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 CURRENT ISSUE  Vol. XIX No. 33 Friday
 19 - August 25, 2011
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Updated every Friday by Saichon Paewsoongnern

Pattaya Sports Club Bowling League

200 Bowlers: Ralph, Sue, La & Antero.

Brother D took all four points from Green Tree and are now only 6.5 points behind Snow Bowler with three weeks remaining in the league. Brother D were led by Ralph who bowled a 209 game, 569 series and La Montgomery who had a 208 game and 562 series.

Snow Bowler remain in first place but they lost three points to Canada. No one bowled very good on the difficult eleven and twelve lanes although Tue Pettae managed to knock down 511 pins which is below her average

Sue Murphy bowled a 215 first game and went on to bowl a 569 series and Joe Ferral had a 510 series to lead the U.S. Marine Corps team to a three point win over VFW Post 9876. Ooy Pluemkamon bowled a 532 series for VFW.

Bavaria and Cafe Kronborg halved their match with each team getting two points. Kran Nielsen had a 544 series for Kronborg and Antero Ronkainen had a 207 game for Bavaria.

Shenanigans Tuesday Quiz

This week’s winners.

Quiz Teams Total Points

Knuckleheads 62

7 Chinese Brothers 58

The Non Tinkers 48

Old Lasters 31

Peninsula Raiders 28

Tough going at Khao Kheow again

PSC golf from The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, August 8, Khao Kheow - Stableford

A good field of 23 Outbackers played the B & C loops on our first Monday at Khao Kheow. The car park was empty, as of course was the course, allowing us to tee off early on what looked as though was going to be a very wet day. In fact it wasn’t bad at all, apart from a severe squall that came through as our middle groups reached the par 3 third, turning the hole, which already had the tee well back, into a 200yard plus monster; only one of that group scored a point. The next group had the sense to wait until the weather passed through, which didn’t take long and the round was able to continue in pleasant enough conditions.

Apart from the greens which were great, albeit slow, the course appears to be going through troubled times as they try to deal with the infestation of the ‘cow’ grass, leaving large patches of dying grass all over the place. Round the greens is not too clever either and it’s quite possible the Outback will consider ‘pick, clean and place’ on their visit there next Monday, regardless of the weather.

Clearly these conditions contributed greatly to the course playing 3 shots tougher than par as the best score in came from Bill Mercer, who won Div B with 37 points from Brain Maddox on 34 and John Fitzgerald, who headed a three-way count-back on 30, to take third. Div A went to Jim Peachey (34pts), having his first game with the Outback for a while, as General Jack scrambled his way to 33 points for second place ahead of Steve Grant on 32.

There were only two ‘2’s from Paul O’Mahoney on hole 8 (B8) and Suzi Lawton on hole 17 (C8).

Div A (0-16)

1st Jim Peachey (15/Hi13.8) 34pts

2nd Jack Moseley (16/Hi15) 33pts

3rd Steve Grant (9/Hi8.7) 32pts

4th Paul O’Mahoney (9/Hi8.7) 31pts

Div B (17+)

1st William Mercer (18/Hi17.4) 37pts

2nd Brian Maddox (19/Hi17.8) 34pts

3rd John Fitzgerald (17/Hi16.2) 30pts

4th Alan Ansell (23/Hi21.8) 30pts

Tuesday, August 9, Pattaya C.C. - Stableford

Billy Fitzgerald scored an amazing 26 points (level par) on the front nine but it wasn’t enough to beat the ‘in form’ Turnip, aka Dennis Persson, who collared him on count-back on the back nine. Both scored 40 points on an excellent day for golf and generally the scores were on the high side as the course played one shot easier than par.

Div B went to another who is playing well at the moment, Dave Earthrowl, who had 39 points beating Nigel Cannon with 36; Nigel is also on a hot streak, he shot 40 points here yesterday. Laong returned to some better golf to take third ahead of the returning Kurt Eric Persson (no relation])

For the record, 21 Outbackers played and there was just one ‘2’ from Tony McDonough on hole No. 7.

Div A (0-17)

1st Dennis Persson (16) 40pts

2nd Billy Fitzgerald i15.9) 40pts

3rd John Cogan (16/Hi15.9) 36pts

4th Barry Chadbourn (17) 35pts

Div B (18+)

1st David Earthrowl (18/Hi18.2) 39pts

2nd Nigel Cannon (18) 36pts

3rd Laong Gatepratum (29/Hi26) 35pts

4th Kurt Eric Persson (30/Hi29.5) 32pts

August 10,
Burapha - Stableford

20 Outbackers travelled to Burapha for the first time on a Wednesday to be greeted by black clouds and the likelihood of rain but were lucky as the showers lasted for less than one hole and we finished the round in sunshine. Unusually we did not have the course to ourselves, resulting in our teeing off 10 minutes late instead of half an hour early as was often the case on Mondays but even though the pace of playe appeared slow, we still completed our round in 4 hours and 15 minutes.

The C course was again in great condition but the D course greens have still not fully recovered from their recent scarifying and sanding; carts were not allowed on the course because of recent rains but the course was reasonably dry and very playable.

After the results were processed, the computer calculated that with the lower than average scoring, the course had played one shot harder than par, as Keith Gilfether (37pts), winner of Div A, was the only player to better his handicap. Burapha member, John O’Keefe (35pts) took second ahead of Kissy in third with 34.

Div B fared less well, and with the exception of the Div B winner, Tommy Jensen (33pts), the first ten places overall, all came from Div A.

There was just one ‘2’ again today from John O’Keefe on hole No. D2

Div A (0-17)

1st Keith Gilfether (10) 37pts

2nd John O’Keefe (17/Hi16.2) 35pts

3rd Keith Buchanan (16) 34pts

4th John Fitzgerald (17/Hi16.2) 33pts

Div B (18+)

1st Tommy Jensen (18/Hi17.6) 33pts

2nd Bill Conway (31/Hi29.7) 30pts

3rd Greg Hill (20/Hi19.4) 30pts

4th Matt Blevins (20/Hi19.2) 30pts

Friday, August 12, Green Valley - Stableford

A full field of 40 Outbackers, less a one “Kissy”, who couldn’t find the course for this “Mother’s Day” holiday here at Green Valley. It was always likely to be a slow round as the Thai Mother’s Day is also the Queen’s Birthday, when most golf courses give ladies a free green fee for this special day. However, ‘hats off’ to all those who played, as we all got round in an amazing 41/4 hours in what was a very pleasant day out on a course which was in excellent condition albeit the greens a little slow.

There was seemingly little excuse for at least 40 points to win the day but surprisingly, nobody got near that sort of score with the 36 points from General Jack, which won Div B, being the top score of the day with the computer calculating that the course played one shot harder than par. Second was Bill Broschart (35) and third was Gez Lees with 34.

