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 HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Vikings conquer Bjarne’s Birthday Scramble

Exciting finish in PSC Bowling

Phuket King’s Cup Regattas: Milestones of Life

Joe Sparey reigns supreme

Press Gang nabs pairs medal

PSC Golf keeps busy in November

PH3 Run #818

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Vikings conquer Bjarne’s Birthday Scramble

Sture Brisholm, Magnuss Johansson and Svein Vistung needed a replacement for Anders Karlsson. This Viking team had won last year’s Bjarne’s Birthday Scramble and they were looking to repeat, but Anders had gone to the Philippines. They picked their substitute well. Stefan Andersson joined the team and they never missed a beat. Shooting a gross 64 at Natural Park Resort (the same score they had the year before at Siam) they won the Scramble on Monday, November 8, with a net 58.9.

Every year the field has gotten larger for this very popular tournament. Last year, one hundred and five golfers teed it up at Siam. This year one hundred and twenty entered the competition held at Natural Park Resort. The larger field and the change of venue were not the only differences between the previous contest and this year’s tournament.

(Left to right in foreground) PSC Golf Chairman Mike Franklin, Natural Park Group Manager Michael Mesommont, and Cafe Kronborg’s Bjarne ‘Banana’ Nielsen enjoy the aftermath of a good day of charity golf.

At Bjarne’s request the Birthday Scramble became a charity tournament in honor of His Majesty the King’s 6th Cycle, 72nd Birthday. The proceeds have been designated to an on-going Pattaya Sports Club Charity Project featuring the new Street Kids facility being established close to the Elephant Farm near Siam Country Club. Still in its early stages, the needs of the facility include water and power supply, transport, and a sports field. One of the immediate projects is the establishment of a bakery as a source of fresh food and an operation that could be used to train some of the Street Kids as bakers. The cost of setting up the bakery is around B.60,000.

The other major difference with this year’s tournament was that Natural Park Resort Golf Club sponsored it. Natural Park donated the green fees from the 120 participating players, which combined with a further contribution from the players, raised a total of B.54,000.

What was not different about this year’s tournament was the very keen competition and the fun the golfers had in playing it. Finishing a mere nine tenths of stroke behind the winners with a net 59.8 was the Bunker Team of Paul Butler, Wilf Latham, George Meigh and Roy Mitchell. They shot a gross five under par 67 playing off an average handicap of around eighteen (Each team was allowed a handicap of ten percent of the team’s total). Rather than seeming dismayed, the Bunker Team appeared to be delighted with their second place finish, probably because they squeaked by two other teams by the narrowest of margins.

Arthur Bailey, Jim Boyd, Ged Mason and Ian Pike finished third, also with a gross 67, and a net 59.9. They in turn edged out another Scandinavian team by one tenth of a stroke. Peter Engwall, Matts Lindberg, Dan Lundberg and Ronnu Walfridsson took the last spot on the podium with a gross 66 and a net 60.

Near Pins were won by Stephen Beard, Darren Ottaway, Steve Mascari, and Egon Nielsen. Paul Ovens won the Men’s Long Drive and the Ladies’ Long Drive was won by Nual Russell. Ms. Russell won the Long Drive in this same tournament last year.

The post tournament festivities were held at the spiritual home of the Pattaya Sports Club, the Caf้’ Kronburg. Pattaya Sports Club Golf Committee Chairman Mike Franklin emceed the prize giving and the lucky draw while the smorgasbord was still being devoured and the beer was still being guzzled. The highlight of the evening was the auction of a tour model Maxfli Golf Bag. This was generously bought by Ray Matti. His contribution, plus some freelance donations, raised another B.9000. This brought the total raised for charity by Bjarne’s Birthday Scramble to B63,000.

