Pasi Venalainen wins 2000 Canadian
Jack-a-lope Open
Pasi Venalainen pasted beautiful Eastern Star Golf Club
for 39 Stableford points on Friday, September 8, and won the 2000 Canadian
Jack-a-lope Open golf tournament. Of the 90 entrants, no one was able to
score in the 40’s and only seven golfers broke net par. It was a
gorgeous day, but the wind was blowing briskly and steadily all day,
keeping the scores down and the battles between golfers close. Four of the
top trophies were decided by count back, including Pasi’s win over
Norman Brooks.
Venalainen pasted the beautiful Eastern Star Golf Club and won the 2000
Canadian Jack-a-lope Open
For his day’s labor, Pasi will have his name engraved
on the permanent Jack-a-lope Champion Trophy that now resides in The
Haven. He also took home a handsome golf bag and an even more handsome
bottle of whiskey.
When it came to taking home prizes, no one did better
than Steve Mascari. For the second consecutive year, Steve won the Low
Gross honors and his scratch 76, off five, won him a full one-year
membership at Eastern Star. His 37 Stableford points took first place in
Division One and a huge bottle of Canadian Club; his Long Drive won a shoe
bag; and his two Near Pins pulled in a 1000 B. voucher from Delaney’s.
Steve had so many Jack-a-lope trophies sitting before him at The Haven it
looked like he was opening a pet store for demented rabbits.
In addition to donating a passel of 1000 B. vouchers,
as they have so often done at local golf tournaments, Delaney’s
contributed a keg of beer for the Near Keg hole. That was won by Serge
Straeten who wondered aloud, “Do they give me a long straw to go with
this barrel of beer?” Meanwhile, Fast Eddie Christianson won a year’s
free Carvery Buffet at Delaney’s in the 50/50 Draw. After a year at the
Carvery, Eddie will be looking for a new nickname.
There were an astonishing 33 trophies presented at the
post tournament party held at The Haven. Norman Brooks took consolation by
winning the first place trophy in Division Two for handicaps between
fifteen and eighteen. Stefan Ryser was the winner in Division Three with
38 Stableford points and his wife Toy once again won the Ladies Long Drive
to add to their warren of Jack-a-lopes.
George “One Ball is Enough” Jackson successfully
defended his Seniors championship for old codgers over the age of fifty.
George really is a sweetheart for a demi-eunuch and was all smiles over
winning a first place trophy with 34 points. That was the point total for
Vic “Oh No, Not Over There” Cross who took the premier spot for Super
Seniors. Vic takes great delight in whipping younger golfers and it should
be pointed out that he would have qualified for the Seniors Division back
in 1976.
The under lying purpose of the Jack-a-lope Open was to
raise money for The El Shaddai Center for abandoned children and The
Garunyavet Center for disabled ladies. These organizations struggle to
make ends meet, and the 160,000 baht that was raised by the local golfing
community will go a long way to helping out. The Pattaya Sports Club alone
donated 20,000 baht. Almost 60,000 baht was raised in the 50/50 draw
thanks in part to Eastern Star, who in addition to a year’s membership
for the Low Gross, donated a second year’s membership for the draw, and
a Family Weekend at the resort as well. Certainly some credit for the
success of the 50/50 has to be attributed to the salesmanship of Derek
Reaper who was hawking tickets at The Haven while the golfers were wolfing
down the food. “Reap” is a big boy and a hard person to say no to.
Gordon McKnight didn’t say “NO” and ended up with half the moolah
and a whole lot of new friends. Wherever Gordon went on Friday night he
had a whole herd of Jack-a-lopers following right behind him.
When the day was done, Malcolm “The Snowman” Clare
was sitting poolside at The Haven enjoying a much-needed drink. Malcolm
was one of the stalwarts in running the tournament and he had been run
ragged. The heart and soul of the Canadian organizers, including Mark
Gorda, Eddie Henheffer and Moe Deverdenne, had all been unavailable
because of work. “How is it that you, an Englishman, was so involved
with this event?” Malcolm was asked. Without batting an eye and with a
perfectly straight face Malcolm replied, “I am sure it was because of my
very close resemblance to Mark Gorda.”
