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Cockroaches Don’t Pay Rent

Cockroaches are close relatives of termites and belong to the insect order Blattodea. They represent a primitive and highly successful group of animals whose origin extends back at bast 300 million years. Fossil evidence suggests that little change in their general body form has occurred since that time. The approximate number of known species world-wide is 3500.
Cockroaches are predominantly tropical and sub-tropical. A number of species have, with the aid of commerce, dispersed world-wide, exploiting man-built environments for food and shelter. Many such environments (e.g.: commercial kitchens) can provide year-round warmth, food and shelter, which may support literally thousands of cockroaches. They eat our stored foods and other materials. Also, they contaminate our foods and food handling areas with droppings, cast skins, regurgitation marks and odours caused by abdominal secretions. As well, disease organisms of various kinds (bacterial, viral and protozoan) have been isolated from cockroach bodies and droppings. Infestations of cockroaches are generally regarded as a threat to human health.
Their wide distribution is attributed to transport in ships, trains, buses, aeroplanes, luggage & packaging, facilitated by a remarkable degree of adaptation to man-made environments. In his dwellings and various utilities for waste disposal, man has created conditions that make food, shelter and often suitable temperatures available to these very opportunistic insects. Inefficient waste disposal, inadequate food protection, and poor general conditions of sanitation and hygiene often provide the means for supporting their activities. The role that such scavengers may play in the transmission of diseases to man is perhaps the most significant aspect of their world-wide pest status.
Cockroaches eat virtually any human or animal food or beverage and any dead animal or vegetable materials. These may include leather, cardboard, fabrics, hair, glue and starchy bindings in books. In buildings, dried beer on carpets, spattered grease droplets and tiny crumbs can all afford nutriment.
A commercial kitchen may support hundreds or even thousands of cockroaches at varying stages of development. They may be carried from place to place as live individuals or as egg cases in foods. Where a substantial cockroach infestation exists, an unpleasant odour may develop, owing to the secretions from the mouth and cuticle.
Some people are allergic to cockroaches. Extracts of cockroaches can bring about positive skin reactions in sensitive people, and may cause an attack of asthma in asthmatics. Cockroaches have been known to bite people, although such incidences are rare.
Cockroaches often dwell in environments that support the growth of organisms causing diseases harmful to man (e.g. sewers, grease traps, and other sources of polluted water). They are also known to carry, on their cuticle and in their gut and faeces, disease organisms of man. Each cockroach may typically carry several million bacteria on and inside its body, and a variety of disease organisms which can cause gastro-enteritis, dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis, typhoid fever and many other human disorders.
Traditional pest control has many undesirable side effects. For one thing, the protection does not last long enough. Secondly, sprays and pesticides are washed away or wiped off - often finding their way in to the food chain.
This is especially common in places such as restaurants, food bars, hotels and shops, where cleaning is a daily chore. This means treated surfaces must be left untouched, or the effectiveness of pest control work is simply washed down the drain, as well as a waste of money.
Where the pesticides go to from there is often another matter. Some inevitably become an environmental hazard. Still active, they are lethal to friendly insects, lizards, frogs, and birds. Also, because the treated areas are washed down so often, they need frequently repeated spraying to control such pests as cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects.
This starts the same old cycle over again - a chain of events that is self perpetuating, uneconomical and extremely damaging to the environment.
Eagle Pest Management found a better, gentler and effective way to handle the problem. They sought a low toxicity spray that would do the environment a favour while still being extremely effective - in fact more effective than other pest control methods by lasting significantly longer, even when cleaned and wiped daily.
The company’s success hinges on it s professional approach to long lasting solutions to the problem of crawling insects like cockroaches, ants, spiders, etc., as well as offering a 1 year guarantee on its services.
The system incorporated by Eagle Pest Management allows the client less inconvenience, a free back up service, and a reduction of chemical application by up to 70% less over a 1 year period, as opposed to ordinary pest control companies.
The company is managed by Mr. John Richards, together with Thai partners, and he has had many years experience setting up Australian International pest control companies both in the Middle East and other parts of Asia.
If you are looking for an answer to your present pest problems, then contact the company on (038) 702 406-7.

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