The uniqueness of this tournament was noted by Mike Franklin in his comments to the golfers assembled at the Kronborg. “This is the first occasion that such effective sponsorship cooperation has taken place between one of the golf courses and the PSC Golf. The relationship developed over recent months between PSC Golf and Natural Park Resort is very positive and based on mutual business objectives and a better understanding between our two clubs. Kuhn Michael Mesommont, Manager of Natural Park Golf Clubs, is to be applauded for his creative approach which has enabled us to join together in a worthwhile charity event and to honor the Kings 72nd Birthday.”

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Exciting finish PSC Bowling

On Friday the 19th of November at 14.00 there will be lots of excitement at Pattaya Bowl in North Pattaya when the final round in this millennium of the Pattaya Sports Club’s Bowling League will take place.

The week before last, the team captained by 74-year-old Fritz was in the lead by 3 points, but last week 69 year old Otto’s team took the lead by 1.

Captain Otto’s first place team (from left) Jeed, Otto, Udom, Pin and Yao.

North German captain Fritz has two Swedes, Sven and Ake, and two Thais, Wan and Nith on his team. West German Otto is the lucky captain of four beautiful Thais: Jeed, Udom, Pin and Yao.

Talking with Fritz after the match last week he told Pattaya Mail that part of the reason for his loss of 4 points was that Sven was not playing due to a bad leg. He hopes Sven recovers before the finals this week.

Last week there were some good results. Bob achieved high game with handicap, 589 pins. Ake has the high for this season with 666 pins. Bob also had the high game last week with 210 pins, but Jan has the high of the season with 245.

Next week the public is welcome to watch the action. Entrance is free, but it is recommended to come early to get a good seat. Those interested in joining Pattaya Sports Club’s Bowling Section please come to Pattaya Bowl on Fridays at 13.30 and see bowling chairman La.

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Phuket King’s Cup Regattas: Milestones of Life

by Peter Cummins

This is the first of a two-part story chronicling the progress of the Phuket King’s Cup Regatta, first established in 1987 to honour His Majesty the King on the occasion of his fifth-cycle, sixtieth birthday. Held annually since then over the week surrounding the King’s birthday, this year’s thirteenth sailing salutes the Monarch, who is also the Regatta Royal Patron, for his sixth cycle, seventy-second birthday.

Basically every person uses milestones throughout life to commemorate personally important events and to measure progress along life’s path. History is a more formal account of the people, events and institutions which have influenced a given period.

Rachin Kanjana-Vanit - ongoing supporter from “day one”.

Sporting fixtures are one of the great depositories of memorabilia, facts and figures, as established champions and records are challenged each time the event is staged.

In the yacht racing universe, an annual international regatta is an event which certainly is a “milestone” for its enthusiasts. It could be the tycoon who sends his yacht and crew to a regatta venue and then flies there himself to participate, in between business deals. Or, at the opposite end of the spectrum, it could be one of the restless armada of ‘sea gypsies” cruising the sea lanes, timing a given landfall, to join a regatta fixture.

The first days of such an event are always the scene of a renewing of acquaintance and an exchange of personal experiences - usually heavily laced with anecdotes - encountered by each, since last meeting at the previous year’s - or an earlier - regatta or, even, some port of call around the seven seas.

The Phuket King’s Cup Regatta, about to enter its 13th sailing, has become, during this decade, just such a milestone - the bench-mark against which the thousands who have participated over the years measure the progress, not just of their sailing competence but also - and, more especially - the events in their own lives.

A typical pre-regatta scenario usually sounds something like this. An exchange between two business associates: “No, Bill, my last regatta was the eighth; I changed jobs right after that and was not able to enter last year’s.” Or, from a live-aboard ‘sea gypsy’: “This is my first regatta since 1992; the children were growing and needed a land-based school. Now I’m back on the circuit.” And again, from a top contender racing on the international circuits: “After our win in 1993, we raced the Admiral’s Cup and the big off-shore events, including two Sydney- Hobarts. Now we are back to take home the 1999 honours.”

Phuket, through the annual regatta, has become, in effect, the nautical focus of the restless, itinerant yachtie’s global village.

Yachts pass Koh Phi Phi rock-face at an earlier regatta.