Jan Eriksen followed up his win here last week,with another win today, this time with 35 points to take Div A, ahead of two players playing with the Outback for the first time, Dale Shier with 34 and Mike Prideaux with 33, who headed a three way count-back of 19, 18, 15, from Paul Bourke and Paul Greenaway.

Div C went to Adam Oyston (35pts) from “Nifty Nev” (34pts) with an amazing 23 points on the back nine, as David Davies, complete with moon-boot, took third with the same 34 but obviously comprehensively beaten on count-back.

There were just two ‘2’s from Joe Mooneyham on hole 4 and Dale Shier on hole 16.

Div A (0-13)

1st Jan Eriksen (13/Hi13.7) 35pts

2nd Dale Shier (12/Hi13) 34pts

3rd Mike Prideaux (11/Hi11.5) 33pts

4th Paul Bourke (11/Hi11.5) 33pts

Div B (14-17)

1st Jack Moseley (15/Hi15.1) 36

2nd Bill Broschart (14/Hi14.4) 35pts

3rd Jez Lees (15/Hi15.5) 34pts

4th John Fitzgerald (16/Hi16.2) 33pts

Div C (18+)

1st Adam Oyston (18/Hi18.4) 35pts

2nd Nev Steward (22/Hi21.5) 34pts

3rd David Davies (25/Hi24.3) 34pts

4th Roger Koehler (26/Hi25.4) 33pts

Note: The Outback Golf Bar is situated about 6km from Sukhumvit Road along Soi Siam Country. All are welcome to come and join us for a beer and a hit. Just call in and put your name down on the list or give Bob a call on 087 941 2474.

Clive gets going at Khao Kheow

PSC Golf from Mulligans Lakeside

Khao Kheow B9, with regular Bob in the foreground.

Tuesday, August 9, Khao Kheow - Skins

Tuesday saw us travel up Hwy 7 to test ourselves against one of the local best examinations, Khao Kheow, with B & C being our allotted combination. The format was to be Skins again, from the yellow tees.

Allan got away to a fast start picking up 2 of the first 5, while Ray, Clive & Jeff had also broken their duck. Clive picked up 4 skins on B9 courtesy of a nice par, on a hole where anybody (yes, Jeff too) would take a par from the tee.

The C loop was shared around early, before Jeff strung a couple of shots together to redeem his round after a poor early start. In the end Jeff (6) & Clive (34) had each picked up 6 skins, Allan (12) 4 & Ray (17) 2 (playing injured).

Thursday, August 11, Khao Kheow - Skins

Pattaya C.C. was the venue for Thursday’s round, the course still in decent condition following recent rain, with a competitive pricing structure currently in place, especially for those cart users.

Rob Gandley (20) played some good golf on the front 9 to be leading the way, while Allan & Jeff were battling for the scraps. The back 9 was harder to get a skin as several were halved, Jeff making a timely birdie to score the major share.

With several of our regular players returning over the upcoming weeks, it is expected we will be resuming our regular competitions over the next few weeks.

Note: Mulligans Lakeside plays golf on Tuesday & Thursday, with presentation at the course Tuesday & ML hosting on Thursdays. Call 089 094 1841 for scheduling or enquiries.
Hope to see you there, cheers & good golfing.

Ken & Hugh sparkle at Crystal Bay

Ken Bernek, The Admiral & Hugh O’Donnell.

Peter Blackburn

Monday, August 8, Crystal Bay A & B - Stableford

The sky was a touch overcast early on but as usual we were confident of fine weather as fifteen of us headed off down Sukhumvit Road en route to the lovely Crystal Bay Golf Course.

Monday morning traffic was not too bad and we arrived at the course 48 minutes later and as the car park was fairly empty we correctly anticipated an earlier than scheduled tee off. Having to wait for just one group to hit off our first group, a threesome again, got away at 0935 hrs with dark skies overhead.

The course was in beautiful condition as usual and the greens in great shape and a credit to the course management. We had a bit of a scare half way through the front nine (A) as there was a five minute shower but that was the end of it for the day and a brief use of the brollies was all that was required. Even with a drink stop we breezed through the nine in just on two hours and similarly on the back nine (B). With another stop for refreshments, our round was completed in exactly four hours.

We had 2 Flights with A Flight for handicaps 0 to 17 and B Flight for handicaps of 18 & over. There were also rewards for longest first putts on A9 and B9.

The Admiral & Stu (BUPA) Rifkin.

There was a distinct contrast between the scores in the two flights and if you had less than 38 pts in A Flight you didn’t get a mention, whereas in B Flight no-one was able to play to their handicap or better. Maybe A Flight players should have used the Blue Tees!

With an excellent score of 43 pts Ken Bernek won the A Flight, three pts clear of Mike Gosden (2nd) and Andre Van Dyk (3rd) who were separated by a count back. Doug Maiko completed the podium in fourth place with 38 pts.

There was another count back to decide the winner of B Flight with 81 year old (it’s true Stu!) Hugh O’Donnell shading out Dave Richardson, both on 35 pts. 1 point further back was Daryl Evans in third place with Peter Fagerlund on 32 pts finishing in fourth place.

Results for Crystal Bay:

A Flight

1st Ken Bernek (17) 43 pts

2nd Mike Gosden (11) 40 pts

3rd Andre Van Dyk (14) 40 pts

4th Doug Maiko (13) 38 pts

B Flight

1st - Hugh O’Donnell (23) 35 pts

2nd - Dave Richardson (24) 35 pts

3rd - Daryl Evans (18) 34 pts

4th - Peter Fagerlund (22) 32 pts

Longest First Putts

A9 - Ken Bernek

B9 - Doug Maiko

Andrew Krawiec from Sydney took out the Compass Cap and Hunter Gosden took Deefa for a walk to collect various fines and donations to charity from our generous Kronny Crew. Yours truly was very lucky to escape a fine when reminded in the bus by one of the waitresses that he had not paid his restaurant bill!

Thursday, August 11, Greenwood B & C – Stableford

Rifkin pips Todd for a win at soggy Greenwood

Once again there were rain clouds threatening as fifteen of us assembled at Cafe Kronborg in readiness for the journey to Greenwood. We welcomed back Jerry Dobbs from Brisbane for a very short R & R and Scott & Mick from Gove, N.T., Australia.

Departing the Kronny just a smidgen before 0815 hrs we arrived at the course after the 53 minute journey & several lengthy traffic light stops on 331. As usual the car park was practically empty and our first group, once more a threesome, got away 25 minutes early at 0935 hrs.

It wasn’t too long before the brollies were out but were just necessary for about 5 minutes, although the feeling was that they would be required again before too long.

The course was looking good, although wet in parts, and the greens were in fine shape. It was humid so a couple of drink stops were taken and our first nine (C) was completed in two hours & fifteen minutes.

