman of the PILC Holiday Bazaar, to
arrange this year’s event. When Catherine gets wound up, it is very
difficult to stop her. “It’s going to be a fabulous Bazaar. It’s on
the 1st of October. Everything’s under one roof and the Royal Cliff
Beach Resort has been just so-o-o-o helpful, Khun Panga, Mr. Wasser and
This interview was done on her last rushed day in
Pattaya and I asked her the obvious question as to whether she will miss
this city. “I have enjoyed this place just so much. You’re making me
wistful now. I am so sad to leave. I have family in the States and I’m
excited about seeing them again, but at the same time I don’t want to
leave Pattaya.” She was quiet for at least ten seconds and then suddenly
brightened up, “Hey, planes fly both ways, you know!”
I had to take a phone call at that moment and as I spoke Catherine took
my pen and wrote in my notebook “See you at the Bazaar! I’m returning
at the end of September.” And she was gone, but somehow I think that
Pattaya and Catherine Bond will never be separated for too long. You can
catch Catherine (and the Bazaar) at the Royal Cliff on the 1st of October!
Get Well Soon, John
by Dr. Iain Corness
John Richards has been one of the great stalwarts of
the Jomtien-Pattaya Rotary Club, and a principal mover in the local
charity scene. During his Rotary Presidency year 1998-1999 he became very
well known in the Pattaya area and was an enthusiastic supporter of groups
like the United Charities of the Eastern Seaboard and civic projects such
as the Road Safety Education Programme.
Six weeks ago, John suffered a severe stroke which has
left him partially paralysed down his right side and unable to speak more
than a few words. Following intensive care treatment and physical
rehabilitation therapy at the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital he improved to the
extent that he could at least walk and feed himself again.
Unfortunately, the response with speech and word
recognition has been much slower. Consequently, the decision was made, in
conjunction with John’s family, to repatriate him back to Australia
where this type of speech therapy can be procured. This has only been made
possible by the generosity of many people in our community. As John
required a medical escort for the trip, Pattaya Mail’s Mirin MacCarthy,
who is a trained nursing sister, volunteered to take him, as well as
co-ordinate medical referrals through Dr. Iain Corness’ General Practice
Group in Brisbane.
In Pattaya, John’s medical and hospital expenses were
picked up by Bryant Berry from Northern Thai Realty, while a large number
of people contributed to finance the trip. Amongst those were people such
as Georges and Ursula Rothstein, who only knew John in passing but
recognised a need, to his colleagues in Rotary and even a donation from
Delaney’s Irish Pub. John thanks you all.
John requested an open return air ticket and that was purchased, as he
still has hopes of being able to come back to Pattaya, a city that has
meant so much to him. The Pattaya Mail, in conjunction with all those who
have contributed or who knew him, wish him a speedy rehabilitation and a
smooth adjustment to his changed circumstances.
Amateur Chefs dominate
Chaine des Rotisseurs
That 700-year-old bastion of good food and wine, the
Chaine des Rotisseurs turned on a very different gustatory evening.
Instead of the usual venue of a top restaurant, the Chaine revitalised the
concept of “progressive dinners”. However, instead of the guests
travelling from house to house to sample the different courses, our local
Chaine, the Bailliage de Pattaya under the direction of the Baillie Jean-Fernand
Wasser, brought five chefs together at Sutham Phantusak’s residence.
and his wife Orawan and daughters celebrate his birthday at the end of the
Around 50 people attended this unique gastronomic
event, with most of the local “foodies” very prominent. Amongst these
were the Thai Garden Resort Vogts, the Mercure Betournes, the Royal Cliff
Beach Resort’s Thenisch and Wasser, the Little Hill Freis, the Sher-E-Punjab’s
Benni and Garry and even the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital’s Neera and Jack.
look so worried Hans, most of it is edible.
But it was the food and wine they had come for and
perhaps also a more than passing glance at the chefs themselves and what
they could turn out. Sutham presented an interestingly light Chateau de
Sequin Bordeaux 88, followed up by a Chateau Bel Air Bordeaux Raillon 95.
The soup was one of the starters and this was a tomato
soup with more than just a little bite. Chef Bruno from Bruno’s
restaurant refused to divulge the hidden ingredients, but it certainly was
not Heinz 57 Varieties!