When Regatta co-founders, Thai architect and developer M. L. Tridhosyuth Devakul and international lawyer Christopher J. King met with other yachting luminaries - Rachot Kanjana-Vanit, Al Chandler and Adolph Knees in mid-1986 to formulate plans for the Regatta, they knew that this would not be a small venture. All the elements of outstanding success were there for the asking: the superb maritime ambience of Phuket, the December off-shore north-easterlies, safe anchorages and the potential for a matchless social milieu.

It was most appropriate timing for the “launching” of the Phuket King’s Cup Regatta for, with his example, encouragement and Royal Patronage, the Monarch has been the inspiration behind the rapidly-developing sailing scene in Thailand and, by extension, the Asian region.

The first Phuket King’s Cup Regatta was inaugurated in 1987 to honour His Majesty the King - himself a gold-medallist dinghy helmsman in regional Games in 1967 - as a celebration of the Royal Sailor’s fifth-cycle, sixtieth birthday. Now we reach another milestone: the Thirteenth Regatta which will celebrate His Majesty’s most auspicious sixth-cycle, seventy-second birthday.

In appreciation of His Majesty, a donation from Regatta proceeds each year is given to support the diverse Royal projects helping Thai rural workers - projects instituted and closely followed by His Majesty.

The first regatta, basically like any inaugural event, served as the catalyst for future events. About 200 sailors from several countries came to Phuket to join a rare collection of keelboats, many of which were cajoled into coming to the event, from various anchorages around Phuket’s hospitable shores - particularly at Ao Chalong. They also came from neighbouring states Malaysia and Singapore and from Hong Kong.

That first event certainly was the benchmark for logistic problems. There were three locations, with the keelboat and beach-launched catamaran fleets sailing out of Nai Harn Bay in Phuket’s far south-western corner, the site of the then Phuket Yacht Club Hotel and Beach Resort which was the regatta headquarters until last year. Further north at Kata Beach was the Laser fleet, and the windsurfing division was a long way further north at Surin Beach.

But, out of that first, glorious, almost impossible-to-manage event, evolved the certainty that there would, indeed, be a Phuket King’s Cup Regatta. One of the many enduring - and endearing - regatta legends, the Saga of the Sams, became enshrined in the regatta folklore that first year.

Two Sams - Cohen and Corey - watched and monitored the action in and around Nai Harn Bay. Canadian Sam (Cohen), ensconced on the hill above Promthep Cape, scrutinized every move out there on the Andaman Sea through his monocular. American Sam (Corey) likewise monitored the fleet from sea level, on the deck of the junk serving as committee vessel. The frequent calls to the regatta nerve centre were quickly assigned as being from “Sam-on-the hill” or from “Sam-on-the-junk”.

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Joe Sparey reigns supreme

PSC Pattaya Golf Society from the Bunker

Tuesday, 9th November - Siam Country Club (Stableford)

Two flights (A - 20 handicappers and under; B - 21 and over) competed in round 2 for the Bunker Bonus and Player of the Month award.

The Society enjoyed the highest turnout to date, with 33 players from all over the globe. Welcome returns to Arthur Blackley, former Chelsea and Carlisle footballer, and Andy Anderson, Newcastle Utd. supporter stalwart.

Conditions were favorable, but many competitors found it difficult to read the greens. This, however, didn’t worry Joe Sparey and his partner Gary Hamill, who recorded 40 and 39 Stableford points respectively. The duel took on a nail biting intensity with Joe’s gutsy performance winning through at the very last hole.

Gary had a 2 shot lead and was lying just short of the bunker on the 18th hole, but he chipped into the bunker and lost his 2 shot lead and eventually his personal duel.

An interesting feature of Joe’s play was that he had just 29 putts. Joe now leads the merit table for the Bunker Bonus and Player of the Month. Well done Joe and a lessen to all high handicappers to keep their heads down and enjoy this wonderful game of golf.

