Are the people round this neck of the woods getting even more stupid than
before? Mid-sixty year old Australian executive meets the girl of his dreams in
a Pattaya bar and sets up house with her, in spite of counseling by his friends
over here. He goes back to sell his house, divorce his wife of 40 years and
bring countless millions of baht back to Thailand. However, Australian wife says
“No way, Jose” and by the time the divorce lawyers have finished with him he has
nothing left, and so brings next to nothing to Thailand, but at least his
sweetheart is waiting in the house he bought for her before he left. Only
problem is that she has gone up country, after selling the house, which was in
her name, naturally. So now he has nothing in either country, no wife in either
country, and at his age no good job prospects either. And that guy was an
executive in the banking business! What can you do with people like that,
Dear Flabbergasted,
Unfortunately, there’s very little you can do in these circumstances. As you
say, all his friends counseled him, but to no avail, he just went ahead and did
it, going straight down the road to ruin. Probably the only plus in this
situation, is that he wasn’t dealing with your money.
Dear Hillary,
When are you going to collect all your writings into a book? I reckon it would
have to be a great hit. I have mates overseas who read you every week, just for
the laugh at the poor sods who write in. I’ll buy the first copy.
Regular Reader
Dear Reg the Reader,
It is always nice to know that the readers enjoy the column, especially people
like Big D from the USA who sends champagne and chocolates with his letters.
(Thanks again Big D!) We have discussed putting some of the best letters
together, but it is a lot of work, Reg my Petal. Maybe it will be something for
me to do when I retire. I’ll let you know and autograph that first copy just for
you. Of course the first copy will be more expensive than the others, so in true
fashion for these parts, there will be around 1,000 first copies, just like the
third 50 percent share of many bars that is sold so often! By the way, I would
rather your friends laugh at my answers, rather than at the readers’ problems.
Dear Hillary,
One of my workmates is getting sillier and sillier in his old age (62). Goes
out, gets a skinful and starts giving away his money to the nearest bar girl.
They of course won’t accept the money because he is drunk, and if you believe
that you’ll believe anything! The money is gone in a flash, as does the girl.
Next night he’ll do it all again, and it’s no small bikkies either. He generally
has around 5,000 baht in his wallet, and away it goes. I have to end up paying
his check bin as he doesn’t have any more money left. What should I do? Leave
him there, or what?
Dear Joe,
You can’t really just leave him there, even though you might feel like it. What
you have to do is just not go out with him on these drinking sessions. You must
know which bars he frequents, so don’t go there. What he does on his own is his
responsibility, just don’t be there to end up having to pay for his stupidity.
Of course, if he has so much money he doesn’t miss the odd 5,000 baht, tell him
to pop into the Pattaya Mail offices and leave the money in a plain brown
envelope, with “For Hillary Only” on the outside.
Dear Hillary,
I am a 14 year old boy at one of the schools and I am not sure if I have a
problem. Every moning (sic) I have been waking up with a kinda stiffness
down below and since I cut my foot a week ago and did not go to hospittal (sic)
I am afraid this could be tetnus (sic). How can I tell? I begun to ask
one of the boys in my class but he laughed at me so I didn’t tell him about the
whole story about the tetnus (sic) problem. What should I do? Is it
dangerus (sic)?
Worried William
Dear Worried Willy,
You certainly do have a problem, but that stiffness you are describing does not
sound like tetanus to me, my Petal. I think you should have a chat to your
father about this, or an elder brother if you have one. Just be aware that this
is a normal part of growing up, like your voice going deeper and is just caused
by natural hormonal changes. You’ll be looking for it later I can assure you!
Meanwhile take a cold shower in the mornings and you will be able to fit into
your school shorts. I would also suggest you stay back for extra English
classes. Your spelling is abysmal (look it up, darling)! That’s your biggest