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HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Thailand: Matrix for a development partnership

Afghanistan, where true romance really dwells

What a beauty!

“The Night the Moon Landed on 39th Street”

The Lion Roars

Christina Betourne’s final concert

Amari Orchid Resort has three General Managers!

Bjarne’s birthday bash benefits

Family Fun Fest 2000

Local collector discovers rare Thai banknotes

MoJo plays to a packed house

Secrets of the Hand

Thailand: Matrix for a development partnership

Story and photos by Peter Cummins

There are a number of excellent examples of “Partners in Development” in Thailand. Initially proposed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) just over three years ago, the Thai Government and UNDP established the Thai-United Nations Collaborative Action Plan, known since the accord was signed on 11 September 1997 simply as “Thai-UNCAP”. So successful has this been, in fact, that even in the far reaches of the field where the projects are operating, the Thai beneficiaries (partners, actually) - even without any knowledge of English - can all pronounce Thai-UNCAP and always with that famous Thai smile!

The writer poses with a “cockle lady”

Dr Sumet Tantivejtkul, who was the chairman of Thai-UNCAP and director-general of Thailand’s National Economic and Development Board, in fact at the very outset realized that it was ‘partnership’ which would empower the Thai people. He personally led a team of UN system representatives - UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNIDO and UNIFEM - to the targeted areas to urge the communities to “shift their role from passive recipients to a role of active partners whose involvement is crucial to the success of Thai-UNCAP.”

“A partnership in the true sense of the word it really is,” noted Dr. Sumet at the signing of the “Declaration of Partnership” on 27 March 1997, aimed at pooling the resources of the Thai Government, the private sector, the United Nations system and the Thai people, for “developing the capacities of local communities to work towards self-sufficiency,” Dr. Sumet added.

That marvellous chili-paste making machine

Now Chairman of the Pattana Thai Foundation, which oversees His Majesty the King’s own Development Projects, Dr. Sumet pointed out recently that to a certain extent Thai-UNCAP parallels the development philosophy of Thailand’s Monarch, H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

The King’s own views are that development must respect different regions’ geography and peoples’ way of life. “We cannot impose our ideas on the people - only suggest. We must meet them, ascertain their needs and then propose what can be done to meet their expectations,” the King pointed out recently.

A mountain of chili

The King’s ideas are somewhat different to the bureaucracy’s wish to impose standards from the top down, with the inflexibility inherent therein and feels that the government approach is costly and authoritarian.

Five provinces targeted

Thai-UNCAP established people-centred pilot projects in five areas of Thailand, so selected because they represented the poorer regions of the Kingdom and had a broad geographical scope: north, east, south, west and central Thailand, namely: Payao, Mahasarakham, Petchburi, Pattani and Yannawa.

Payao was chosen specifically to improve the quality of life for its disadvantaged people and Thai-UNCAP was joined by UNICEF and the Thai Narcotics Control Board to collaborate on a drug prevention programme. The three agencies were combined into one body, working in their respective fields of competence - a clear example of strength in partnership and teamwork benefiting the community.

J.K. Robert England: UN top man in Thailand

At a workshop held at the Community Development Centre in the Dok Khantai District, some 60 participants representing provincial, district, sub-district and village levels discussed their problems and needs seeking ways to solve them. It was vastly different to the previous approach which was “top down”. This was now “people-centred development”, compatible with the aims of the Eighth Economic and Social Development Plan (1997-2001) which, implemented at the same time as the promulgation of a New Constitution, emphasized decentralization and local government; representation and participation, accountability and transparency; human rights and justice.

Payao, through Thai-UNCAP - and the collaboration of FAO - studied the feasibility of water reservoir projects. The participation of all levels in deliberations and decisions affecting the community as a whole became the model for other people-oriented projects throughout the country.

Implementing Thai-UNCAP projects in the province of Mahasarakham, on the contrary, faced delays and difficulties, which clearly showed that bureaucracy was an obstruction to empowering people. Yet it was finally with the collaboration of the Mahasarakham Public Health Office that the development plan for Tambon Ban Don gained momentum. Discussions with the people showed the health officials that the issues were much broader than just health; satisfying basic needs and improving the people’s welfare were an integral part of overall good health.

