The pace of play – covered in the
Rules under Etiquette.
It may not be improper here to mention certain points of
etiquette, which as it is of importance, should be observed by all who are in
the habit of attending matches of golf. It is understood that no looker-on is
entitled to make any observation whatsoever respecting the play – to walk before
the player – to remove impediments out of their way – or, in short, to interfere
in the most distant manner with the game while playing. The player is at
liberty, at all times, to ask advice from his partner or caddie, but from no
other person.....Perth Golf Club, 1825.
This extract from the archives of one of Scotland’s oldest
clubs may be the first-ever golfing reference to the term etiquette.
It was written at a time when national bodies didn’t exist.
Golf clubs could and did devise their own rules. In 1839 the Honourable Company
(Muirfield for us plebeians) added the following to its code of conduct: All
spectators at golf matches are requested to be silent, and to stand still, while
the parties are striking, or about to strike.
One wonders what would befall golf’s modern-day moron – the
“in the hole” screamers – should they ever find themselves transported back to a
place and time where etiquette meant something. Golf clubs didn’t use security
guards back then; they didn’t have to. Any transgressions were dealt with by
those in attendance; immediately.
While the Honourable Company did not use the term
etiquette, it is clearly implied within their code of behaviour. Golf clubs
kept these passages outside the main body of Rules, but over time, the term was
to have its own section within the Rules of Golf.
Page 18 of the R&A’s current edition on the Rules is headed:
Section 1 – Etiquette; Behaviour on the Course, and includes guidelines
on the spirit of the game, safety, disturbances and distractions, scoring, pace
of play, readiness to play and care of the course. The section finishes with
Penalties for Breach, which includes disqualification. The USGA’s Rules has
a similar section.
Golf in Pattaya, as is the case elsewhere in the world, is
largely played without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies
on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players, care
for the course and to abide by the Rules.
Put simply, etiquette is a series of guidelines that exist to
show other players, whether through divot repair or awareness of your shadow, a
degree of fairness which you would expect to receive in return. In short, it is
about showing consideration to others at all times.
Etiquette is what sets golf apart from other sports.
How do we golfers, here in Pattaya, measure up in terms of
When compared to the average club golfer in the west – bloody
One key difference lies in the word “club.” A golf club will
typically set its own rules regarding admission of members. Part of that will
include reference to the club’s code of conduct, including observing the Rules
of Golf. Most clubs will have a process to deal with those who transgress. Most
clubs will have written and unwritten rules about the playing of the game. Most
clubs will actively encourage or promote etiquette. All clubs will belong to a
national body which has a responsibility to ensure clubs comply with all aspects
of the Rules of Golf.
Contrast that with the situation here in Pattaya. The closest
we come to a “club” situation are the IPGC, PSC and Travellers Rest. These three
organisations work hard at providing a club-like framework that promotes the
Rules of golf. Because they run competition golf, they maintain a comprehensive
handicapping system, publish local rules, and attempt to take some
responsibility for the on-course conduct of their members. They also attempt to
instil etiquette, but are hampered by the huge disparity in golfing experience
and cultural backgrounds of their members.
Also limiting their ability to instil good etiquette practice
is the temporary nature of the vast majority of members. Although regular
visitors, the majority of members will visit for a limited period of time.
Adding to the challenge of instilling etiquette is the fact that Pattaya is
often the place where newbies learn the game for the first time.
Some clubs in the west will not grant playing rights to new
members until they have played a round with the club captain, and satisfied
him/her that they understand and will comply with the club’s code of conduct.
Imagine trying that, here in Pattaya?
It is the responsibility of every golfer to learn the Rules
of Golf. Most golfers get by with a rough understanding, but that is all that is
required, most of the time. It is equally important that golfers teach
themselves etiquette, particularly as it applies to locations that fall outside
their normal environment – locations like Pattaya.
Show consideration to your fellow golfers, at all times, and
the chances are your actions will be reciprocated. If you don’t know, ask.
Happy golfing,