Champion 2000: Pasi
Venalainen, 39 pts. C/B
Low Gross: Steve Mascari, 76
First Division (0-14): Winner: Steve Mascari,
37 pts, Runner up: Rick Sharp, 36 pts C/B, 3rd Place: Fabian Arp, 36
Second Division (15-18): Winner: Norman
Brooks, 39 pts, Runner up: Steve Ross, 37 pts C/B, 3rd Place: Doug
Powell, 37 pts
Third Division (19-28): Winner: Stefan Ryser,
38 pts. Runner up: Pete Galle, 36 pts C/B, 3rd Place: Paul Hartley,
36 pts
Ladies Division: Winner: Mam Trayling, 39
pts, Runner up: Banjob Franklin, 38 pts, 3rd Place: Urai Kongnok, 33
Senior Division: Winner: George Jackson, 34
pts, 2nd Place: Ebrahim, 33 pts
Super Seniors Division: Winner: Vic Cross, 34
pts, 2nd Place: Arthur Bailey, 33 pts
Rabbits: Winner: Len Jones, 34 pts
Long drive: Div 1: Steve Mascari, Div 2:
Steve Bullock, Div 3: Dennis Curtain, Ladies: Toy Ryser
Near pins: #4 Div 1: Steve Mascari, Div 2:
Doug Powell, Div 3: Urai Kongnok. #8 Div 1: Rick Sharp, Div 2:
Russell Finch, Div 3: Ken Cooke. #12 Div 1: Steve Mascari, Div 2:
(no winner), Div 3: George Meigh. #15 Div 1: Eddie Blackwell, Div 2:
Wilf Latham, Div 3: Malcolm Clare.
Near keg: Serge Straeten
Best 2nd Shot: Kevin Taylor |
Schumacher again
But proves he is human
The 14th round of the F1 World Championship was a day
of crashes, chaos and tears as Michael Schumacher won his 6th GP this year
in front of Ferrari’s home crowd, and a fire marshal lost his life in
the first lap melee.
At the start, after qualifying 1st and 2nd on the grid,
the Ferrari’s of Schumacher and Barichello were looking good, but a
botched start by the Brazilian saw him in 5th as the field streamed
through the first chicane. Well, most of the field, as Eddie “the
Mouth” Irvine’s Jaguar attempted to eat Mika Salo’s Sauber and Eddie
took the Jaguar slowly back to the zoo, while Jean Alesi’s Prost refused
to leave the grid and had to be coaxed into starting by a pile of Parisian
cruises home to victory, equalling Ayrton Senna’s record of GP wins.
As the field approached the second chicane, Schumacher
and Hakkinen were safely through, but behind it was chaos. Both the
Jordans of Frentzen and Trulli came together with Barichello, who in turn
took out Coulthard in the McLaren Mercedes. Herbert in his Jaguar jumped
on the brakes early as De La Rosa in the Arrows was on full noise,
launching the Arrows 20 metres in the air as it cart-wheeled into the
stationary cars of Coulthard and Barichello.
Amazingly, none of the drivers were killed, although an
unlucky fire marshal was hit by a flying wheel from one of the cars and
later died in hospital. Despite all the safety features in the cars, Motor
Racing is Dangerous, as the admission ticket says.
Three laps after the restart, Villeneuve’s hopes of a
podium finish expired along with his Honda engine. Meanwhile, at the front
it was all Schumacher, who cruised home in front of Hakkinen’s McLaren
Mercedes and little brother Ralf in his BMW Williams. There were surprises
down the field, with both Minardi’s finishing and not last ones home,
and Jean Alesi’s evil Prost finally made it through to the end of a GP -
but in dead set last position - but at least it was a finish!
At the press conference Schumacher showed a human side
to his ultra competitive nature, breaking down in tears after being told
that he now equalled Ayrton Senna’s record of wins in GP’s, to be
comforted by Hakkinen and Ralf. Nice touches in a cut throat industry.