The homemakers in action at the “chili factory”

Funding of just 200,000 baht ($US5,000) from Thai-UNCAP enabled the establishment of a plan involving government officials and representatives from 130 tambons to ensure that “people-powered” development continues as Thai-UNCAP had intended. The United Nations system contributed a total of US$250,000 to the various activities of Thai-UNCAP, with a matching Thai Government contribution.

Petchburi Province probably has some of the best examples of holistic “people-centred development” and some of the projects operating there certainly fulfil Thai-UNCAP’s phrase - right out of the history books - of its aims to bring development “to the people, by the people and for the people.”

One of these is the chili-paste facility, located at the village of Ban Lad. This is a great example of empowering people - in this case, the village women. A group of homemakers from the province were seeking an income-generating activity and, with Thai-UNCAP financial assistance and the collaboration of the Department of Agriculture and Co-operatives, they purchased a chili-paste making machine - an artefact a joy to behold as it churns out mountains of chili-paste!

With many already grandmothers - there are even two great-grandmothers plying the trade - the women started producing this remarkable chili-paste. As the plants are grown there, outlay is minimal and the labour-intensive operation can produce up to 700 kilos per week. Some 100 women are employed at one time or another.

Depending upon one’s level of proclivity for the exotic, highly-flavoured food of Thailand, the chili-paste, according to one westerner, comes in three varieties: “hot, very hot and near-fatal - for the average western palate, that is!”

A cockle-gatherer: all in a day’s work

Thai Airways International, the national carrier and “S and P”, a Thai restaurant chain, are the major markets for the paste.

However, each person acts as a marketeer and Thursday is always a long day, to produce the maximum for sale at the weekly village market every Friday where it is taken, usually by bicycle.

The paste, in varying degrees of spicy flavour, is packed into 100-gramme packages which sell for around Baht 50 (US$ 1.20).

It would be hard to imagine a cottage industry more ideally suited to the life of the Ban Lad Village than the manufacture of chili-paste. It has improved the lives of all who are involved; it has generated extra income to supplement the family’s meagre earnings and to purchase some of life’s ‘goodies’ which many of us take for granted; and it has made money available for children’s schooling.

Ms “Wan”, a great-grandmother on the job, showed off her new bicycle which the work had enabled her to buy.

They were, indeed, a well-contented group and the ambience of good feeling which pervaded the small “chili-paste factory” reflected, in turn, the partnership which had made it all possible.

Not far from Ban Lad is Ban Laem, a cockle-fishing village. This close-knit settlement certainly presents an excellent case study of Thai-UNCAP assistance to a community.

Gathering cockles is, at best, back-breaking labour as each person slides a board - resembling a short surf-board - over the mud, at the same time scooping cockles, by hand, off the sea floor. Some 45 - 50 kilos are taken in a 7 - 10 hour outing and sell for around Baht 10 ($US 0.25) per kilo.

Actually, it was necessity which spurred the Ban Laem people into co-operative action. Large boats from neighbouring provinces were entering the village’s waters, poaching indiscriminately, not only decimating the cockle beds but also robbing the people of their livelihood, precarious enough in good times.

The intrusions were halted and now this community reflects a confidence and hope for a future over which they have some control.

Pattani, a southern province, predominately Muslim, uses the religious factor for development, holding weekly discussion meetings with all sectors on the Friday worship day. One development was a mutual accord to allocate unused land to grow cash crops and, through Thai-UNCAP assistance, the local women’s group makes school dresses for girl students, thus saving considerable expense.

Yannawa, chosen as representative of central Thailand, is, in fact, one of the 24 districts of Bangkok. One of the successful Thai-UNCAP projects there is the Chao Phraya Community Child Care Centre which allows mothers to leave their infants there during the day and go out to work to supplement the family income.

It is amazing that a country like Thailand has been the matrix for such a bold scheme. Up until the Eighth Development Plan, Thailand was, to a certain extent, still emerging as a virtually feudalistic state. ‘Development’ was imposed from above onto a relatively docile people who rarely, if ever, questioned the ‘top down’ concept. On the contrary, in fact, often the people waited to be told what to do.

Thai-UNCAP has changed that to such an extent that the Ninth Development Plan, now being prepared, is promoting the alleviation of poverty, economic recovery, sustainable development and good governance as four areas of focus.

