Pattaya’s Annual Songkran Festival complete with representation from all 4 regions
Creative “Palm Trees” result in generous donation to Pattaya Orphanage Mr. Rainer Gundlach, owner of Rainer’s Bistro and publisher of the German language paper “Eiermann Kurier”, organized a party for 24 children of the Pattaya Orphanage on April 13th at his Bistro, spoiling them with Hamburgers, chicken-legs and soft drinks. Homemade popcorn, prepared by Brigitte and Guenter Paetzold, also made the day for the youngsters. Many of Rainer’s customers and friends came to the party, bringing presents along for the kids.
One year ago, when Rainer, together with some of his customers, created the “Eiermann readers donate for the Orphanage” action, nobody believed that this would have been such a success. Imaginative palm tree medals with the name of the doner were sold for only 100 baht each and hung on a real palm tree. Within one year, 1,512 ‘palm trees’ were sold, the amount of 151,200 baht was raised, and Mr. Rainer proudly presented a cheque - and the palm tree, to Father Michael Picharn during the party. Mr. Rainer especially thanked one man, Mr. Udo “Chico” Beilstein, for his great solo help of selling 300 palm tree medals. When Rainer announced that this action will be going on in the future, all the guests automatically reached into their pockets to buy some more palm trees for the year to come.
Miss Songkran? Don’t miss this Miss Songkran! Top Class Entertainment put on a beauty contest as part of the Songkran festivities. However, it was not the contestants that were getting wet, but rather a large and sweaty contingent of US forces who had packed the Planet Rock nightclub venue. The judges, in fact, were a trifle apprehensive with the mass of muscled marines jostling and shouting their appreciation behind them, while they carried out their onerous task of impartially judging some of the best looking girls this side of Pattayaland 2. The judges were the Australian “Good Dr. Iain” from the Pattaya Mail Channel, another Ian but American, from the Pattaya Info paper and a young Christian lad from Sweden called Kristiaan. It was going to be interesting to see just how the judges from different parts of the world would handle all the lovelies before them. Well, “handle” is probably the wrong term, though Pattaya Info Ian had soon developed that nervous twitch and began rubbing his palms together. The finalists came from Planet Rock, Venus (the perfect woman ‘coz she’s got no arms to push you away!), All Girls (let’s hope so!), Lipstick (smudge free of course), Rodeo Girls (Ride ‘em cowboy), Caf้ New Orleans (I’ll have mine tender, thank you) and Bubbles (pop!).
While waiting for the Beauty Contest to begin, the assembled marines were treated to a dancing display by some young ladies who were all kitted out in full Songkran combat gear - bikini’s and boots. Dr. Iain being particularly taken by Number 99 (his old racing number, or maybe his age), but at last, the chrome poles were removed from central stage and the Beauty Contest was in full swing. The three judges wrote copious notes, while drinking copious amounts of amber liquid to refresh and cool their fevered brows. The marines got in full voice and the MC, sporting a large jacket that must have fitted the original owner, brought the contest back into line so that we could all hear the answers of the contestants to difficult questions such as their age and where they came from. But it was all good light-hearted fun, and the winners were eventually named with the top spot of Miss Songkran (Pattayaland 2 version) being taken by the lovely Anne from Rodeo Girls, closely followed by Ting from Planet Rock and a scant half a point behind her, Mod from Caf้ New Orleans. Prizes and trophies were presented, and the judges repaired to the pool room upstairs where a spread of cold cuts and drinks were provided to cool them down again. Top class stuff, Top Class! It is reported Dr. Iain is still smiling!
Miss Songkran 2000 at the Royal Cliff The Royal Cliff Beach Resort, in keeping with its annual celebration of the Songkran Festival, staged a full house gala dinner attended by in-house guests and residents of Bangkok and Pattaya.
Shown in photo with Ms. Pattahama (center) are the resort’s managing director, Mrs. Panga Vathanakul (4th from right), and the other winners, Ms. Yajai Sawanghatrab (4th from left, 1st runner-up) and Ms. Wiruwarn Tinnoros (3rd from right, 2nd runner-up) of the Personnel and F&B Departments respectively. All three winners received cash prizes and other gifts from the management of the resort. The winner and candidates of this year’s Miss Songkran competition were presented to the public as part of the Royal Cliff Beach Resort entourage during the recent parade of floats held in Pattaya City.
International School of Pattaya holds Sports Day The end of term at the International School of Pattaya means Sports Day. This is when the three houses, Windsor, Stuart and Tudor take part in a sporting contest that can be described as being somewhere between the Battle of the Somme and Star Wars. Windsor House (Blue) has dominated recent contests, but could Tudor (Red) and Stuart (Yellow) spring a surprise? Mr. Rob, the teacher in charge of Windsor, walked confidently into school grounds; to him defeat for his house was as likely as Birmingham City winning the Premiership.
However, his smug self-confidence took a battering when Tudor won the Rounders. Could Mr. Simon, ISP’S newest teacher (from Yorkshire) lead Tudor House to a surprise victory? The races were well contested with excellent performances from Rachai Kusalopragara, Tantaporn, Lambert, Jane Herczog, Jullada Lambert and Choi Man Foi. Everything nearly turned sour because of a hotly disputed “Egg and Spoon” race. Order, however, was quickly restored and after the athletics, Blue House had edged ahead. Windsor then further asserted supremacy with a victory in the basketball. There followed two “Staff Challenges”, Mr. Rod challenged the best player from each house to a table tennis match. His composure was closely ruffled as first Vichai Chu and the Fame defeated him. Then he unleashed his full fury on Eric Chu defeating him 21-10; honor was restored.
The stage was set for the headmaster, Mr. Graham to try and save six penalties from each house in a penalty shoot-out. In the end he saved all six from Stuart, four from Tudor and three from Windsor. The highlight was a penalty from Nee, she hit the ball with such power that only the strength of the net prevented it from flying to Bangkok. Windsor’s lead was further underlined. The final event was football, which was won by the Red House, thanks again to the excellent goalkeeping of Mr. Graham, skilful midfield play by Mr. Simon and steely defense by Jack Cox, a new pupil with a lot of football talent. Despite being relegated to third place in the football, Windsor won again. The point’s totals were: Windsor 81, Stuart 79 and Tudor 77. An excellent day and close contest, giving Tudor and Stuart hope for next term. Mr. Rob went through the front gates, liming heavily, as he knew it had not been easy
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