The Championship points now stand at Hakkinen with 80,
Schumacher Snr 78 and Coulthard 61. No other driver has a mathematical
chance for this year’s title, and Coulthard’s hopes are slim.
The next round is in America at a new track in the Indy complex.
Game fishing out of Pattaya
With the Pattaya Sports Club
Fishing For Cobia
Rachycentridae Family; also called ling, lemonfish, black
salmon, black kingfish, sergeant fish, crab-eater, runner, cabio, is found
worldwide in tropical and warm temperate waters both offshore and inshore.
Adult cobia seem to prefer shallow continental shelf waters. They
particularly like buoys, pilings, wrecks, anchored boats, flotsam, etc., and
will sometimes congregate around these objects. It is the only known member
of the family Rachycentridae. It has a long, broad, depressed head. The
overall appearance of the fish is similar to that of a small shark, given
the shape of the body, the powerful tail fin, and the elevated anterior
portion of the second dorsal fin. Even more striking is its resemblance to
the remora. The most noticeable difference between these two species is the
suction pad on the remora’s head. The cobia is known to swim with sharks
and other large species as the remora does.
Pickett with 47 lb. Cobia caught Feb 6, this year.
The cobia’s coloration and markings are distinctive.
The back is dark chocolate brown while the sides are lighter with alternate
horizontal stripes of brown and silver or bronze and white. The markings on
smaller specimens are more vivid; the black and dark stripes are blacker,
making the lighter areas stand out more.
The cobia is a highly rated, hard-hitting game fish that
is prone to long, powerful, determined runs and occasional leaps. Often when
one is hooked the entire school will surface along with it. Preferred
fishing methods are trolling with lures or baits, bottom fishing, jigging,
chumming, and spin casting. They can be caught on crustaceans (which is why
they are nicknamed “crab-eaters” in Australia) as well as on smaller
fishes. Good baits are squid, crabs, small live fish, cut bait, and strip
bait. Spoons, plugs, and weighted feathers can also be used. They rate high
as table fare.
Come join the PSC in this exciting sport, with monthly
fishing tournaments. For information regarding game fishing out of Pattaya
with the Pattaya Sports Club please contact Carl Engel, PSC Fishing Chairman
at phone 038-410228, fax 038-426121, or e-mail < [email protected]
>. Or the Pattaya Sports Club phone / fax 038-423809, or e-mail < [email protected]
Asian Open Veteran’s Tennis
Championships finals this weekend
The finals of the Asian Open Veteran’s Tennis
Championships 2000 are being held this weekend, September 16 & 17 at the
Siam Bayshore Resort in Pattaya.
Over 200 men and women over the age of 35, representing
10 different countries spanning the globe, have been competing throughout
the week in singles and doubles events on the hard courts of the Siam
Bayshore Resort.
All finals matches are best of three sets with
Countries represented include Thailand, Germany, Japan,
Taipei, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland, Indonesia and the USA.
The Asian Open Veteran’s Tennis Championships is being
conducted in accordance with the rules of the International Tennis
Federation and is sanctioned by the Asian Tennis Federation and the Lawn
Tennis Association of Thailand. General Wichan Siritham is the Chairman of
the Organizing Committee.
TQ 1 Bob wins four points and moves to
second place
Pattaya Sports Club Friday Bowling League
TQ 1 Bob team with Captain Suda, Jim, Wan and Aun was
the only team to win all 4 points in the last two weeks of PSC bowling and
it catapulted them up two places into second place behind the league
leader Lewiinski’s.
Bowling chairperson La got down on her knees and
cleaned the lanes before the bowling started and it must have made a
difference as no fewer than five bowlers recorded 200 plus games. Jon
(Cafe Ole) 229, Kran (Cafe Kronborg) 211, Nok (Lewiinski’s) 210 &
203 and Fritz (VFW Post 9876) 206. Nok had a fantastic high series with a
587 pin count. It is not surprising that the Captain’s of the teams
rolled all of the 200 games.