Upon arrival at the first tee on our second nine (B) we discovered that the course starter had put a 5 ball in front of us which was thoughtless to say the least. We caught the eye of a nearby marshal and complained so he promptly went ahead and split them up into a two and a three. As there was a four ball in front of them it made little difference and it was apparent that the going would be slow, and when the heavens opened after a couple of holes we were caught in the open and sheltered under trees & brollies for about 15 minutes. We managed to complete the round in four hours and thirty minutes which was reasonable in the circumstances.

We decided to have nearest the pins on 2 of the par threes and longest first putts on B9 & C9 which left just one flight and five placegetters.

Playing after a week off and with hired clubs (he let his mate from Gove use his) Stu (BUPA) Rifkin edged out another Aussie, Martin Todd on a count back to win with a very good score of 40 pts.

Paul Cardwell finally hit some form and finished third with 38 pts, 1 point ahead of fellow American Ken Bernek and two more Aussies fought it out for fifth place with Paul Avery beating Jerry Dobbs on a count back, both on 36 pts.

Results for Greenwood:

1st Stu Rifkin (15) 40 pts

2nd Martin Todd (8) 40 pts

3rd Paul Cardwell (12) 38 pts

4th Ken Bernek (17) 37 pts

5th Paul Avery (8) 36 pts

Nearest the pins:

B5 Stu Rifkin

C6 Martin Todd

Dave Richardson (The Admiral) won the Compass Cap and once again Deefa the Dog collected lots of donations for charity from all present.

Paul Ovens “gully washes” his way to victory

PSC Golf from the Three Sisters Bar

Paul Ovens on the left with Dale Murphy on the right.

Obviously several players forgot their prayers to the weather gods this 10th of August at the Pattaya Country Club. One smart group jumped off at 0600 and got all the way to 18 before the rains began.

The remainder of the field found out what is meant as “a gully washer”. The skies didn’t just open, they parted and dropped tons of water on the course and players. Only eight players of the 16 starters managed to finish the course.

Back at Caddy Shack II the cards were tallied and Paul Ovens came in with a whopping 41 points, followed by Dale Murphy with 38 points. Chasing Dale with 37 points was Bill Thompson. Herbie Ishinaga made a showing as a visitor. Snacks and hot dogs were the fare of the day.

Markku Tynell breaks through

IPGC Golf from The Haven

Markku Tynell.

Monday, August 8, Century Chonburi - Stableford

CSS 72

1st Phil Stevenson (22) 37

2nd Bill Bertram (10) 35

3rd Trevor Schirmer (15) 33 cb 18

4th Paul Hartley (19) 33 cb 17

5th Markku Tynell (27) 30

Today the group from Soi 13 was back at what must surely be the most inexpensive golf in Thailand at least and possibly the world with a day’s golf including a caddy and sharing a golf cart costing just 500 baht. Certainly there is much that could be improved on the course and in the clubhouse but the course is a good design and plays as well as many that are costing more than double and with the application of a couple of sensible local rules for the day it was definitely worth the trip up the 331.

It certainly suited Phil Stevenson who was seeing the course for the first time and played under his handicap for the first time as well to secure his maiden win in Thailand by a comfortable margin over second placed Bill Bertram who followed him in another two points behind.

Paul Hartley 2.

Trevor Schirmer came back to some semblance of form winning a count back for third place by 18 to 17 over Paul Hartley with Markku Tynell rounding out the honourable mentions in fifth spot.

There were no 2’s in either division.

Before presenting the prizes The Doc welcomed new member Gary Warren and welcomed back Bill Bertram and Paul Hartley.

Wednesday, August 10, Khao Kheow - Stableford

CSS 72

1st Paul Hartley (19) 35 cb 20

2nd Norman Cheetham (15) 35 cb 18 b6 12

3rd Phil Stevenson (22) 35 cb 18 b6 11

4th Chris Williams (20) 31

5th Trevor Schirmer (15) 30

Khao Kheow off the yellow tees is always a tough proposition and following the overnight rain the course was playing very tough with little or no run off the tees and heavy conditions in the rough. But balancing those conditions, were the greens that were found to be in excellent condition, running fast and true when the players eventually arrived on them.

Paul Hartley having missed out on the previous outing in a count back, this time secured the top spot by winning one against two other hopefuls with a better 20 on the inward half.

Phil Stevenson.

Norman Cheetham took second place after he beat Phil Stevenson over the last six by 12 to 11 after they had both returned 18 for the back nine.

Chris Williams who was on a short leave from his ship docked in Laem Chabang port together with two other golfers who were equally as keen, had played every day for the last three days without much success, so even though the score was not quite as good as he would have liked, he was well pleased to figure in the final reckoning in fourth place, bearing out the ships motto of “Fortune Favors the Brave”. Though the spelling is slightly different from the that usually used in The Haven, it is a truism.

Trevor Schirmer once again figured in the final count up as he slipped into fifth spot another shot back.

Once again there were no 2’s in the second division but Norman Cheetham cleared out the first division roll over pool with the lone one.

Prior to the presentations there were welcomes for new members visiting off the USS John S. McCain, namely Chris Williams, Fred Devino and George Sait together with the farewells, as theirs was just a fleeting visit, whilst there was a welcome back for Norman Cheetham.

Friday, August 12, Rayong Country Club - Stableford

CSS 72

1st Markku Tynell (27) 35

2nd Norman Cheetham (15) 33

3rd Stephen Beard (22) 32

4th Rod Howett (22) 30 cb 15

5th Rodney Hayes (11) 30 cb 14

After the day out on Monday the group had yet another very inexpensive day, especially considering that the day was at holiday rates, with a total cost of just a 1,000 which included the golf, caddy and single use of a golf cart.

With the greens still recovering from a very liberal sanding, scoring was at a premium with the conditions favouring the higher handicappers. It was very soon apparent, after covering the first few holes, that the winning score for the day would not be very high.

So it proved as Markku Tynell applied himself very well to take his very first win in Thailand, with a score of one over handicap to win by two from Norman Cheetham who took his second runner up prize in succession.

Coming back to single player golf, Stephen Beard did well to take third place but could have been much better if any of the first putts could have made it up to the hole.

Rod Howett took fourth spot away from Rodney Hayes with a better count back of 15 to 14 after they had both struggled for most of the day.

For the second time running Norman Cheetham walked away with the only 2 in the first division and once again there were none in the second division as the pot continues to grow.

Back at The Haven there was a welcome back for Stephen Beard together with farewells for Tom McCarthy and Markku Tynell.

As from the 1st of July the Haven group will depart Soi 13 at the earlier time of 9 a.m. until further notice.

Note. If you would like to play with The Haven group you can contact mobile 082 219 0965 or call in to the hotel at 185 Soi 13 between Beach Road and 2nd Road. All transportation to the course is arranged and you do not need to sign up prior to the day, but you should be there by 8.30 on Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and 9 a.m. on Sundays on the days you wish to play. A schedule of courses to be played can be found on our web site at

A Family Affair at Emerald

IPGC Pattaya Golf Society at Rabbi’s Elephant Bar

Brian & Ning Neal.

