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From Siberia to Pattaya

A dancer from the former soviet republic of Georgia.

Derek Franklin
As the temperature here in Pattaya seems to be rising by the day and the news channels are full of stories of heavy snow in many parts of Northern Europe and North America, spare a thought for a group of school children who recently arrived in Pattaya from northern Siberia.
Coming to Pattaya to perform ethnic dancing as part of a Russian cultural tour, the temperature when the children left home was minus twenty three degrees Celsius, just a normal day for this time of year.
They, along with many other Russian children, arrived at the Father Ray Foundation to perform for the children and take part in a talent competition.

 A Russian robotic dancer.

Dancers and singers from local dance institutes, international schools, as well as several schools throughout Russia all competed for the large crown and the three judges who sat in front of the stage.
For many in the audience, including the children of the Father Ray Foundation, the highlight of the whole event was watching the dancers from northern Siberia.
Dressed in fur lined coats, leather boots and topped with a fur hat, they danced around the stage with so much energy and enthusiasm that even the audience looked exhausted when they finished.
A short while later they arrived back on stage to perform a traditional reindeer dance. Once again they were dressed in thick winter clothing and the question on everyone’s lips was ‘are they hot’, to which the children replied with a smile on their faces ‘just a little’.
The whole afternoon was an amazing insight into Russian culture and to see how established the Russian community has become in Pattaya in just a short time.

 Ready to perform a traditional reindeer dance.

A singing duo.

Although there was no rain these dancers did a wonderful dance with umbrellas.

These young men were dressed more for Siberia than Pattaya.

Dancers from a local dance school.

These dancers travelled all the way from northern Siberia.

A future superstar.

Little Miss innocent.

These young ladies said it was hotter than at home in Siberia.

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From Siberia to Pattaya  


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