Bert (Remi) Guy arrived late for the presentation waving his card aloft, great big smile on his face and confident that he had won. The second setback of his day’s outing was that Remi’s auto had lost a wheel within the vicinity of the renowned BB en route to the Bunker. His recorded card was a total of 37 points which gave him third position for his flight. A creditable performance and well placed for the P.O.T.M. award.

Messrs Bradle, Jones and Barbie recorded 30 and plus scores putting them well into the hunt also. There were two returns of 17 S/Ford points, but Anton didn’t want this published.

The winner of A flight was regular performer and excellent golfer Anders Karlsson with a net 70, two points ahead of (back to form) George Meigh with a net 73. Lennart is still in the hunt with a net 74.

George Meigh also had the distinction of two nearest the pins, with Levant Ballander and Bill Hewitt the other two winners. With such a big turnout, prizes for nearest the pins will have to be reviewed with the added attraction of green fees for the achievers.

It must be said that Roy “Tiger” Mitchell is doing well with his Tuesday a.m. and p.m. work load and it has to be appreciated by all the way he copes with so many people in such a short time at “The Bunker” on golf days.

All members are requested to submit any suggestions for the improvement of the running of the Society which is going from strength to strength. The Society even has Les Winche, and oldish stalwart, playing on the 16th and all welcome his re-emergence.

Two qualifying Bunker Bonus and P.O.T.M. awards week have gone with the pace hotting up. There are no bets who the eventual winners will be.

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Press Gang nabs pairs medal

PSC TAGGS... golf from the Hare House

Wednesday, November 10 - Natural Park Resort (pairs medal)

1st: John Gibson & Jimmy Little, 65 net
2nd: Brian Kelly & Paul Wilde, 67 net
3rd: Trevor Davies & Bill Chadwick, 67 net

Photographer John Gibson and scribe Jimmy Little formed a Press Gang that captured the TAGGS Pairs Medal competition at Natural Park Resort on Wednesday, the 10th of November. These two have played many a round of golf together and Jimmy has often accused John of being bad luck for his game. This was the first time they had played as a team and the “bad luck” excuse was obviously a lot of bunkum. The two shot a better ball score of 65 net.

Playing in the same foursome with the Press Gang were Brian Kelly and Paul Wilde. These two Englishmen were not particularly impressed with their adversaries and kept the contest close all day. They were only one down after playing the first nine (Natural Park’s ‘B’ course). When John Gibson, playing off 26, made a net eagle on the ‘A’ course’s par 4 third hole, Paul Wilde, playing off 11, answered with his own net eagle on the par 5 sixth hole. The match came down to the last hole, won by John Gibson with a net par.

Losing out on second place in a count back was the duo of Bill Chadwick and Trevor Davies. They made the turn with a better ball score of 35 and then Bill turned it on and shot a gross 48 off his 32 handicap. The team shot a total of 67 for the round.

Knocked off the podium after fifteen consecutive appearances in pairs competitions, was George “One Ball” Jackson. George teamed up with Stephen Beard and could only manage a better ball score of 70 net. George had a remarkable run and created a record that will probably stand as long as there is a Soi Post Office for it to stand on.

Friday, November 12 - Great Lake Golf and Country Club (Stableford)

1st: George Jackson, 39 points
2nd: Brian Brizzell, 37 points
3rd: Eddie Henheffer, 37 points
4th: Ciano Glavinia, 36 points
5th: Kerry Bremmer, 36 points

George “One Ball” Jackson will tell you and anyone else listening that there is no way on God’s Green Earth that he can play off his newly established thirteen handicap. He is absolutely correct. On Friday, November 12, at Great Lake, George played to ten in a TAGGS Stableford competition. George shot an 82 off the sticks that was good for 39 Stableford points.

In fairness, it must be mentioned that the white tees were positioned very far forward. In most cases they were adjacent to the yellow tees. That makes Great Lake quite a bit easier and the high scores returned reflected the shorter layout. On the other hand, about half the greens had been top dressed with what appeared to be sand from Jomtien Beach. At one point a golfer getting ready to putt was admonished that the local rule for removing stones in the bunker was not yet in effect. “I’m not in the bunker you twit,” he declared. “I’m on the **@#$@* green”.