The Pattaya Golf Society travelled to Emerald on Monday, August 8, to play a Stableford qualifying round for the Society’s “Player of the Month” award and found the course in a state of repair with a heavily cored and sanded set of greens on the front nine. Scores were destined to be poor to start as putting was a lottery and many golfers finished with a better back nine set of returns than on the front.

Sharing third place with 34 points were Masanori Takano, making his final appearance this trip, and Rob Lamond who shot the day’s best gross score of 80.

In second was lady golfer Wan Meeraka whose improvement continued with a fine 37 point score, one behind partner Evan Millar who produced a sound display after a run of less impressive scores.

The only birdie two of the day was recorded by Wichai Tananusorn on the fifteenth and the Booby Bevy went to Paul Bartlett for his split scores which defied the logic of the day and were better on the lottery which was the front nine. It may be some time before the course at Emerald is back up to standard but when it is, a good golf day is always in store in Ban Chang.

Debut win
for Hansen

On Wednesday, August 10, the Pattaya Golf Society made the trip to Greenwood to play a Stableford competition on the B and C nines and found the course empty and in excellent condition. As usual in low season the white tees were well back and the heavy atmosphere and continued threat of a storm meant the course would play long. The greens were as good as any the group have played recently.

Starting on the easier B nine the group made good progress and at the turn the pre-round favourite Peter Masters found himself at the back of the pack with some fairly miserable putting. This would change as he progressed from 11 points to a more credible return with a gross back nine of only 38 shots, only twelve of which were putts! The result was to place him in third with 32 points.

In second place, making a welcome return to the group, was Tony Thorne on 36 points and he just failed to usurp the eventual winner Benny Hansen, chalking up his debut win with the PGS. Benny’s round of 37 points found no real problems as he recorded the day’s only sub-par round.

There were no birdie twos and the Booby Bevy followed the well-worn track to Mr Len after a promising start was again wasted with some ineffective iron play.

Pattaya golfers still harbour some misgivings about Greenwood but a 50 minute drive to an empty course in fine condition cannot be overlooked in the schedules.

New swing works
for Larry

On Friday, August 12, the Pattaya Golf Society visited Rayong CC to play a Stableford competition. The course had offered a very attractive rate for the day and three other Pattaya golf groups were also in attendance. However, the Starter managed his job efficiently and PGS got away on time and completed the round with no delays.

Old stalwart Tony Thorne had rejoined the group for the day and his game showed some improvement with 33 points giving him third place, only one behind the second placed man Nile Sheehan.

The winner was American golfer Larry Bland who earlier had threatened “eighty or a hundred” with the untried improvements to his swing occupying his thoughts. His projection was correct as he posted gross eighty for an excellent forty point return on the tough track.

As a bonus he also recorded a birdie two on the sixteenth and joined Paul Bartlett in a share of the twos pot, the latter having set the target with an excellent effort on number seven.

The day brought to an end another golf week at Rabbi’s Elephant Bar in Soi Buakaow.

It’s all down to timing

PSC golf from Lewiinski’s

Sunday’s winners Jez, Bob and Jan.

Sunday, August 7, Green Valley - Stableford

A Flight

1st Bob Newell (8) 41 pts

2nd Jan Eriksen (13) 40 pts

3rd Jez Lees (16) 39 pts

Near pins: No 4 Yui Bietry, No 9 Colin Davis, No 12 Colin Davis, No 16 Brian Wilkinson

Who was it that said “timing is everything”? Well whoever it was, Bob ‘Seamless’ Newell was clearly not listening, as it takes a cleaver fellow to blow the wheels of his handicap with a blistering 41 points a week before the monthly medal. Of course there was no sign of it coming. His good play can be controlled no better than his bad play. The fact that he hadn’t won in a long time was reinforced by the fact that most people, except second placed Jan ‘The Quiet One’ Eriksen were actually happy for him.

Playing alongside Bob were Jez ‘The Principal’ Lees and Brian ‘the unbalanced’ Wilkinson. Brian thought the bronze was his! That was until Jez was informed his handicap was 16 and not the 15 he had played off. This led to a count back decision that left Brian out in the cold. Brian’s ranting and ravings are unprintable.

Back at Lewiinski’s Bob made it a night to remember as he collected the Lewiinski’s snowball.

Tuesday, August 9, Emerald - Stableford

A Flight

1st Gerry Power (17) 45 pts

2nd Ed Wyckoff (10) 38 pts

3rd Leo Ruuskanen (18) 38 pts

Irishman Gerry Power had one of those days you remember for a long time again! As he went nine under his handicap, an event for a mid handicapper calculated to happen 1 in every 1138 rounds. Gerry does not have 1138 rounds on record with the society but it is certainly in excess of 500, and that made it easy for the lads to tip their hat to the man of the match. Gerry was seven clear of a tandem of Ed Wyckoff and Leo Ruuskanen. The scales tipping in Ed’s favour.

The Ladies Flight was just as dramatic as Sim ‘Card’ Davis with a more than useful 41 points was nine strokes clear of the red hot Yui.

Ian Halfpenny and the consistent Mike Jeffreys split the 2’s pot.

August 10,
Bangpra - Stableford

A Flight

1st Peter Henshaw (16) 36 pts

2nd Jim Dundon (17) 32 pts

3rd Mike Jeffreys (16) 30 pts

The field is always a bit more modest on the second day of the society’s weekly back-to-back fixtures and this Wednesday was no exception. Peter ‘Don O’corleone’ Henshaw, arguably playing some of his best golf ever, carried on the good work as he was the only player to match his handicap. All this on a day when leaving your ball on the green above the hole was at best a disaster.

Peter’s excellent round was four shots ahead of second placed Jim Dundon and a further six ahead of Mike ‘The Welsh Wizard’ Jeffreys and Bob ‘the timing chains broken’ Newell. The resident monkeys were not to be outdone as they helped themselves to Bill Brochard’s pack up.

Peter made sure it was his day as he claimed the only 2 of the day and graciously rang the bell.

Friday, August 12, Rayong Country Club - Stableford

A Flight

1st Peter Henshaw (16) 40 pts

2nd John Feehan (16) 31 pts

3rd Mike Jeffreys (16) 31 pts

A case could be had that Gerry the ‘Irish Rovers’ mammoth 45 points on Tuesday and Peter Henshaw’s double victory in two days should put them in the title race, but the scribe hasn’t the bottle to change it seeing as to who I have already awarded it.

Peter Henshaw led a small but dedicated bunch home with a 40 point haul that will see his handicap dip even further. Peter was a massive nine strokes clear of John Feehan and Mike the welsh Wizard Jeffreys. The resulting count back dictated that they finish in that order.

John Feehan posted the day’s only 2.