The next was Thai appetizers, prepared and cooked by
City Councillor Sutham Phanthusak himself. These were a Tod Mun Pla
(fishcake) and an interesting Moo Yang, a southern Thai dish. Since the
dinner was held at his home and several of the Woodlands Resort staff were
hovering at his elbow, one felt that Sutham may have just been given a
little help. Whatever, the end results were adjudged as excellent.
Chaine dinners - Zey are a fun night. Oui?
The next course was very different. Pattaya’s
favourite Norwegian, Jan-Olav Aamlid presented some cold delicacies from
his home country. As he had just returned from Norway it was more than
probable that these were brought in as hand luggage! Jan-Olav presented
some of the best salmon this writer has ever eaten. In addition there was
whale and red wine sausage and another couple of cold meats including
Rudolph in red wine as Jan-Olav called it. The rest of us called it
The next chef was that ever smiling man of few words,
Peter Malhotra, who presented “Indian Surprises”. These were Vegetable
Jalfreeze, a Butter Chicken, Paneer Pasanda (home made cheese stufeed with
peanut butter paste), the scrumptious Mutton Vindaloo complimented with
pillao rice, plain and garlic naan. With much flourishes, Peter managed to
get several layers of butter chicken on his once immaculate chef’s
jacket and tocque, but kept on smiling. The fact that a couple of his
kinfolk from the land of the mighty Ganges were standing very close and
whispering instructions in sotto voce Punjabi made one feel that the
redoubtable Peter probably had more than a little help - especially as the
curries were very, very good!
a little more cream ... it needs a few more calories!
The desserts were supplied by Monika Rottmann, better
known as one of the driving forces in the Seaboard Sound musical group,
than as a chef. However, those who are in the Rottmann circle of friends
know that Monika is actually a very talented culinary queen and the German
Layer Pudding (translation) was guaranteed to put three kilo’s on
anyone, it was so rich. Monika attended to everything in the desserts tent
and there were no little elves or hidden helpers in evidence.
Once again, the Chaine des Rotisseurs put on a wonderful evening for
the local gourmands and if you have not been to one, you should keep a
careful watch on the Clubs Directory in the Pattaya Mail to find the
details on the next one.
Germans discover
The German speaking community in Pattaya was delighted
at the response given by the Bangkok based German-Thai Chamber of Commerce
on a visit to Pattaya last week.
left) Volker Fischer Deputy Chairman-Thai Glass Industries Plc, Dr. &
Mrs. Paul R Strunk Excuive Director-German-Thai Chamber of Commerce,
Ulrich Weber President-German-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Hans-Kurt Schäfer
Senior Vice President-Commerz Bank, Marion Vogt and Michael Vogt - GM Thai
Garden resort.
At the informal ‘get together’, a ‘Stammtisch’
in German, the Executive Director of the chamber, Dr. Paul Strunk admitted
he was quite taken aback by the numbers who had attended. In Bangkok, the
last Stammtisch attracted less than 30 members, while the Pattaya event
ended up with around 125 German speaking people filling the Moon River
Hosts at the Moon River, Michael and Marion Vogt,
managed to send urgent messages back to the kitchen as the numbers kept
increasing for the Thai buffet. Michael also added that he was very
pleased to be able to promote Pattaya in this way to his colleagues in the
and Margret Weiler of GTZ Sriracha with guests from Austria.
Dr. Strunk mentioned that his chamber had noted the way
the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand and the Australian-Thai Chamber
had come to the Eastern Seaboard to service their respective communities
and it was time the German chamber did likewise. With so many large German
companies in the Eastern Seaboard, it was only natural that they should
eventually come to Pattaya, too. He said, “In the past 20 years, Pattaya
has come forward with the best progress and best industrialisation in
Thailand.” Dr. Strunk also made mention that the chamber is 35 years old
in Bangkok, so is one of the more established chambers of commerce.
The President, Ulrich Weber, also addressed the
Stammtisch and said how encouraged he was by the way Pattaya had come on,
being in the centre of the Eastern Seaboard industrialised community, but
having a fine record for pleasurable pursuits such as golf and water
Kromadit CEO of the Amata Group (centre) flanked by Prof. Dr. Ernst
Günter Schilling German Director of the Thai-German Institute, Hans-Kurt
Schäfer, Senior Vice President-Commerz Bank and lovely guests.
