Immigration police rounded up
and arrested 18 Laotian and Vietnamese women working illegally in two
Sriracha restaurants / karaoke clubs.
Boonlua Chatree
Immigration police arrested 18 Laotian and Vietnamese women working
illegally in two Sriracha restaurants / karaoke clubs. All will be deported.
Officers raided the Khai Isara around 2 a.m. Sept. 9, taking four women with
expired work permits into custody and another 10 with no permit at all. The
first four were from Vietnam: Nguyen Thi Kin Oanh, 20, Nguyen My Mai Thi,
20, Le Thi Hien, 27, and Nguyen Thi Thao, 28.
The second group were Nguyen Thi Vinh, 20, Nguyan Thi Hiep, 22, Nguyen Thi
Viet, 24, Bui Thi Hang, 28, Nguyen Thi Kim Hoan, 28; and Laotians Oudone
Sengsombath, 39, Sanh Sihalath, 22, Sayfonh Sihalath, 23, Neth Sengdao, 18,
and Saikham Sihalath, 22.
Immigration police then moved on to the Pao Pao capturing four Vietnamese
women on temporary visas and no permission to work. They were Nguyen Thi
Nhung, 28, Nguyen Thi Tram, 26, Nguyen Thi Ha, 31, and Than Thi Hoa, 35.