Team Standings
Cafe Ole
TQ 1 Bob
VFW Post 9876
House Of The Golden Coin
Cafe Kronborg
Three Sisters |
21 - 12
21 - 15
20 - 16
19 - 17
18 - 18
17 - 19
15 - 21
10 - 26 |
8 Sep Results
3 - 1
4 - 0
1 - 3
1 - 3
3 - 1
0 - 4
3 - 1
1 - 3 |
Mr. Loy leads the way
PSC Pattaya Golf Society from The Bunker
On Thursday the 31st of August, the Bunker started up a
mini golf tournament at the Asia Pattaya Golf Course. 8 players turned out
at 2 p.m. for the par 3 competition. Roy Mitchell showed everybody how to
hit the postage stamp greens and his winning score of 57 on this tight
course was commendable. Second came Wilf Latham with a 60 and third was Jon
Woods with 64. Everybody then adjourned to the 19th hole to talk over the
competition, and all agreed it was a fine idea and it would improve their
short game. So every Thursday, leaving the Bunker at 2 p.m. a competition
will be held at the Asia Golf Course. All are welcome.
Butler grabs the honours
On Friday the 1st September, competitive golf got
underway from the Bunker with a tournament at the Century Golf Course
Rayong. 14 golfers turned out for a medal competition. Paul Butler was in
fine form winning the competition with a 74 and he also took 3 near the pins
prizes. Len Jones secured second place with a 75 and Hannu came third with
76. Hannu also won the remaining near the pin prize
Chris John and Peter Renggli Top Dogs
On Tuesday the 5th of September 25 golfers from the
Bunker went to the lovely Natural Park Resort Golf Course. The low handicap
players played a medal round, which was won by Switzerland’s Peter
Renggli, who returned a card of 70, two under par. In second place was a now
fully fit George Meigh with a 71, one under par, and in third place came
Mike Larsen with 73, one over par.
The high handicap players played a Stableford
competition, which was won by Chris John with 36 points, the first time he
has ever won a competition. Second came Peter Mackay just one point behind
with 35 points, and third was the lovely Annop Nampressert (Bee) with 34
Nearest the pins were Paul Butler again, Mike Larsen,
Peter Mackay and Rob Hyndes.
Yorkie and Pleasure Dome garner lead
After 8 weeks of the ever-close Mickey Mouse Darts
League, Yorkie and Pleasure Dome have eked out a slim lead in the
Pleasure Dome beat Mick’s Place to keep a share of
the lead, whilst Yorkie defeated Cheers to hold onto their position at the
top and send Cheers down into 5th spot.
Beer Put and Rising Sun took both match and beer leg
over Palmer’s and Devonshire respectively to settle into a tie for
Ian from Yorkie maintains the league’s highest out,
This week (15 Sep) sees Rising Sun v Mick’s Place,
Yorkie v Pleasure Dome in the battle for the top, Cheers v Palmer’s, and
Beer Put v Devonshire.
Pleasure Dome
Beer Put
Rising Sun
Mick’s Place
Fitness Tips
by David Garred
Club Manager Dusit Resort Sports Club
G’day Pattaya,
This week is another of those let’s see how broad a
scope that I can cover in the column weeks.
Any Fries with that?
A growing body of research into the impact of breakfast
on academic performance suggests a breakfast rich in carbohydrates and
high in fiber can enhance students’ alertness and concentration, far
more than the traditional fry up of bacon and eggs or fatty pastries. In a
recent study at the human nutrition unit at Sydney University, Dr Susanna
Holt compared the effects of four different breakfasts, containing equal
amounts of calories, on feelings of fullness and alertness in university
students. She found that high carbohydrate breakfasts increased alertness
whereas fat rich breakfasts proved less effective in increasing both
fullness and alertness. So if you want to increase your brainpower, stay
away from the bacon and eggs. Why limit it to students? Don’t you think
that it would be easy enough to take these results and apply the same
findings to any person who uses their brain throughout the day? I don’t
mean astronauts and brain surgeons, but who doesn’t use their brain
during the day? Don’t we all require some sort of performance from it?
Why not give yourself the best chance to get the right answer and quickly
every single day. Have a real breakfast; don’t fill your body and your
mind with garbage food.