Local German speakers were pleased to see the Bangkok
crowd give such a boost to Pattaya, with people such as Monika and Peter
Rottmann and Bruno and Erika Keller doing everything they could to help
the Vogts make the guests feel very welcome.
The evening was such a resounding success that the German-Thai Chamber
have already resolved to visit us again in the near future. Let us hope
that they will not wait 35 years this next time.
People buy benefits
not products!
by Richard Townsend, Corporate Training
But how do I discover the real benefits of my product
or service? The best way is to have sales staff complete a
features/advantages/benefits analysis.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines a feature as a -
‘distinctive or characteristic part of a thing’ and an advantage as a
- ‘better position, superiority, favourable circumstances’. A benefit
is defined as - ‘do good to, receive benefit (by thing)’.
Product features should be fairly obvious to anyone
selling their product for more than a few weeks. If you have staff that
has been selling a product for some time and they don’t know its
features you really should (no offence intended) advise them to change
their profession. Acknowledging that some products are more complicated
than others the fact remains we can’t sell what we don’t understand.
Try to get some sense out of the average computer sales person and you
will see what I mean.
Can your sales staff list down six to ten of the most
important features of your best-understood product or service? Why not ask
them just for fun?
Then check that they only have features listed buy
checking if what they have written qualifies under ‘The Concise
Oxford’ definition, i.e. is it a real product feature. Examples may be:
it has two handles, it is conducted over 3 days, it has a 3-litre engine,
it has river views, or it has a 400-megahertz ‘Pentium’ chip.
Then have them give each of the features at least two
advantages. In the Pentium chip example the advantages could be: faster
processing, quicker programme loading, superior movie viewing or quicker
web browsing.
The final step is to have them review the features and
advantages in light of the definitions; think about what the benefit is
and turn the advantages into real product/customer benefits. To do this it
is best to line the three headings up side by side and turn the three
categories into a sentence joining them with the words (feature) which
means (advantage) which gives you (benefit). An example is... this
computer has a 400-megahertz chip...’which means’... faster file
processing...’which gives you’...an increased work output over a
shorter time period. In the case of the two handled pot it could be
‘this pot has two handles which means it is better balanced when being
carried improving your chance of getting from A to B with out spilling the
contents. The three steps are essential to get to the real benefit.
People do things for their reasons not ours.
If this is true (and it is), then it stands to reason
that if we are going to make a sale to someone, we best find out his or
her reasons for buying. One useful technique for doing this is to look at
a useful motivation reference point that is common among many buyers.
Buying Criteria Guide:
S - Security/Safety
P - Performance/Power
A - Availability/Appearance
C - Comfort/Class
E - Economy/Ecology
D - Dependability/Durability
These BENEFITS are often referred to as the SPACED benefits and with a
little thought the criteria can be applied to all products and services.
North Eastern Heritage
Handicrafts of Thailand on display
The North Eastern Heritage Handicrafts of Thailand is
on display with traditional Thai music from the area performed for
viewer’s enjoyment at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort until the end of
The North Eastern Heritage consists of a wide range of
handicrafts including cotton and silk fabrics, basketry, and herbal
medicines expressing an ancient culture. Traditional lady’s skirts and
scarves, wall tapestries, cushions, shirts, trousers, and lengths of silk
and cotton for apparel and home d้cor are available.
Thai music will be performed at the handicrafts exhibition at the Royal
Cliff Beach Resort.
The people have been carrying on the tradition with
many generations of experience producing intricate and eye pleasing weaves
from the North Eastern Region. Natural dyes are used in the coloring of
the fabrics, painstakingly hand-woven on traditional looms. Many of the
designs are commissioned by ancient royal courts, preserving the weaving
heritage of North Eastern Thailand.
The project encourages development in the North Eastern region helping
to improve living standards and is supported by the Small Industry Finance
Corporation (SIFC) and the European Union (EU). The project also promotes
the establishment of social services at a community level.
Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand
Tel.66-38 411 240-1, 413 240-1, Fax:66-38 427 596; e-mail: [email protected]
Updated by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek. |