Note: Lewiinski’s is situated on Pattaya Land Soi 1, Beach Road Soi 13/3 near to Walking Street. Any one wishing to play with us just pop in, and add your name to the list. Otherwise, give Colin a ring on 0898260764. Transport is provided.

Duncan’s Day

PSC Phoenix Tuesday /Friday Group

The week’s winners pose with staff at the Relax Bar.

Mike Gerrard

Tuesday, August 9

A smaller field than of late prepared to tackle the Lake and newly opened Ocean course to fight it out for the KPK Food Services voucher today.

The weather was set fair with cloud cover and a nice breeze. The course was very quiet again. It’s great for the members who enjoy what can only be described as millionaire golf. It took only three and a half hour’s to get a three ball round.

So much so the first group out were back at the Relax Bar just after 4 p.m. when they had only just opened.

Back at the Relax Bar, we gathered to discuss the day’s events and sip a few beers.

Today’s winner, and receiver of the KPK Food Services voucher was Duncan McGee, scoring a fine 41 points. A not so close second was Graham Richmond with 37 points and third was Shaun Merriman (who we say goodbye to for a few months whilst he goes away to earn a few pennies). We also say goodbye to Graham Richmond who returns to the U.K.

This may help one or two others to get into the winners enclosure.

Duncan’s score was no fluke, as he has been playing quite well for a couple of weeks. I am sure that when his new handicap comes out he will return to the lower levels experienced by the rest of us.

Near pins went to the two victors as well. Graham Richmond and Duncan McGee.

Lucky draw prizes donated by the Relax Bar were awarded to Shaun Merriman, John Stafford, and newcomer David Davies.

Next week we play a normal Stableford and then the last Tuesday of the month we play for the prodigious Trattoria Italiana voucher.

PSC Golf from Tropical Bert’s Beach Bar

The winner and second in each flight: Derek Brook, Mike Gaussa,
Ray White and Barry Oates.

Derek Brook

Tuesday, August 9, Pattana - Stableford

This booking of courses is a real case of ‘What To Do’. This is supposed to be the Low Season and last Tuesday we were scraping the barrel to get into double figures, then I booked Pattana for this week and lo and behold on Monday evening we had nine groups. Fortunately, this is the Low Season and Pattana was quite pleased to take the extra players.

Pattana is a magnificent set up, and for those who have not played, it’s well worth a visit. So on this day after the normal rush for breakfast at Bert’s, we were soon away. The drive up there is not a long one these days, past Laem Chabang, turn left and soon there.

With the vouchers supplied by PSC, and the Low Season deal, it was soon booked in and onto the first tee. The test for the day was to be the B & C nines with the A nine under renovation, and with the white tees being 6700 yards we played the yellow, which at 6300 was quite enough with the wind blowing. So with the tee empty it was soon underway.

The imposing 1st as seen from the restaurant.

The first hole on the B Course is a real problem. With water on both sides and across the front of the green, then a rise to the green, it is difficult on a reasonable day. With the wind blowing in your face it’s really nasty. Then onwards.

One thing we found on the green of B1 was that the greens were slippery and fast; however, as we went on we were to find the greens were as different as rain can make them. Some were slippery and some hairy and slow. Still, we did not care it, was just a pleasure to play the course. The rest of the course was in very good condition, with the rough as one would expect, rough, and the fairways well grassed.

One thing you are sure of here is a fine changing room, and a hot shower. So it was into the hot shower then up into the really first class restaurant that has to be the best in any golf course. Mind it leaves a guilty feeling as after being charged 10% for the first + for service, the staff suffer with very little tip.

Back at Bert’s after the Golfers Special, it was time for the results and with a goodly number of players we could run two flights.

In the A Flight, 0 to 18, we had a very good result as the scribe, Derek Brook, won with 37 points ahead of Mike Gaussa in second with 36 points and Brian Parrish in third with 35 points.

In the B Flight, 19 up, the winner was Ray White with 37 points ahead of Barry Oates in second with 34 points and in third was Mick O’Meara with 32 points. Then it was time for a couple of ‘Cold Uns’.

Near Pins: Mike Gaussa, Dick Warberg and Ray White.

Long Putts: Brian Parrish and Don Carmody.

The Little and Large Show

Sea Fishing with the KPK Club

The best catch of the day went to Papa (Paul) Hayes with this beautiful sunfish.

Mike (Captain Chaos) Gerrard

Saturday, August 6

This trip was organised at short notice for the Hayes family, who are here on holiday from Zambia.

The weather was set fair after the recent storms and a slight breeze made the day a little cooler than normal, but also made the water just a little choppy, but very acceptable. This was proved by the fact that no one was seasick all day.

As usual the whole day proved very successful with varying catches. The best catch of the day went to Papa (Paul) Hayes with a beautiful sunfish (a new species to our group’s history) weighing in at about 16 kilos. In comparison to that was the tiddler caught by the Baby (Sean) Hayes. The photos are just to prove the variation of catches we get.

Little Sean as well as Mom (Brenda) Hayes, also went on to catch many different species, including a nice queen fish (landed by Bob Jepson), all of which were greedily packed at the end of the day to take home for supper.

In comparison to that was the tiddler caught by the Baby (Sean) Hayes.

August 10 -
Danny’s Day?

I move on quickly to Wednesday, August 10 (Danny’s Day?), which was a very special day organised for a few members of the crew of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier, which was anchored in Laem Chabang for a few days.

With the numbers exceeding the normal amount of passengers we carry, we took out the biggest boat that was available for charter on the day. How I wish we could book this boat every trip. It far exceeds the size and quality of the normal boats we charter, but it also exceeds the budget we normally work under as well.

This was another hugely successful day. In fact one of the best days fishing we have had this year, especially in the warmer summer months. 6 sizeable queen fish, 3 small sharks, 2 huge grouper, a fair sized barracuda and one 3 kilo snapper (my favourites). All in addition to scores of smaller varieties. Everything went back to the mother ship for supper.

I have to say, for a group of American sailors on shore leave they were a pretty decent bunch of guys. Pure gentlemen, except for when we were repeatedly informed not to eat barracuda. This is a funny statement aimed at nice guy Danny who repeatedly informed us all that you cannot eat barracuda, and then grabbed the dead fish and hauled it back into the ocean. He was in such a state that he nearly went in with it. It was not long before Danny was sleeping. Great fun and laughter continued for the rest of the trip as we all continued to remind each other: do not mention the barracuda.

My sincere thanks go to Ben Hogstrom (whose birthday it was) and brother, who donated the use of their two mini buses to transport the passengers of the day.

Bob Jepson is awarded the 500 baht KPK Food Services Ltd. voucher.

Saturday, August 13

As David Jason would have said in an episode of “The Darling Buds Of May”, the day was “perfic”. Calm waters and cloud cover with a fresh breeze, and above all nice people.

Our captain certainly knows where to find the fish. With the tides slightly against us at the beginning we started differently this trip and stopped at an area where we caught many pladang and snapper for the first hour. This wetted the appetite for better things to come.