The momentum gained from three years of Thai-UNCAP will be continued under the Thai Pattana Foundation, which will continue the funding of the joint secretariat team, formerly supported by UNDP.

J.K. Robert England, UN regional co-ordinator and UNDP resident representative pointed out that UNDP and the United Nations system generally have been fostering “people-centred development”, not just in Thailand but also in other countries of the region such as Pakistan.

In conclusion, Thai-UNCAP is a clear example of “Partners in Development”. The thousands of Thai people, the ultimate beneficiaries of Thai-UNCAP, would, no doubt, agree.

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Afghanistan, where true romance really dwells

By C. Schloemer

Torn apart by years of war, its capital city of Kabul reduced to ruins, and now in the grip of the oppressive Talaban rule, Afghanistan is not at this moment a favorite tourist destination. Budget travellers no longer dream of travelling through this bold and rugged land, which was once such an important segment of the famous Overland Trail for writers, artists, and hippie backpackers. But some, the lucky ones, have crossed this tribal country while it was still an open nation, and met its proud and fierce people. For them it was a journey into the pages of centuries of history.

Kuchi mother and child

Half desert, half mountains, Afghanistan covers a high, landlocked patch of central Asia. Scattered along fertile valleys, between sands and snows, most Afghan people farm land which is seared by 40 Centigrade summers, and is snowbound by the long, cold winters. A natural barricade wedged between the former Persia, Russia, and the Indian subcontinent, Afghans have battled an endless stream of would-be conquers who have funnelled though the range of mountain passes known as the Hindu Kush, (Killer of Indians). From the legions of Alexander The Great, the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan, the mighty British Empire, to the recent war with the former Soviet Union, the steely Afghans with wills of iron fought and died to keep their independence.

Modern Afghans in the city of Kabul, standing more than a mile high in altitude, have seen changes come slowly to their city. Television, western suits, and telephones finally did appear. Foreign travellers once brought a kind of tourist economy which one now sees in other traditional societies whose urban towns open their arms to visitors. The crumbling walls of the original city stand more than 30 feet high and measure 12 feet thick. Bustling markets sell bolts of bright cotton. Blankets and clothing made form the famous Afghan wool hang on display. Magnificent carpets woven by children’s tiny fingers display ancient tribal patterns treasured for generations. Alleyways are filled with hawkers pedalling fruit and vegetables of surprising variety, especially the famed pomegranates and grapes. Carts of fly-blown meat are pushed by wrinkled crones. Craftsmen create masterpieces of infinitely patient handwork of a variety of objects and materials, such as brass, copper, lapis, ivory and onyx.

Kuchi nomads

If Kabul is the nation’s nerve-centre, the mountains are its soul. The countryside here is isolated and tribal. This is where the true romance of centuries really dwells. High in the valleys of the Hindu Kush exists one of the most famous mountain passes in Asia’s history. The Wakhan corridor arcs eastward from Afghanistan’s northern border; Russia on one side, Pakistan and Kashmir on the other, with a speck of China breaking between. Marco Polo travelled through here on his famous journey into China in the 1270s. Nowadays a Jeep could make it to the foothills in a gut-wrenching four days. From there the vehicle is useless. Sturdy Afghani horses negotiate the rest of the way, up the treacherously snowy terrain to a pass at 15,000 feet. The tribes in this region are herders. Their goats graze at lower altitudes. Here is where the Yaks take over, that beast of burden in the Himalayan Mountains, which seems for all the world to need only the tiniest amounts of food and oxygen.

Though Afghans have been Muslims for a thousand years, Islam is overlaid with the symbolism of former faiths. Prayer flags flying in mountain passes are similar to those in Buddhist mountain states. Ruins of broken Buddha’s have been found in caves where hermit monks once meditated. Horns from the Ibex, an indigenous mountain sheep, decorate shrines, indicating the animism which was once a religious influence.

Since Afghanistan was a recipient of Soviet aid for many years, the Russians built a network of roads which criss-cross though the mountain heartland. Implacable turbaned riders turn a truck into a converted bus, which is the usual means of public transportation. Unlike India, a country with one of the most intricate and all encompassing railways systems in the world, the Afghan hinterland has no rail travel.