Germ Alert
For those of you who cook regularly here is something
to consider. Did you know that the chopping board in your kitchen is one
of the most germ-ridden surfaces you will ever find?
of Dusit Resort Sports Club wishing long time friend and popular
instructor Bridget Moore good luck and fare well back home in England.
Kind of scary when you consider that it is the surface
that you feed your family with. Scientists have put the cause down to the
fact that the traditional chopping board, made from wood and more recently
plastic, remains damp after cleaning. A damp area, particularly in a hot,
humid climate is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. A more hygienic
option would be to buy a glass chopping board - not only easier to tell if
it is clean, but it is also easier to dry after it has been washed.
All stressed out?
It’s no secret that people react differently to
stress, but did you now that those who generally get more stressed out are
putting themselves at greater risk from suffering with certain diseases?
If you are someone who doesn’t handle stress
particularly well make sure you get plenty of sleep and exercise, just to
make sure you don’t over-react to the smaller things in life just
because you are tired. Another tip is to find someone you can trust and
let him or her help you maintain a little perspective, a friend as opposed
to your partner or even a professional counselor would be even better.
Often your partner will get upset even if they are nothing to do with your
major source of the major stress, so as to save adding a further problem,
look for a third party. Discuss certain stressful issues with them; let
them give you an honest and valid opinion. That way you may find that half
the things you get stressed about really aren’t worth the hassle.
Carpe’ Diem
Latest Quiz League Tables
Indefatigable Cheers Bar is still on top in the
popular Sunday league, but is currently tying with the whiz kids at the
Bunker in the Wednesday contests. Don’t forget to support these events.
They are the best contribution to keeping academic learning alive and
kicking in this otherwise hedonistic resort.
Wednesday Quiz
Sunday Quiz
Rising Sun
Fawlty Towers
Rose Garden
Rovers’ Return |
10 credits
4 |
Rising Sun
Pleasure Dome
Londoner |
718 points
598 |
Delaney's moves towards the ‘19th’,
as Shenanigans tees-up!
Delaney’s Friendly Golf Society teed off for their
second and penultimate fortnightly competition at Eastern Star on Tuesday
5th September, this time for a Two Man Better Ball
Stableford competition. Forty players took part and, as is usual with this
format, there were some impressive scores, helped no doubt by the
excellent presentation of the course. The scoring was Stableford with
Eddie Blackwell and Urai Khongnok becoming back-to-back winners with an
incredible 54 points. Eddie, playing off 18, had his best round ever,
parring the back nine with 5 pars 2 birdies and 2 bogeys.
Urai herself managed an individual score of 41 points,
which was some achievement having just been cut from 34 handicap to 25
after a couple of excellent rounds. The overall improvement due mainly to
a much improved short game – a lesson to be learned there, I think.
Runners-up were visitors John Sinclair and Mike
Callahan with a modest 47 points, hotly pursued by teams Ray Matti &
Rick Sharp and Mike Riley & Steve Donovan, both returning 46
Stableford points. Tee-off was at 11.00 a.m. with the prize-giving at
Eastern Star.
Now, stranger things have happened, but the final
outing of Delaney’s Friendly Golf Society will be in two weeks’ time
on September 19th.
However, there is a very good reason as Delaney’s
Irish pub, the Irish pub, is to refit and re-open on
September 27th as Shenanigans the
Irish pub. So, the 50 or so current members of DFGS will automatically
become members of Shenanigans Very Friendly Golf Society, and their
first fortnightly outing will be on Tuesday October 3rd
playing a Two Man Better Ball at Eastern Star, which will be
Shenanigans’ Home course.
This will be a Better Ball with a difference as every
player will be given some Mulligans, except that they will be called
Shenanigans – perhaps five per player. All a bit of fun on what will be
a very friendly Shenanigans first outing.
To join Shenanigans Very Friendly Golf Society, just
see Kim Fletcher, or his secretary Shenan, at Shenanigans (located exactly
where Delaney’s is now) for a registration form. You only need two
upside down photos for your member card - there is no fee to join.