Only minutes after had we dropped anchor and baited up the big rods, the first one started to run. Not the biggest fish in the world but enough for a good meal for 4. It was a jackfish about 3 kilos in weight.

Soon after another rod went and we landed a similar sized queen fish.

And so the next hour or so continued with some nice fish. 6 larger varieties including a couple of new ones not seen before, such as leather jackets.

As usual about mid day the fishing goes a little quiet, so it’s then time to have a bite to eat and a little rest for an hour. During the afternoon we decided to try for smaller fish again and fill our goody bags for the freezer.

We stayed out a little later than normal and duly docked at about 7 p.m. whence we headed straight for the nearest bar for that first amber nectar of the day.

Bob Jepson was awarded the 500 baht KPK Food Services Ltd. voucher for catching what was just about the biggest fish of the day and the KPK Foods hat went to Paul Hayes for the next best.

The next scheduled trip is on Saturday September 10, or of course if any one wants to book privately, any day of the week. Monthly prizes are donated by Keith Keohane of KPK Food Services Ltd.

In all cases if anyone wishes to come along for a great day on the ocean, give me a call on 087 091 7565 to book your place. We usually only like to take 6 passengers out to avoid overcrowding whilst fishing. Other spectators can come along at a reduced price. Please note these days are not big game fishing, rather what you have read about above. A nice day out on the ocean catching the unknown and relaxing in good company. Times are usually from 7 to 8 a.m. start and return about 5 p.m.

Happy hooking and light lines.

Jon Lays into the field

PSC Golf from the Fairways Golf Society

Tues, August 9, Greenwood - Stableford

Only one outing this week due to all our players participating in Kilkennys 4 man better ball on Thursday.

Tuesday’s winner Jon Lay.

We had a much smaller field than usual for our journey here today with quite a few dropping out at the last minute. But this did not make the competition any less fierce.

With the course in its usual good condition, Jon Lay’s 37pts came out on top but only after a back nine count back from Yasu.

Near pins went to Jon Lay, Scott Dobbins (2) & Tony Duthie.

1st Jon Lay (7) 37 pts

2nd Yasu (14) 37 pts

3rd Scott Dobbins (0) 36 pts

Note: The Fairways is situated at the top of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit Road. Anyone wishing to play with our group can call into the clubhouse and put their names down on the lists provided or call Scott on 084 389 2379. Breakfast and Transport provided if required.

JJ wins narrowly at Emerald Golf Course

The Backyard Golf Society

JJ revels in his victory outside Kisses Bar.

As slight change to our weekly game this week as due to another public holiday on Friday we moved the game to Thursday. Surprisingly we arrived at a busy golf course and with our two groups we got off at 9:20 a.m.

Slightly slower than a Friday but we all finished in just over four hours. JJ and Neville were neck and neck all the way around the course with JJ finally coming in 1 point ahead on 38 points.

JJ also took the nearest the pin prize with the skin results as follows: Andy Oz (10), A.N.other (4), Broken Wing (2), and Dan M (2). Special mention to Andy Oz for the shot on the 13th which was the nearest anyone in the Backyard Golf Society has come to a hole-in-one since being formed last year.

Needless to say, part of the decision to play on Thursday was partially due to bars being shut on Friday so it was down the road for a few to finish the day off.

“The Donald” does a déjà vu…again!

PSC Golf from the Golf Club Sports Bar

Jack Spencer.

Monday, August 8, Rayong Green Valley - Stableford

1st Don Bland (4) 41 pts

2nd Dan Avon (12) 40 pts

3rd Mark Reid (10) 39 pts

Yogi Berra was a famous American baseball player and later manager for the New York Yankees back in the 50’s & 60’s who is quoted on numerous occasions for his misquotes. Simultaneously denying and confirming his reputation for malapropism, Berra once stated, “I really didn’t say everything I said.”

So in the words of Yogi, “it was like d้jเ vu all over again.” Another Monday, another Green Valley, another Don Bland 41 pt. victory! The Donald is in top form right now, just like the course we played on, and he cruised to victory once again for the second week in a row. Mr. Bland is just back from another win at the beautiful Nick Faldo designed Angkor Golf Resort up in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Destroying 64 other competitors, he is in his purple patch, as they say. Well played Don!

We had 18 golfers on this Monday outing, so for being in the low season was quite respectable. Lots of visitors as well as the usual Green Valley members make this a good day out so why not try to join us next time? RGV is one of the best courses in the area.

August 10,
Burapha -Stableford

1st Jack Spencer (9) 39 pts

2nd David Shelton (7) 37 pts

3rd Bob McPhail (16) 34 pts

Driving through a downpour to get to the course, the ominous black clouds that surrounded us seemed impossible to escape. As we waited on the first tee, we stood and watched a curtain of rain 300 yards ahead of us that came across the pond on the right and was headed our way. The wall of water lasted for 42 seconds while we sheltered under the canopy of the cart, and that was all the wet we saw for the rest of the day. Weather is so unpredictable here it is not worth the bother to try to figure it out so just get out there and play!

Burapha C and D was the host for today’s competition and what a beautiful track it was. This is the preferred double of the 36 hole complex that has been the recent host to several Asian Tour events. To be honest, it has been awhile since we ventured out to Burapha and we kept asking ourselves “why has it been so long?” as the course proved to be an awesome test of golf with spectacular views. The greens were rolling quick and true and the fairways were perfect. No wonder the pros play here!

Three groups of golfers took to the challenge but Capt. Jack Spencer rose to the top with a very solid 39 Stableford points and consistent play all day. Jack had his short game right where he wanted it and his tour-quality chips were saving him 3 strokes a side. I guess practice really does pay off! Well played to Jack and his collection of nifty little wedges.

The rest of us mere mortals had a great day of quality golf and David Shelton was the only guy even close, but he was playing with Jack so it must be true that good play rubs off on you. Thanks to Mike and the staff at Burapha for a great day out at a great price.

Thursday, August 11, Greenwood - Stableford

1st Larry Maxey (19) 34 pts

2nd Steve Grant (9) 33 pts (cb)

3rd David Stafford (14) 33 pts

We were attempting to hold a 27 hole tournament on this day but as it turned out, 18 was enough for most of the lads anyway. Dougie Watkins was kind enough to take the reins for this outing and it turned out to be a pleasant day on a pleasant course. The big guy, Larry Maxey took it to the max on this tricky track that proved the better of most of us. Lefty Steve Grant has had a good run the last few weeks but is shortly getting on a plane back to Oz to get back to work and give the clubs a rest. Thanks for joining us mate! And hey, thanks again Dougie.

Thanks to all for participating in this week’s fixtures, and don’t forget to check us out on facebook/golfclubpattaya for updates, musings, and scandals in general.