Following England’s “One Ball” Jackson was a fair representation of the rest of the British Commonwealth. New Zealander Brian Brizzell had 37 points and took second place over Canadian Eddie Henheffer who also had 37 points. In fourth place was Australian Ciano Glavinia who came in with 36 points and edged out Canadian Kerry Bremmer in a count back.

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PSC Golf keeps busy in November

On Sunday 21st November, Lewiinski’s go to Great Lake for a two man better ball competition, leaving at 11.00 a.m. On Monday 22nd November, PSC Golf from the Caf้ Kronborg also goes to Natural Park Resort leaving at 8.15 a.m., and the Splinter Golf Group from the Green Bottle, leaving at 09.45 a.m., go to Bangpakong Riverside, both groups playing stroke.

On Tuesday 23rd, Pattaya Golf Society from the Bunker play Stableford at Natural Park Resort, while Lewiinski’s go to Sriracha to play stroke.

On Wednesday 24th November the Green Bottle group also play Stableford at Natural Park Resort, while Hare House play a two man scramble at Pattaya Country Club.

On Thursday 25th it is Papasan Ray Rogers Thanksgiving ‘Turkey Day’ Tournament at Pattaya Country Club, followed by the traditional Thanksgiving Supper hosted by Ray at his house. Sign-up quickly at the Caf้ Kronborg for this one. Field strictly limited to 120 players.

Finally for the week, there is the monthly Diana Group Medal at Rayong Green Valley, while Hare House go to Siam Country Club to play Stableford and Scandic Hotel play their weekly two man scramble at Sattahip.

The November and December Schedules can be seen at all PSC Golf Venues, at Delaney’s, in Pattaya Mail and on the PSC Web Site at

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PH3 Run #818

8 Nov 99. Well! This week - for a change - it did not look as if it would rain. So that brought everybody out. Not too long to the A-Site. Chicken Fellow called the Circle. Two men and a waitress from TQ 1 (she used to be a sexy dancer with black boots at TQ1) came in with new shoes and they went out with wet new shoes after having them filled with beer. Hares On In! Charlie Manson and Stealth Pedophile. Charlie told us that the paper was white and the checks were red - in that direction. I was wondering why Charlie was still wearing his Halloween Mask from last week.

Off we went. At the first check things started going horribly wrong. People checked in all directions and you passed the same faces three and more times. Pegleg thought we were doing the run backwards, so some gave up and started making their way back to the beer truck. At the point of no return we came across some fellow hashers running towards us. This confirmed Pegleg’s clever observation that we ran this run backwards...

It was soon time to cool off with cold beer and chips while the cracks grazed happily. Chicken called the circle and informed us about Groupie’s 100 Day service and party at the Hare House and TQ 1. The cracks were excited to be allowed in the TQ during the daytime. Who Ate All The Pies made a return as Raffle Master and showed us how it should be done.

Our R.A. Sir Airhead took control and iced the Hares. He asked if they had a song - “Yes!” - but we knew that they were lying. Someone came in and left with the name “Smiling Brown Spider”, a very apt name. Then it was time for the main event of the night: going for the new world female record ice-spinning with Star Trek, Miss Kentucky, Ewok and Sexy Slim as spinners. Ewok up first with a nice easy 11/2 spin. Then Sexy Slim was spun by Miss Kentucky so fast, it was just a blur. She went so fast she was lucky she did not fly out of the circle. Two more tries each and Ewok ended up as the Champion with 2 revolutions. It was nice to have two lovely buttocks instead of the normal big white spotty bums dangling on the ice.

It was soon time for the Hash Hymn. Then off to Delaney’s for some excellent good food enjoyed by all. Then it was Party Time with dancing and singing. Even Uncle Fester shaking a wicked hip. A song or two by Miss Kentucky and Star Trek and an end to another excellent day with the Pattaya Hash.

On On Chicken Fellow

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Updated by Boonsiri Suansuk

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