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  HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]: 
What kind of aircraft is this?

Mr. Wright is right

Jomtien - never again

A not-so-artful dodger

Elephants, but no toilets

What kind of aircraft is this?

Dear Sir,

The attached photograph was taken last month at a scrap yard located on the main road to Bangkok about 3 or 4 km past the Sriracha Tiger Zoo.

My knowledge of matters relating to civil aircraft is pretty extensive, but I am fairly ignorant when it comes to the military side of aviation. My reference books have not been helpful in identifying the aircraft in the picture. I have an idea that it is a Fairchild Packet or Provider. The engines fitted on this particular aircraft were two pistons and two small turbojets (to help it to take off in certain conditions).

I know that there are many ex-US armed forces personnel living in Pattaya. Could one of them put me out of my misery and identify the aircraft please?

By the way, the railway carriage also featured in the picture is a mock-up of the Bangkok Skytrain which was used for publicity and research purposes. So the rumours about the Skytrain coming to Pattaya were true (if only!). There are two C47 Dakotas being broken up at the same scrap yard. They are a sad sight.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Minto

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Mr. Wright is right


Mr. Wright’s usual articles about high finance are completely beyond my ken, and of all my fellow members of Pattaya/Jomtien Branch of “Living Dead Expats”. Qualifications for membership are the ability to live on a damp patch or 30 baht per day.

However, the penury of many members is due to the common condition of not believing in the Gaussian Curve, or if they did, thinking that their fortunes might be located at the positive rim of the curve.

Mr. Wright has done an excellent job of laying out many off the pitfalls for the unwary or the “love” blighted. There are a few others which I might mention. One is that there is apparently no Zoning, that is, it is OK to open a Karaoke Bar or a Boiler Shop in what might be considered a residential area.

Secondly is the quality of construction. Looking at many building sites, it is never clear whether they are being demolished or built. Many a visiting brickie has succumbed to a heart attack after viewing walling here. The end result is that a building may collapse around one’s ears, even in the brief allotment left to our club members. Plenty of warning of failure is given. If any footpaths or roads are laid around one’s dream house they generally subside 5 years before the main structure.

I would heartily endorse Mr. Wright’s advice to rent, leaving one all the options... if only I had known!

John Angus


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Jomtien - never again

Dear Editor;

I had occasion to visit Jomtien Beach with my new lady last week. I hadn’t been there for 5 years. I came to remember why. What a disaster!

I foolishly thought that I could have a nice peaceful afternoon down by the beach sitting in a chair and taking in the air. No sooner had we sat down not far from the police box then we were besieged by beach vendors. These were a very persistent variety of peddler that would not take a polite “No thank you” for an answer (even when spoken in Thai). They rapidly perceived that my Lady was not from round here nor well versed in the crudities of Pattaya and set about her unmercifully with all manner of cajoling and wheedling to get that fat falang to part with his money for some vastly overpriced slice of watermelon. I had to use a very loud Thai expletive to get rid of that piece of insolence. This went on interminably. I timed their appearances. One a minute solidly for over two hours until I could stand it no more.

I got up and left in disgust with my little lady confused and dumbstruck by their awful behaviour.

So, Jomtien - never again!

A long established known reader,

PS keep up the good work

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A not-so-artful dodger

Dear Pattaya Mail,

I notice that one of the toilet blocks has now been demolished completely. Is this because all the male community that frequent that part of the beach still insist on peeing up the fence? The smell is now beyond belief.

Also, on several occasions I have not only been run into by motor bikes but the other day a car driven by a Thai did try to run me off the new pathway from Pattaya Park to Jomtien.


A daily walker from Pattaya Park to Jomtien Post office

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Elephants, but no toilets


Page 5 of today’s Pattaya Mail shows us a picture of the new toilet block on Jomtien Beach. Well this has been knocked down. What appears to be a new block is to be sited just a short distance along the beach.

Elephants on Jomtien Beach, yes here we go again as yesterday 2 of the smaller elephants were on the Jomtien Beach at 3:30 p.m.

Best wishes,

David Ferguson

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Updated by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek, assisted by Boonsiri Suansuk.

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