Note: The Golf Club is located on Soi LK Metro, off Soi Buakhao and Soi Diana junction. We can be reached on 085 434 3377 or pattaya4golf and our is We also arrange tailor made tours for your groups through our T.A.T. registered and bonded company, Asiabound.

Vincenzi finishes 1-under his handicap for win at Bangpra

Jomtien Golf with the I.P.G.C.

Bangpra winner with 37 points Harry Vincenzi.

Monday 8th August 8,
The Emerald - Stableford

As we arrive here the course is deserted and we tee off 30 minutes before our 10 a.m. schedule, there are many dark clouds all around the course and we are all wondering what to expect today weather-wise. The clouds disperse over the front nine holes and an enjoyable round was enjoyed by all.

There are two divisions out today with the cut in division 1 at 7-15 and division 2 at 16 plus. The greens here have improved since our last visit three weeks ago and the best score of the day is 39 points winning division 1 for Paul Butler. Neville Scurrell is second one point behind beating Peter Masters on a 21/20 back nine count back.

Rod Howett wins division 2 with 33 points and Brian Ferringo is second on 31.

Neville is in the picture again with the only two in division 1 with a birdie on the 15th, one rollover plus today’s go to Bangpra on Wednesday in division 2.

Wednesday, August 10,
Bangpra - Stableford

There are a few spots of rain as we tee off but this lasts only for the first two holes and as the first group approaches the last tee it starts again but this is not a problem.

With numbers still diminishing each week with vacations back to their home countries there is only one division out today. Harry Vincenzi wins with 37 points with Chris Voller in second place with 32 and third is (Mr Happy) Bryan Rought with 31.

Chris Voller birdies the 8th to win the division 1 prize and there are now three rollovers in division 2 to Plutaluang next Monday.

Friday, August 12,
Eastern Star Stableford

A public holiday today and a busy course but it is still only a four hour round for all six groups out. The cut today was 7-14 in division 1 and 15 plus in division 2.

The course is still improving each week and with 37 points Chris Voller wins division 1. In second place Mikael Andersson is on 33 and one point behind in third place Bill Bertram.

Mr Zig Zag wins division 2 with 33 points beating Jim Lane by three points and Harry Vincenzi is third with 29.

There are an amazing 5 two’s in division 1, one on the 6th, one on the 13th and three on the 172 yard 17th for Chris Voller, Jon Lay, Bill Bertram, Paul Butler and Roy Thornton. In division 2 there are two rollovers now for next Friday. There was a warm welcome return to Martin Rock.

Bunker Boy’s first - a dead heat

Geoff Williams (right), winner at Crystal Bay with his mate Harvey.

Monday, August 1, Crystal Bay G.C. (B & C) - Stableford

The start of a new month saw two Japanese golfers, Takeshi and Mashi (Takeshi on his home turf), fighting it out right up to the 18th hole where a count back separated them. Takeshi just nicking it to take the runner up spot! Aussie Geoff Williams has found some form at last and won with a very impressive 40 pts which went very nicely with a near pin prize too.


1st Geoff Williams (17) 40 pts

2nd Takeshi Hakozaki (12) 39 pts

3rd Mashi Kaneta (12) 39 pts

Near Pin Winners: Colin Greig, Geoff Williams, Takeshi Hakozaki, Mashi.

Wednesday, August 3, Greenwood G.C.
(B & C) - Stableford

Three new names took the prizes today, Tony Robbins winning with the best score of the day and it was nice to see old timer Reg Smart in the prizes after what seems like a prolonged absence. Reg took the runner up place beating Barry Murning on a count back. Barry had to settle for third place but two near pin prizes made up for his disappointment!


1st Tony Robbins (12) 34 pts

2nd Reg Smart (24) 32 pts

3rd Barry Murnin (15) 32 pts

Near Pin Winners: Geoff Williams, Barry Murnin (2)

Friday, August 5, Pattaya C.C. - Stableford

For the third game in a row we had another three new names in the winner’s enclosure and for the first time ever playing with the Bunker Boy’s we had a ‘dead heat’.

Nothing could separate Alan Sullivan and Lee Butler who both came into the clubhouse with identical scorecards and so had to share the spoils between them! Newcomer Martin Allard was pleased to be in the frame taking third place with a handy 38 pts.


1st Alan Sullivan/Lee Butler (12 & 15) 39 pts

3rd Martin Allard (24) 38 pts

Near Pin Winners: Barry Murnin, Eddie Martin, Lee Butler (2)

3,000 turn out for Queen Sirikit Hospital walk-run

More than 3,000 people turn out in Sattahip to walk and run for HM Queen Sirikit’s birthday.

Patcharapol Panrak

More than 3,000 people turned out to walk and run for HM Queen Sirikit’s birthday and raise money for royal charities.

The Queen Sirikit Naval Medical Center held the fifth Mother’s Day walk-run at Sattahip’s Hospital Health Park to honor HM the Queen for lending her name to the area’s largest hospital and to raise funds she can dispense to charities of her choice.

Adm. Suriya Na Nakhon, president of the Queen Sirikit Hospital Foundation, noted that the Royal Thai Navy founded Queen Sirikit Hospital in 1992 to bolster the public-health system in Sattahip, which had been primarily served by Apakorn Kiatwong Hospital. That facility, however, wasn’t large enough to serve the growing Sattahip Naval Station area. The hospital gained the backing of HM the Queen, who laid the cornerstone for the main building on Aug. 18, 1992.

Koh Samui Adventure Race set for September 17

The third edition of “The ibis Koh Samui Trophy” adventure race is set for September 17.

Supported by ibis Hotels, the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the Tourism Association of Koh Samui and the Thai Hotel Association of Koh Samui, this adventure race is set to attract 100 teams from around the world.

Scheduled on and part of the Amazing Thailand Adventure Race Series, the race will start and finish on Bophut beach.

Adventure Racing is a highly visual and dynamic sport genre, stretching competitors to their limits. It is a sport that is rapidly capturing the imagination of sport people in Thailand and around the world.

“After the tremendous international success of the last River Kwai Trophy in Kanchanaburi, we are very excited to bring quality Adventure Racing in Samui again,” explains Serge Henkens, the race director and managing director of Active Management Asia.

This year’s event looks even more interesting with top Asian teams coming from China, Hong Kong and Singapore to challenge local champions and last year’s winners Saman Gunnan and Seree Ruansiri.

Asian champions Asia Pacific Adventure team led by Adventure Racing Star Ryan Blair will be the main contender in Samui this year. Chiru Endurance team from Hong Kong is also looking for silverware.

The ibis Koh Samui Trophy Adventure Race will offer 4 disciplines: running, cycling, kayaking and swimming.

The competitors will hike and run through jungle, paddle and swim on waters in the gulf of Thailand and cycle over the Samui hills.

“As we offer 2 divisions, Adventure (easier course) and Extreme (longer course), the race is really accessible to everyone!” concludes Henkens.

