The Kingdom of Thailand commemorates annually the Chakri Dynasty on April 6.
However, since the April 6 is a Saturday this year, Monday, April 8 will be the
government holiday in lieu. Banks, government offices and many business offices
will be closed on Monday in observance of this special day. However, currency
exchange booths will remain open.
Chakri Day (April 6) was first instituted by H.M. King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) in
the year 1919 to commemorate all the Kings in the Chakri Dynasty, which started
with Rama I and continues to this day with Rama IX, H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej
the Great.
The reigning Kings in the House of Chakri brought peace and tranquility to the
people within Thailand’s borders and successfully protected the Kingdom,
maintaining sovereignty and integrity through crucial periods threatened by
European colonization and two World Wars.
In commemorating Chakri Day the national flag is proudly displayed by the people
of Thailand and all government officials and members of the community
participate in traditional ceremonies, making offerings of flowers and garlands
at the many statues of Kings in the House of Chakri.
The Chakri Dynasty, or the “House of Chakri” followed the reign of King Taksin
the Great, when He abdicated due to poor health. The Chakri Dynasty was ushered
in on 6 April 1782 when a close aid of King Taksin, General Chakri, marched back
into Thonburi and assumed the throne as H.M. King Buddha Yod Fa Chulalok the
Great (Rama I). Each Monarch thereafter has had “Rama” as part of their title.
Chakri Dynasty - Chronology of the present-day Dynasty of Thailand
King Buddha Yod Fa Chulalok the Great
(Rama I) 1782-1809

Rama I
King Buddha Yod Fa Chulalok the Great was chosen King in 1782, becoming the
founder and first ruler of the House of Chakri. During the year of his accession
to the throne he moved the capital from Thonburi to the opposite bank of the
Chao Phraya River, thus founding the city of Bangkok. It was during his reign
that the Grand Palace was constructed and he installed the Emerald Buddha in the
Chapel Royal following its completion. Many historians have stated that modern
Siam dates from his reign.
Buddha Loet La Nabhalai (Rama II)

Rama II
King Buddha Loet La Nabhalai (Rama II) was the only Maha Uparaja (Deputy King,
appointed by his father King Rama I in 1806) to eventually succeed to the throne
during the period of the Chakri Dynasty. His reign was a period of consolidating
the achievements of the previous reign and he began the custom of appointing
senior princes to supervise over the different departments of state. He is best
remembered, though, for his interest in the arts. He was an artist, writer and
composer, and the arts flourished during his reign.
Nang Klao
(Rama III)

Rama III
During King Nang Klao’s reign trade prospered and territorial advances were made
as the vassal states of the north and east came more firmly under the rule of
Bangkok. During his rule, in 1833, the first treaty with the United States was
signed. Extensively encouraged international trading and education, enhanced
promotion of Buddhism and built many temples.
His Majesty King Mongkut (Rama IV)

Rama IV
Modernized Thailand in both commerce and education, and instituted reforms which
would adapt the country to western ways. Known as the “Father of Thai
Scientists”, he was famous for his astrology. Before becoming King, the then
Prince Mongkut entered the monkhood. Ironically, it was this period in monkhood,
which required him to take a vow of poverty and self-denial, that gave Prince
Mongkut a good understanding of statecraft. It allowed him to meet people from
all walks of life, from the humblest to the elite, Thais as well as foreigners.
He traveled to various parts of the Kingdom, barefoot, depending on offerings of
food and other necessities from the people. From the Thais, he gained an
invaluable first-hand insight into their welfare and livelihood. From the
foreigners, he obtained precious information about the outside world, especially
about technology and science.
Chulalongkorn the Great (Rama V)

Rama V
King Chulalongkorn the Great is one of the most beloved and revered of all the
Chakri Kings - during his long reign of 42 years 23 days great advances were
achieved for the country. He abolished slavery, extensively contacted the
Western world, modernized the government, education, transportation, and
communication. Bonds of friendship between himself and the various European
royal families were formed which exist to the present day. He successfully
managed to cultivate the idea of Siam as a buffer state between the colonial
possessions of the European powers in South-East Asia. The price he paid of
losing certain border territories was amply rewarded, for Siam was never
colonized - the only country in the region to maintain its sovereignty
throughout the period of colonial expansionism.
(Rama VI) 1910-1925

Rama VI
King Vajiravudh was educated in England and his great love of literature and
poetry in both Thai and English together with his scholastic abilities was later
to manifest itself during his reign. Among his lasting achievements were
devising a system of transliteration of Thai into English and of translating the
entire works of Shakespeare into Thai. His passion for traditional Thai theater
and ballet has left a mass of published scores which form the basis of the study
of these arts to the present day. He continued the work of Rama V in modernizing
Thailand, promoted education and established the Boy Scouts in Thailand.
(Rama VII) 1925-1935

Rama VII
King Prajadhipok’s reign coincided with the worldwide economic depression which
followed the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and its effects were not unfelt in Siam.
On April 6, 1932 the country celebrated the sesquicentenary of the Chakri
Dynasty - two months later the eventual transferal of power to a Legislative
Assembly began. On December 10, 1932 King Prajadhipok granted a constitution to
the Thai people, and the Constitutional Monarchy of the present day was born.
King Ananda Mahidol (Rama VIII),

A direct grandson of King Rama V, King Ananda Mahidol was the
eldest son and second child of H.R.H. Prince Mahidol Adulyadej, Prince of
Songkla. He succeeded his uncle, King Prajadhipok, as King on March 2, 1935.
Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great
(Rama IX) 1946 to the present

Rama IX
A true monarch of the people and guiding light for the whole Thai nation. Saved
Thailand from many crises, dedicated to raising the living standards of the
poor, especially in remote regions. As his reign advances, the growing reverence
of the Thai people for their sovereign has become ever more apparent. On May 5,
1987, to mark his then forthcoming 60th birthday, King Bhumibol Adulyadej was
proclaimed “the Great” by the prime minister of Thailand. On July 2, 1988, HM
King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great celebrated his record reign - the day on which
he had reigned longer than any of his predecessors. To this day, he remains the
longest reigning monarch in the world.