Kabul market

But who could speak of Afghanistan and not of its most famous band of nomads, the Kuchis? Most of Afghanistan’s 3 million Kuchis are still on the move. They camp in black, goat-hair tents and they make their summer camps in the green valleys of the highlands. When autumn chills the air, they strike camp and thread their way through the Nawar passes to graze their animals in warmer climes. These caravans of hundreds of families and animals trek to the Rajhistan Desert and in the Spring they return to the Newar mountains. This is an annual journey of a thousand miles. Kuchi caravans have been crossing the dreaded Dasht-I-Margo Desert (the Desert of Death) twice a year for generation upon generation. Their kneeling camels groan with the struggle to rise. Laden with tents, sacks of straw, skins of oil and water, clanking cooking pots and all the necessities of life for these people, the camel is as much a part of their existence as the bundled babies who are piled on top of the whole mess once it is secured. Everyone else walks. Even the elderly and infirm. Up to a 100 families, 100 camels, 600 sheep, dogs, goats, horses and donkeys will form a Kuchi caravan. No smoky towns or garbage filled cities for these people of the open air.

One wonders how these people endure. The desert is an inhospitable place even for modern armies, as the suffering Soviet soldiers will surely never forget. For the caravans, there is precious little protection from the blasting winds, keening sand storms. Human forbearance on this treacherous journey is the key to survival. It is a hard life. They never move fast. Nor do they ever stop to rest until the daily 8-hour march is over. They are as tough, and solid, and lasting as the sand and mountains which surround them. They trust in Allah. And they rely on themselves. They embody the spirit of this ancient and unconquered land. The present regime will not strangle this country forever. One day, these proud people will throw off their oppressors. And then once more, some of us can travel back to a land which time has not actually forgotten. It simply never mattered much.

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What a beauty!

The second annual Miss South Pattaya contest was held last week at the Planet Rock venue in Soi Pattayaland 2. Having reached two years consecutively, the contest can now be written into the anals of Pattaya history. After all, as they say, a week is a long time in politics, but 24 hours is forever in Pattaya!

Before an appreciative audience of several hundred (they were literally hanging off the stairs!) the three “impartial” judges, consisting of the Pattaya Mail Channel’s Dr. Iain (Nite Beat), Ian Silver (Pattaya Info) and John Seymour (Northern Thai) sat down to the onerous business of choosing the five finalists from the bounteous bevy of beauties from establishments all over South Pattaya. Silver, in particular, was seen sneaking off to investigate the “form” at every available opportunity, while Dr. Iain at least took his cinematographer with him and pretended he was working! Seymour sat still most of the time, but was seen giggling a lot.

Miss South Pattaya 2000 winner Miss Angela (center), with runners-up Miss Suwanna from Top Class Entertainment and Miss Paveena from New Orleans

The sixteen young ladies were first judged in evening gowns, each giving flashing smiles to the judges as the trio all elbowed each other making noises like “Aaarrggghhhh, and Ooooowwwerrrrhhh” which is thought to be secret judges language translated roughly as, “Get a load of the hooters on that one!”

The next leg of the beauty pageant was the leggy one, with the girls in swimsuits. They appeared to remain dry, while several of the audience were obviously getting a little damp.

After that round, the judges totalled the scores to come up with the final five. This did take some time as John Seymour had, by this stage of the proceedings, discovered he had six fingers on one hand and Ian Silver was heard repeating, “One and one is two, two and two is four...” The disaster was averted by the rapid production of an electronic calculator and the scores were totted and the finalists announced.

By this stage, the atmosphere was electric. The girls, back in evening wear were interviewed on stage, and almost everyone of them knew their names and where they came from. However, Miss Samsara, one of the finalists, had her chances at victory thwarted by a very clumsy attempt by her management to bribe Dr. Iain with a 20 baht note. Everyone knows he’s more expensive than that, so Miss Samsara ended up 4th.

The audience were soon screaming as it became obvious that it was going to be a very close contest between Miss Top Class (a Sophia Loren clone) and Miss Asia Hotel. Everything was going to hang on the final interview. However, Angela from the Asia replied in perfect English, smiled with perfect teeth, blew perfect kisses at all three judges (John Seymour fainted with excitement) and Miss Angela edged out her rival getting top marks from the remaining two judges.