The winners of the extreme division are expected to complete the course in approximately 4:30. The fastest team in the Adventure division is planned to finish in around 3:30.

Teams of 2 racers will compete in categories for Men, Women, Mixed, Masters Men (over 80 years combined) and Grand Masters Men (over 100 years combined).

For more information: contact Active Management Asia Co., Ltd., email: info@, website:,

100 motocross racers compete for charity at Khao Bai Sri Enduro

Riders emerge from the jungle.

Patcharapol Panrak

About 100 motocross riders jumped hills and kicked up dirt as they raced for charity at the Khao Bai Sri Enduro track.

Plutaluang village chief Sumaethee Siriphan and the Chonburi Amateur Sports Club sponsored the “Charity Enduro” bike race for the Ban Khao Bai Sri School Child Development Centre and Khao Bai Sri Temple Aug. 4. Racers completed in five brackets, including “Super Cup 2+4 Villager,” “windscreen,“ “Super Cup 2+4 Open,” age 40+, and a general category.

Wachira Liamwiriyakul from Nikom Machine AJ won the four-round competition, taking home 2,000 baht. In second place was racer Polawat Komkla, who won 1,500, and Chanon Deecharoenchaikul won third and 1,000 baht. Seven others won medals for their performances as well.

In the general category, Worawit Thangbor from the Huay Yai team took first and 2,500 baht.

Sumaethee said this was the second charity race since February, both of which were successful.

The last jump before the home stretch.

And they’re off!

Stolz revival rolls on with Thailand Open victory

Korean’s Choi Jin-ho plays in the final group, but is unable to keep up. Nonetheless, he still finishes tied for third.


Australian Andre Stolz secured his second victory of the season on OneAsia when he triumphed in the US$1million Thailand Open after an enthralling head to head battle with Thailand’s Prayad Marksaeng on Sunday.

Stolz, who won the season opening US$1million Indonesia PGA Championship in March, fired a final round nine-under-par 63 to beat Prayad by two shots at Suwan Golf and Country Club.

Australian Andre Stolz carded nine birdies, including six on the front side.

The Australian had started the day three behind overnight leader Prayad but stormed through with nine birdies including six on the front side. He finished with a four-round aggregate of 22-under-par 266.

Prayad, bidding to become only the third Thai to win his national Open, closed with a 68. It was also an impressive round made up of five birdies with the only blemish being a bogey on par-five 18th, where he found water with his third.

“I hit a lot of great shots early on and obviously Prayad and I were battling each other - it was great fun. I knew I had to get a fast start and he comes out making birdies as well. The heat knocked me about and I battled the last four or five holes and hit a lot of horrible shots,” said Stolz.

The US$180,000 winners’ cheque allowed him to overtake Korean Kim Kyung-tae at the top of the OneAsia Order of Merit. He has now earned US$433,125 from six events.

The two combatants were tied on 21 under par after 14 holes but a brilliant 30 foot right to left birdie putt on 15 by Stolz proved to be crucial. Prayad just missed a shorter birdie putt.

Prayad Marksaeng has a golden opportunity to draw level on 17, but his eight foot birdie putt just misses.

The 45-year-old Thai had a golden opportunity to draw level on 17 but his eight foot birdie putt just missed.

“I have a motto which I tell my kids - ‘You have got to do what is required’. And that was in my mind today. When I walked off the first green today I knew it was going to be a shoot-out. You get days that are crazy like that. The way I am playing at the moment I feel I can win every event I play. I have only played badly on about five days in the last year. I changed back to the short putter (from the long one) after the Nanshan China Masters in June,” added Stolz.

The victory is the continuation of a remarkable comeback story for Stolz. He came out of retirement just two and a half years ago. In 2005 a nagging wrist injury caused by wear and tear forced him to stop playing for nearly three years. He was one of his country’s finest players having claimed a title each on the US PGA Tour, Nationwide Tour, and Japan Tour plus four victories on the PGA Tour of Australasia.

This week marked the second time Prayad has finished runner-up in his national Open. The first time came in 2004 when his famous compatriot Boonchu Ruangkit took top spot. Boonchu also won the title in 1992 while the other Thai to won was Suthep Meesawat, Prom’s father, in 1991.

“Today I was hoping to shoot five or six under to win the trophy but Stolz is too good. If you ask me whether I feel disappointed or not, I think I did my best. I played with him the first two days and he did not putt so well like he did today. The turning point was hole seven where I missed a one footer. He did everything perfectly,” said Prayad, who won US$102,000.

Australian Brent McCullough shoots a final round 66 to earn a tie for third.

The Thai star is a six-time winner on the Asian Tour but perhaps his finest achievement was winning three times in Japan in 2008.

Korean’s Choi Jin-ho and Australian Brent McCullough tied for third on 17 under par.

Choi fired a 69 and McCullough a 66.

Japan’s Tomokazu Yoshinaga took sole possession of fifth place with a 68 to finish a stroke further back.

Thailand’s Thaworn Wiratchant, winner of the Indonesia Open presented by Enjoy Jakarta in July, shot a 67 to finish on 11 under.

His countryman Thongchai Jaidee returned a 73 to end on minus seven.

The next event on OneAsia is Kolon Korea Open to be played at Woo Jeong Hills Country Clun from October 6 to 9.

Completed final round scores:

Par 72

266 Andre Stolz (AUS) 69 70 64 63

268 Prayad Marksaeng (THA) 70 67 63 68

271 Brent McCullough (AUS) 73 65 67 66, Choi Jin-ho (KOR) 68 67 67 69

272 Tomokazu Yoshinaga (JPN) 72 67 65 68

273 Jamie Arnold (AUS) 69 69 69 66

274 Kim Meen-whee (KOR) 69 72 67 66, Kim Woo-hyun (KOR) 73 68 64 69, Wu Ashun (CHN) 69 67 67 71

275 John Huh (USA) 70 68 70 67, Kim Do-hoon (KOR) 74 66 68 67, Prom Meesawat (THA) 69 69 69 68, Kiradech Aphibarnrat (THA) 68 67 71 69, Pariya Junhasavasdikul (THA) 68 69 68 70

276 Chinnarat Phadungsil (THA) 69 73 71 63, Udorn Duangdecha (THA) 72 68 68 68, Peter O’Malley (AUS) 71 70 65 70

277 Thaworn Wiratchant (THA) 69 68 73 67, Matthew Griffin (AUS) 70 70 70 67, Park Eun-shin (KOR) 72 69 69 67, Panuphol Pittayarat (THA) 68 69 70 70

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Jon Lays into the field

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“The Donald” does a déjà vu…again!

Vincenzi finishes 1-under his handicap for win at Bangpra

Bunker Boy’s first - a dead heat

3,000 turn out for Queen Sirikit Hospital walk-run

Koh Samui Adventure Race set for September 17

100 motocross racers compete for charity at Khao Bai Sri Enduro

Stolz revival rolls on with Thailand Open victory




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