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GM Gang goes to the movies

My name is Bond…James Bond

Chatchawal Supachayanont (right), GM of the Dusit Thani Pattaya and leader of the GM Gang seems thrilled as Jan Jeerapat (left), MD of Hotel J, thanks her guests for their participation in the J Cineplex event.

Pratheep “Peter Graves” Malhotra
In an effort to conjure up new ideas for the ever popular GM Gang dinners, Jan Jeerapat, MD of the Hotel J on North Pattaya, came up with an original one for the April 25 GM Gang Dinner.

The foyer and entrance to the dining room was converted into what was dubbed as the “J Cineplex” replete with marquee, movie posters of coming attractions and ushers dressed for the part.

The Diva proved to be the most popular performer of the evening.

The dining room was set up in such a way that diners could enjoy their meal and at the same time watch clips from their favorite movies.
Whilst we watched 007 in his Aston Martin Vanquish being chased by the bad guy in and around the ice palace in “Die another day”, the appetizer appropriately named “Top Gun Bruschetta flavor’s distinctness” was served. Staff dressed as Bond danced around the room toting 007’s trademark Baretta pretending to shoot at the bad guys.

Next guests were taken on a transatlantic cruise aboard the RMS Titanic. As Jack wooed Rose on deck and in the hold of the “unsinkable” mammoth vessel, the “Atlantic purple cream soup” was served. A live rendition of Jack and Rose on the bow railing of the ship was enacted by a young couple as Jack crowed, “I am the king of the world” just before the ship collided with the queen of all icebergs.
From the sea we journeyed into outer space with “The Fifth Element” on screen. As Bruce Willis is rescuing and protecting the sexy Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) from the deadly Mangalores, the “Flavour element’s macrocosm of snow fish” is served. All the while Diva Plavalaguna with her octopus hair sings and dances around the dining table.

007 shoots up the bad guys.

The action picks up as “The Matrix” hits the screens. We watch Keanu Reeves split himself into a hundred images as he flies around the screen in slow motion, fist fighting and shooting the bad guys while sipping on the “Ice lemon delight”.

Panic hits earthlings as an asteroid the size of Texas is headed for our planet. An invincible team of deep core drillers led by Bruce Willis is commissioned to fly up in two space shuttle look-alikes to nuke the rock from the inside. Blood, sweat and tears flow on screen as diners chomp down on “Grilled lamb chops with hot sunrise sauce and rock potatoes”. Needless to say, rebel boy Ben Affleck survives the ordeal to come back to earth to marry his boss’s daughter Liv Tyler, the love of his life.

Fans of Thai movies will remember the famous Mae Nak Phrakanong, the legend of everlasting love between man and ghost. The modern day version came to life on screen and the ghostly “mae nak” mingled with the guests who dined on the “combination of love forever”.

It was a unique setting as GMs watched movies while dining on fine cuisine.

But wait, we have not watched any Chinese movies as yet! “Coming up” announced our host. As desert with coffee and tea was served, we watched the legendary Huang Fei Hong go through his demonstration of unrivaled skills in martial arts. Of course the bad guys lost again.

It was a very different GM Gang to say the least and at the end of the moving experience, Chatchawal Supachayanont, GM of the Dusit Thani Pattaya had only compliments and accolades for Jan and her team for their outstanding performance both in the kitchen and on the entertainment side of things. He said, “If the new generation of hoteliers is just like Jan, we can be assured that the future of the hospitality business is in good hands. This is what is so unique about us here in Pattaya…we have the best resources and talent and we can assure all visitors who come here for their holidays that they can expect only the best.”
They all live happily ever after. The End.

We’re flying off into space to blow up the asteroid to save planet earth.

At the end of a most entertaining evening, guests pose for a group photo with the cast.

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