Miss Angela (Asia Hotel) was a well deserved winner, and thanked her French father and her Thai mother for her good looks. 1st runner up was Miss Suwanna from Top Class Entertainment, followed by Miss Paveena from New Orleans.

All the contestants enjoyed themselves, the audience delighted with the evening’s entertainment and the judges enraptured. All three have volunteered their services for the 3rd Annual Miss South Pattaya Contest in 2001.

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“The Night the Moon Landed on 39th Street”

Dass Entertainment and Bangkok Playhouse, together with the Asian Cultural Council will be presenting a new multi-media performance for the first time in Asia before its scheduled opening in Hong Kong. The play, titled “The Night the Moon Landed on 39th Street,” is written, directed and performed by Dan Wong. The play has already been performed throughout the US and has been acclaimed by all critics including the Los Angeles Times.

This solo multi-media play performance will be staged for only 3 days from January 5-7, 2001 at Bangkok Playhouse. Tickets are priced at 300 baht. For more information or to purchase tickets to the play, contact Bangkok Playhouse at Tel 319-7641-4.

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The Lion Roars

Making a success of a restaurant in a resort city that has over 300 restaurants is not easy. Making such a success that you expand and build another one is even more remarkable, but that is just what Benny and Garry from the Sher-E-Punjab restaurant has done.

Chanyut Hengtrakul the guest of honour congratulates Benny and his family including senior members of the Sikh community in Pattaya.

The Lion of Punjab (the translation of the name from Punjabi) has opened the Sher-E-Punjab II on Beach Road, on the corner of Soi 11. The recent grand opening saw all the leaders, such as Amrik Singh Kalra, and senior families from the Sikh community in attendance, along with the many farang friends of the original Sher-E-Punjab I at Soi Pattaya Park.

The official opening was carried out by Chanyut Hengtrakul, the former Chonburi parliament advisor and now one of the aspirants to represent the Chonburi area in the make up of the new Thai government.

Everyone at the opening congratulated Benny and Garry for their vision and the rewards that hard work can bring, Benny remarking that for someone who began his career as a tailor, he never dreamed that one day he would be a restaurateur - and to now have two of them was truly unbelievable.

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Christina Betourne’s final concert

A smashing time!

Popular local singing identity, Christina Betourne has now left Thailand following her husband’s (Laurent Betourne) transfer to Poland. Seizing the opportunity to hear Christina one last time, some well-wishers arranged a surprise party for her at the Green Bottle Pub last weekend. This was designed to be a charity event, with Christina as the centre-point.

Christina and Laurent Betourne with their children listen to “farewell” speeches from Peter Malhotra (back left) and Mike Franklin (back right).

It was only after she had been in the Green Bottle for half an hour that she was told that everyone was there to hear her sing, a request that took her quite aback, not having rehearsed any numbers with the local musicians. Fortunately, Christina being a true professional rose magnificently to the occasion, sometimes almost physically dragging the band with her!

Once the initial shock had worn off, and Christina had managed to convince the keyboard player of the correct key to play in, she once again dazzled us all with her energetic and powerful delivery of her repertoire. As co-emcee Mike Franklin said, “She has a rare talent, along with such greats as Celine Dion.”

Christina was assisted during the evening by other local singers with Monika Rottmann (MoJo Night Club) doing much to assist Christina on stage. One who did not assist in quite the same way was the Pattaya Mail’s own Peter Malhotra, who while emceeing the show managed to knock a music stand into the champagne fountain, with cascading glass being the visual spectacle, rather than flowing champers. Fortunately the Green Bottle’s Sopin Thappajug took it all in her stride and fresh glasses appeared, complete with advice for Peter to remain a safe distance from the display.

As part of the evening was scheduled as a charity concert, organised by the YWCA and the Lion’s Club of Pratamnak, and supported by the Pattaya Sports Club, Rotary Club of Jomtien Pattaya, Green Bottle Pub and Pattaya Mail, Mike Franklin was proud to announce that over 20,000 baht had been raised for Police Lt. Col Jirat’s drug rehabilitation centre.

The finale was the champagne fountain, followed by the cutting of a birthday cake for Christina and Laurent, whose birthdays are both in December, but for everyone present, it was a memorable evening witnessing the special talents of a very special singer. We have all been fortunate that she has spent some time with us.

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Amari Orchid Resort has three General Managers!

(L to R) Michael, Pierre-Andre and Thomas

The Amari Orchid Resort saw a historic meeting last weekend, when two of the previous general managers, Thomas Tapken and Pierre-Andre Pelletier, came down to be with the new general manager Michael Vogt for the corporate Thank You party. This was the first time all three had been together at their old (and new) resort.

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Bjarne’s birthday bash benefits Banglamung Home for the Aged

On Monday November 6 this year, Bjarne Nielsen held his annual birthday charity golf tournament. 104 players enjoyed a Texas scramble and all proceeds were donated to charity.

Bjarne and his family and friends deliver food to the folks at the Banglamung Home for the Aged, proceeds for which were gained from Bjarne’s annual birthday tournament.

This year the Banglamung Home for the Aged was the principal recipient of the fun-filled day. The Banglamung Home for the Aged has been running since April 1968 and the appreciative faces of the aged was the culmination of a great tournament.

The tournament was a four person team event with a number of novelties to equalize all teams. The winning team was Malinee Mercer, Gert Hansen, Ray Mattii and Rick Sharp with 57 points, and many thanks most go to Bjarne and his wife Kran from the Cafe Kronborg who donated the prizes, but the real winners of the day were the elderly folks at the home.

Another successful day is planned for next year so please be early to book.

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Family Fun Fest 2000

Batik creations at Family Fun Fest 2000

The Rayong Ladies Circle held their annual Family Fun Festival kicked off at 9 a.m. last Sunday at Phu Luang Royal Project, and as the morning progressed throngs of people gathered to join in the fun and games, as well as find good bargains at the stalls. Face painting and the jumping castle were just a couple of the activities available for the kids, while later in the afternoon an exhibition of traditional Indian dancing entertained the waning a crowds on a hot Sunday afternoon.

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Local collector discovers rare Thai banknotes

Jan Olav Aamlid, the locally based and internationally acclaimed collector, has just added three unique Thai banknotes to his collection. Two of these are so rare that they have never previously been catalogued in any of the reference volumes, such as the Standard Catalogue of Thai Banknotes by Veerachai Smitasin or Thai Banknotes by Pin Chakkaphak.

The unique banknotes include a King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) 1000 baht note, dated 1933 and authorized in 1934. With the departure from Thailand and the later abdication of King Prajadhipok, this very expensive denomination (at the time) was never issued. This exceptionally rare and unique specimen banknote has a collection value of well over one million baht today.

Jan Olav Aamlid President - House of the Golden Coin displays his unique find, a 1000 baht banknote from the King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) era, dated 1933 and authorized in 1934 .

Another banknote from the reign of Rama VII, which has never been previously recorded, was a 100 baht black and white uni-face (printed on one side only), which was also authorized in 1934. According to the world authority on banknotes, Barnaby Faull of Spink’s auction house, extremely rare Thai banknotes are very much sought after by collectors, and this example is totally unique.

Jan Olav Aamlid’s rare finds: a 1000 baht banknote and a 100 baht black and white uni-face banknote from the King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) era, both authorized in 1934, and a unique 1913, 20 baht uni-face note

The third banknote which came with its own piece of history was a 20 baht uni-face note, with handwritten approval to printers Thomas De La Rue, for the issuing of the notes, given on behalf of the King of Siam on the 11th of April 1913 by Phya Sudham Maitri, the Siamese Minister in London from the Siamese Legation there. This then represents the very first note to be issued in that print run.

Aamlid believes that extremely rare banknotes such as these should eventually be displayed in a suitable museum, so that all Thai people can refer to the milestones in history revealed by their own currency.

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MoJo plays to a packed house

MoJo, the new sophisticated nightclub at Jomtien, has now had its Grand Opening after the ribbon cutting ceremony was performed by Chanyut Hengtrakul.

Chanyut Hengtrakul cuts the ribbon to officially open MoJo

Jazz musicians and Jomtien locals alike have been very pleased to welcome this new up-market venue. Monika and John (Mo and Jo), the driving forces behind the new venture, firmly believe there has been a need for this type of club and so far, all the indications have been very positive.

