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Updated every Friday
by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek, assisted by Boonsiri Suansuk.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]: 

Toys for Joy from the Thai Garden to the Camillian AIDS Center

Pattaya International Ladies Club sees stars at their first luncheon for 2002

Table tennis helps strengthen relations between Thailand and Germany

P.L.C. Language and Computer School celebrates New Year

All nationalities welcome to the BCCT international networking evening on the Eastern Seaboard

Toys for Joy from the Thai Garden to the Camillian AIDS Center

The Thai Garden Resort, under the leadership of its General Manager Rene Pisters, made sure that the sick and needy children were not forgotten during this last festive season.

The resort started a collection for the Camillian AIDS Center in Rayong, asking all their guests to bring old and new toys, stationery, clothing and anything else the children might need.

On Wednesday, January 9, Rene and a few of his staff members went to the center to deliver the goods. The Thai Garden Resort’s pick-up truck was fully loaded and it took a while to un-load it all at the center. The children, all sufferers of HIV, immediately stood in line to receive the toys. Looking at them, everybody could see that the theme of the collection: “Toys for Joy” was a good choice, since the sparkling eyes of the children and the happy smile of Father Giovanni said it all.

The Thai Garden Team proudly poses with Father Giovanni and the children after the donation.

It was a great idea of the Thai Garden Resort Team, who not only started the collection but sponsored cash and lots of the items as well. Some companies helped the hotel with generous sponsorships. Pattaya Moosin of Celestica brought 4,240 baht, clothing, food and lots of toys, Vitoon Thanavatanacharoen of Tesco Lotus delivered many toys, Alstom Power’s Peter Ruegger collected 15,350 baht from his staff and Chorpaka Chuenjittsiri of Central Pattanan sponsored milk, food and toys.

Father Giovanni of the Camillian Center thanked the Thai Garden Team on the children’s behalf after receiving the donations. At the same time he mentioned that the Camillian Center needs all the help they can get, since there are more and more AIDS infected people coming to the center, seeking refuge. Incidentally, the Camillian Order will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in Thailand this year.

Pattaya International Ladies Club sees stars at their first luncheon for 2002

The Pattaya International Ladies club held their first meeting for 2002 at the Marriott Resort & Spa earlier this week (Jan.8). President of the PILC, Julie Garratt, recapped the events over the last month, referring specifically to the F.D. Roosevelt Award given by Prime Minister Taksin Shinawatra to the Pattaya Ladies International Club, for service to the disabled community over the last ten years.

Pichada Rajavechpisal, customer relations manager for Transpo, spoke to the PILC on the influence of star signs and geomancy or Feng Shui.

Special speaker for the day, taking off her corporate hat, was Pichada Rajavechpisal, customer relations manager for Transpo, who spoke on the influence of star signs and geomancy or Feng Shui. Pichada said that Feng Shui and astrology were a hobby which allowed her to interact with many people around the world.

Also on the agenda were nominations for the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on the first Tuesday in February. Nomination forms were handed out to the attendees who will vote in a new committee at the AGM.

The next PILC function will be a coffee morning at Shenanigans on Tuesday January 22nd.

Table tennis helps strengthen relations between Thailand and Germany

A group of tourists from Germany, taking part in the Asian-German Sports Exchange Program, played table tennis at Mike’s Shopping Mall on January 4. The aim of the program is to get German tourists in Pattaya integrating with local people interested in the game.

German tourists and Thais played tennis at Mike’s as part of the Asian-German Sports Exchange Program.

The program received support from both Mike’s Shopping Mall and the Tibhar Company, a manufacturer of table tennis equipment.

The group visited Bangkok to promote table tennis prior to coming to Pattaya, and will be traveling next to Rayong, Phuket and Chiang Mai.

P.L.C. Language and Computer School celebrates New Year

The P.L.C. Language and Computer School on Pattaya Central Road has held a New Years celebration every year since opening in 1996.

This year, the school’s managing director, Mrs. Lamai Pheawthong, who is also the president of the Pattaya-Pratamnak Lions Club, invited members from local media associations to the party to thank them for their assistance in promoting different school activities and charitable functions supported by the Lions Club.

Employees, students and media celebrated the New Year at the P.L.C. Language and Computer School on Pattaya Central Road.

The P.L.C. Language and Computer School teaches Thai to foreigners, as well as a variety of other languages. The school also teaches many popular computer software programs and how to navigate the internet.

All nationalities welcome to the BCCT international networking evening on the Eastern Seaboard

Sponsored & hosted by Shenanigans at Royal Garden Plaza, Pattaya 2 Road in Pattaya on Friday 18th January, the BBCT is holding an international networking evening and all are welcome to attend, regardless of nationality.

The main objective is to provide an opportunity for networking for business people based in the Eastern Seaboard area. Shenanigans is sponsoring a free buffet, plus Carlsberg Draught, soft drinks, red & white wine, and Jameson whisky on a first-come, first-served basis from 6.30 pm. All other drinks are at standard prices as will the beer when the sponsored supplies have run out.

There is no entry fee for this event but only those wearing business cards will be supplied with sponsored drinks and food. Name cardholders will be provided on the door.

At 10.00 p.m. Pattaya finest rock ‘n’ roll band, “Pop’s Pattaya All Stars” will hit the stage, rocking through till 2.00 a.m.

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