Dear Hillary,
When you go to any function here in Thailand, there are always some fabulously
pretty girls as hostesses or promotions girls. How do you get to know these
girls? Can you just bowl over and chat them up, or what? I’d love to be seen
with one of these on my arm. They’re almost too delicious to be true. My mates
at home wouldn’t believe it if I could get a piccy with one or two of them.
Dear Kendrick,
What sort of name is that, my Petal, that your parents lumped you with? They
must not have liked you very much, I fear, but I’m sure you’re over it now and
don’t hold grudges. Well, I hope not anyway. But back to your lusting after the
“pretties” you see at functions. Yes, they are very pretty, and they are chosen
for the position because of their looks. To look as immaculate as they do, most
of them will spend a couple of hours before the function on make-up and hair
styling. (Not like me, I can bolt out of the dormitory in under three minutes,
but then I’m not a “pretty” am I?) You see, Kendrick, these girls are employed
to be hostesses and promotions girls. That means they are paid. It’s their looks
that they are selling. That is their job, and they have to do it well, or they
don’t get another gig. So now you know how you end up with one or more of these
“pretties” on your arm - you pay for the privilege, Petal, and you may even find
that most of them don’t speak English. They are there for their looks, not for
language skills. And you will pay a lot more for the photo opportunity than you
would on Walking Street, Loi Kroh, Nana or Cowboy. And the girls from Walking
Street, Loi Kroh, Nana or Cowboy can at least speak English, such as “Hello sexy
man!” if nothing else. That’s on top of “Welcome” and “Sit down please.” Amazing
linguists some of them.
Dear Hillary,
I invited one of the girls from the glasses shop in the
shopping center to the movies and she said OK and would meet me there last
Saturday after she had finished work. I thought everything was understood and I
got there early and all, but she didn’t turn up! I know Thai girls don’t
understand time, so I didn’t get angry, I just waited for an hour, but she was a
definite no-show. I went back to the shop on the Sunday, but it was her day off,
so I went back Monday and she just said, “Sorry, I forget.” Was that it? Do I
try again, or will it be another slap in the face with a wet fish? What’s your
opinion, Hillary?
Dear James,
You must be blinded by this girl’s beauty, as you certainly
have not picked up on the message she was giving you, Petal. She was trying not
to disappoint you by refusing your invitation, which is what Thai people do in
these situations, so it seems as if they have accepted. OK, this does mean
telling some white lies if the other party tries again, such as “Sorry, I
forget,” or “Mother sick so I stay at home.” Should you try again? I don’t think
so, James, unless you are really into wet fish.
Dear Hillary,
What is it with these Thai women? They don’t seem able to go
anywhere on their own. I asked one sweetie to go to the movies, and she said
yes, so I was looking forward to a good evening and you never know where it
might lead. She turned up (late), but had another woman with her, who she said
was her sister. No reasons given and it was expected that I pay for her ticket
as well. I did, as I didn’t want to spoil any future relationship with this
woman, but as soon as the movie was over, she and the sister just said goodnight
and not even a thank you. Is this the way Thai women work? I don’t think I’ll
bother in the future.
Dear Bill,
You don’t happen to know James (letter above), do you? I
wonder if you went to the same movie? Was it any good? I’m sorry Bill, but you
don’t seem to understand Thai women at all. The one you invited out was not
someone from the entertainment industry (sounds better than beer bars, you must
agree). The “sister” was taken along as the chaperone, as Thai women know what
you farangs want with your “you never know where it might lead.” She knew where
it might lead, and it doesn’t happen on the first date, my Petal. Or on the
second. Or on the third. Thai women want to get to know what you are about and
what sort of person you are before the relationship advances. And with good
reason. Look at yourself and your question! Wham, bam, thank you Ma’am is not
the way to a true Thai romance.