MoJo is open six nights a week from 5 p.m. (closed on Tuesdays).

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Secrets of the Hand: The Seven Categories

by Anchalee

The square or practical hand

This type of hand is distinctly square in appearance from the wrists to the base of the fingers; the tips of the fingers are also square. It is the sort of hand found amongst practical and levelheaded people, generally business executives. Such people are very conventional and orderly in all they have to do. They are not easily ruffled and can be very firm and resolute in their actions. They are governed by logic and reason. They look with suspicion on new ideas until they have thought them through. People who posses such hands will have few lines which are clearly visible, except the principal ones, with the Head Line straight and short.

The conic or artistic hand

The spatulate or active hand

The spatulate hand is so called because the tip of each finger resembles the spatula which chemists use. The palm, instead of having the squareness of the preceding type, is broad either at the wrist or at the base of the fingers. When hard and firm it indicates a restless nature. If soft and flabby, it shows an irritable nature. The person with a spatulate hand is active, energetic and independent. Such persons are to be found amongst navigators, explorers, engineers and mechanics. Generally the hands are large and the fingers well developed. The particular aspect of this group is that they are very independent in thought and action. In whatever position they find themselves in during their lives, they will display a marked individuality. They posses the spirit of the pioneer.

The philosophic or knotty hand

This group is recognised by the shape of the hand, which is generally long and angular with bony fingers, well developed joints and long nails. Quiet and serious in temperament, they are wise and have little interest in wealth. Deep down, they are serious thinkers and are students of life and all of its mysteries.

The conic or artistic hand

The conic hand has smooth fingers with the tips of the fingers and nails forming cones. The conic hand is usually medium sized and the palm is slightly tapering. The fingers are full at the base or slightly pointed at the tip. This person is impulsive and intuitive. He loves a life of luxury, is quick-minded, but lacks patience. He is a good conversationalist, and is at ease with complete strangers. The owner of a conic hand is fickle in friendship, and has extreme likes and dislikes. People in this group are ruled by their emotions. They can be very selfish where their physical comforts are concerned. Although generous in charitable causes, they often cannot discriminate between good and bad. Although they are not artistically inclined themselves, they do love art. They are also highly influenced by colour, music, sadness or joy. When the conic hand is hard and elastic, it denotes energy and firmness of will and a brilliant wit. These people often make fine actors, politicians, public speakers and publicity agents.

The psychic or idealistic hand

This is the most beautiful of hands. It is small and slender compared with the rest of the body. The palm is medium size. The fingers are smooth with long, elegant tips. When the psychic hand is large and the fingers distinctly knotted, it indicates force and ambition. But much of the spontaneity is apt to be lost. Fineness and beauty show want of energy and strength. Often they cannot fight their own battles. Extremely sensitive and gentle, they have a preference for the spiritual side of life, and the search for truth. These are our visionaries, spiritualists, clairvoyants and psychics. Under proper guidance their genius can be developed to advantage. Introverts by nature, they tend to be morose and even morbid. In extreme cases, their sanity can be fragile. They are a class of people who need patience, understanding and encouragement.

The mixed hand

This is the type of hand which has no distinct shape, but instead, many different features and is the most difficult to describe. The fingers are of mixed shapes; one square, one angular, etc. The mixed hand is a symbol of versatility. It shows abundance of ideas in keeping with flexibility of purpose. A person with a hand like this adapts himself easily to his fellow creatures and his circumstances. He is gregarious. People in this category do well in employment requiring diplomacy and tact. They are at ease in any job and are by nature restless and fond of action. They are loyal to no one person or place.

The elementary or lowest hand

This hand is found on people with a very low level of intelligence. They are generally coarse and clumsy, with thick palms. And the fingers are shorter than the total length of the palm. The thumb on such a hand dominates the hand. An animal nature of the person is clear. There will be very few lines on the palm, for this type of hand indicates the opposite of a complicated mind. They have little control over their passions and appetites, nor are they interested in art or beauty. In many cases they are violent in temper. They have little ambition or ideals, and only live to eat, drink and be merry.

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The Rotary Club
of Jomtien-Pattaya

Skal International

Pattaya Fun City
By The Sea