The ‘Shenanigans Very Friendly Golf Society’ member
card, and very impressive it is too, qualifies for discounts at
Shenanigans, Pattaya, of 15% off food and 10% off drinks, including Shappy
Members joining up to the end of October will receive a
free breakfast voucher for the competition days they play in.
The full Shenanigans Irish Breakfast is hugely full,
and available from 09.00 a.m., 08.30 a.m. on competition days.
Winners: Eddie Blackwell H’cap 18, Score 46 &
Urai Khongnok, H’cap 25, Score 41, Team Score 54 Points.
Runners-up: John Sinclair, H’cap 25, & Mike
Callahan, H’cap 12, Team Score 47 Points
3rd: Ray Matti & Rick Sharp,
Team Score 46 points C/B 22
4th: Mike Riley & Steve
Donovan, Team Score 46 C/B 19
Near pins: #4 John Sinclair, #8 Don Ratcliffe, #12 Mike
Riley, #15 Kevin Fortt
Long putts: #9 Nick Cerra, #18 Steve Wilkins
Pattaya Sports Club Golf Handicaps
For years the Pattaya Sports Club operated under one
handicap system, the USGA, of which it is a member. With the growth of the
club over the last couple of years it has become evident that more help
was needed. The CONGU handicap system was installed to alleviate most of
this work. Some would say part of the reason for introducing the CONGU
system was to prevent handicap manipulation. If this is evident, both
systems have mechanisms in place to deal with such players.
The Pattaya Sports Club recognizes the need to run both
systems and have now purchased software for the CONGU handicap system. The
basic need for this system is to deal with returning tourists who have
played while they were away. It would not be feasible to include these
members on the USGA list. Other members who play all or most of their golf
in organized competitions may also elect to be handicapped under the CONGU
system. The USGA handicap system remains an integral part of the Pattaya
Sports Club for resident members who have the opportunity to return all of
their scores and members who play a great deal of their golf outside of
organized competitions.
All members on the current handicap sheets, the CONGU
and the USGA, will remain there until they specify otherwise. Each member
has the opportunity to apply for a USGA handicap, remain under the CONGU
handicapping system, or have his or her handicaps compiled elsewhere.
For a member to be eligible for a USGA handicap he or
she must qualify under the PSC elective member rules and have the means to
return ALL scores for handicapping purposes. New resident members must
turn in 5 scorecards to receive a USGA handicap. USGA handicap application
forms may be found in the PSC office on Soi Diana. Do not complete the
form until the attached literature has been read and can be complied with.
For the time being, scorecards may be returned to the Cafe Kroneborg,
Diana Inn, The Haven, Shakey Pete’s, and the Three Sisters on Soi
Batman. Members with a USGA handicap may request a handicap card at any
For a new member to receive a CONGU handicap he or she
must play in 3 organized competitions. All visiting members must declare
his or her current handicaps prior to playing in PSC competitions. Members
with a CONGU handicap may request a scoring printout if such is needed for
proof of skill.
In summary, the Pattaya Sports Club realizes the need
for each member to have a competitive handicap regardless of his or her
level of skill. Included with the price of his or her membership each
member is entitled to be handicapped under the most suitable system.
Curtain and Pietrekiewiez defeat the
PSC Golf from the Cafe Kronborg
Monday, September 4th - Green Valley (stroke)
American Denis Curtin took 1st with a net 72, beating
Ebrahim on count back, who also had a net 72 and Philipe Berra third with
a net 73.
Thursday, September 7th - Bangpra (Stableford)
13 golfers teed it up at Bangpra for a Stableford
competition. Richard (half the alphabet) Pietrekiewiez from the F&B
Hotel took 1st with 37 points. Derek Brook was second with 36 points and
Martin Davey 3rd with 33 points.
Near pins: No. 2: Denis Curtin, No.12: Nick Hadden.
Friendly golf leaves the Cafe Kronborg every day at 0930.
Copyright 2000 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand
Tel.66-38 411 240-1, 413 240-1, Fax:66-38 427 596; e-mail: [email protected] |
Pattaya Sports
Club Homepage:
