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Joint Chambers Drift into Hilton for July Networking

(L to R) MBMG Group Managing Director Graham Macdonald MBE, president of the SACCT, and David Johnson, Yard & Load-Out Manager of Cranes and Equipment Asia (CEA).

Sue K.
On the 26th of July, Hilton Hotel welcomed four Chambers of Commerce, the South African Chamber of Commerce, the Australian Chamber of Commerce, the American Chamber of Commerce, and the British Chamber of Commerce.
General Manager Philippe Kronberg welcomed the guests with nice wines, beers, and lovely finger foods, and expressed his satisfaction of the hotel’s 100 percent occupancy.
Graham McDonald MBE said it’s good fun being the President of the SATCC and hopes to promote more of the South African industry in Thailand, from buildings, to golf cart making, food processing, insurance, and of course S. African wines. Sue of PMTV suggested it should be part of his job description to invite him to S. Africa for wine tasting to be able to come back and do convincing promotion. Graham said I should mention that to the SATCC. So here it is.

(L to R) Jeffrey Sage, Vice President Sales, APAC, Meru Networks, Nannapat Sriwalai, Business Development Director, Grant Thornton and Frank Holzer from General Motors.

Meanwhile the First Secretary - Politics of the South African Embassy, Raymond Manzini stated his wishes to spread the word to Thai people of the many potential investment opportunities between the two countries other than wines. Tourism is of course one of the many aspects, as most people only know Cape Town, but S. Africa has nine provinces, so there is a lot to see.
The evening was sponsored by Hilton Pattaya, CEA Project, SriAyudhaya Insurance, MBMG Group, and MARSH.

(L to R) James Fortune, owner of South African & Italian Delicacies, Renita Bromley and Maurice Bromley, GM-Thailand, GoIndustry DoveBid (Thailand) Ltd.

(L to R) Andrew McDowell, MD, Suretank (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Simon Matthews, Country Manager Thailand, Manpower Group and Richard Stepney, Associate Director, RSM Recruitment (Thailand) Limited.

(L to R) Dhaninrat Klinhom, Marketing Communications Manager, Hilton Pattaya, Michael Parham, Business Development Manager and Conrad Lowe, Financial Controller, CEA.

(L to R) Trevor Roper, Engineering Manager, Off Road Accessories Limited, Vassachol Khrueasan, Senior Sales Manager, Holiday Inn and Scott Lyons, Manufacturing Manager, Off Road Accessories Limited.

(L to R) MBMG Group Managing Director Graham Macdonald MBE, president of the SACCT, Thitiporn Boonsuk, Director of Sales, Pathitta Utsa, Assistant C&E Sales Manager of Hilton Pattaya and Carlo Principe, Associate Director, RSM Recruitment (Thailand) Limited.

(L to R) Frank Holzer from General Motors, Jiraporn Charoenpan, Sales Manager, Holiday Inn, Jeffrey Sage, Vice President Sales, APAC, Meru Networks and Neil Maniquiz, Head of the International Marketing of Bangkok Hospital.

(L to R) Rachata Ratchawisitsakul, Marketing Communications, Cape Dara Resort, Suratchada Chaivorawat, Sales Executive - Corporate of Hilton Pattaya, Narawadee Thongboonchoo, Sales Manager - Corporate, Cape Dara Resort and Earl Brown.

(L to R) Sumalee Marasri, Corporate Services Manager, Transpo International Ltd., Gregory Pitt, MD, Mackenzie Smith, Greg Watkins, Executive Director and Chris Thatcher, Director, British Chamber of Commerce Thailand.

(L to R) Simon Erwiw, Deborah Philbrook, Vice Chairperson, Jesters Care For Kids, Simon Philbrook Client Advisor, MBMG Group and James Fortune, Owner, South African & Italian Delicacies.

(L to R) Sunisa Chantamenchai, Thonpakkaorn Jeerawatthanachoke, Event Sales Executive, Shaun Venter, Executive Sous Chef, Hilton Pattaya, Raymond W Manzini, First Secretary, Political, South African Embassy Thailand, Allan Riddell, Director, Pasit Foobunma, Board Member/Web Master, South African -Thai Chamber of Commerce, Varaporn Lamai, Assistant Director of Sales and Pathitta Utsa, Assistant C&E Sales Manager of Hilton Pattaya.

(L to R) Pabhada Sungkapo, Event Sales Executive, Unchalee Chamnithurakarn, Senior Sales Manager-Corporate, Hilton Pattaya, Anchalee Lekvichai, Furniture Sourcing Agent, AL1 Company Limited, Judy A. Benn, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand and Athicol Mahachai, Event Sales Executive, Thitiporn Boonsuk, Director of Sales, Hilton Pattaya.

(L to R) Unchalee Chamnithurakarn, Senior Sales Manager-Corporate, Sunisa Chantamenchai, Thonpakkaorn Jeerawatthanachoke, Event Sales Executive, Hilton Pattaya, Chris Thatcher, Director, British Chamber of Commerce Thailand, Judy A. Benn, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, Simon Matthews, Country Manager Thailand, Manpower Group, Philippe Kronberg, General Manager of Hilton Pattaya, Sue Kukarja, PMTV Director, Pattaya Mail Media Group, MBMG Group Managing Director Graham Macdonald MBE, president of the SACCT, Kevin Fisher, MD of CEA, Varaporn Lamai, Assistant Director of Sales, Suratchada Chaivorawat, Sales Executive - Corporate and Pathitta Utsa, Assistant C&E Sales Manager of Hilton Pattaya.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Four Pattaya-area Lions Clubs install new presidents

Joint Chambers Drift into Hilton for July Networking


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