Raise a glass to Stormin
Dear Sir,
I write with sad news concerning the comedy/illusionist duo
"Stormin Norman and Vera" who performed their cabaret act at various
bars/hotels in Pattaya during the 1980s. Unfortunately "Stormin" passed
away on January 24th suffering from acute alcoholic poisoning. At his wake it was
mentioned of the many friends he made in Thailand and Im sure they would like to
raise a glass of his favourite tipple Carlsberg and toast his memory.
Best wishes,
Freddie Hunt,
West London, England
Kudos for Pattaya Cops
Well done on your recent articles praising the efficiency of the Pattaya
authorities. It is brilliant of your newspaper reporting all the positive aspects of the
police there. Being as their pay is quite insubstantial Im sure, a few Kudos every
week I believe will help increase the pride and professionalism in their organization, as
well as let them know that they are continually under our scrutiny. As such, I believe
that you are tacitly preventing ample graft and corruption in their precinct. Well Done!
Please keep up the good work.
Also, are there any ladies at the P.M. that know of a certain Jerry Bryant
Jr.? (Son of the late Jerry Bryant of So. Pattayas Saloon in the
70/80s). I forgot the name, but Jerry has mentioned a certain lady there a few
times. If that someone knows Jerry, he is doing well up in the Bay Area, and I believe in
his second year at Cal Maritime University in Vallejo.
Miss being in Pattaya, but love reading your publication weekly. Please
make sure good ol Chris Ritchie of Chris Guest House keeps getting your paper as he
cant get around well anymore.
Very respectfully,
Jay Langlois, CWO3, USN
San Diego Ca.
Thai authorities are too lenient
Dear Sir,
I find the complaints and grumble about Thai visa regulations rather sad
(Dave Freemans letter). All countries have very strict rules for foreigners wanting
to reside. Why should foreigners expect to be allowed to live here on the cheap? 800,000
baht is only just over 13,000 pounds. In Australia you would have to put into a local bank
account very much more, around half a million Australian dollars, plus a good annual
income to be allowed to stay permanently.
I have lived in Thailand for 8 years and have had an annual visa for over
three years. I am more than happy to hold funds in the country and pay tax on the
interest. Too many people come to Thailand with limited resources, not helping the economy
but always complaining about the rules and regulations.
The Thai authorities are, in my view, too lenient in letting foreigners
either work illegally running bars or live on the smell of a barmaids apron.
Thailand would be better looking for a better class of foreign resident who is happy to
spend money.
Michael Cox
Wish I was there
Keep up the good work with your internet edition. When Im sitting in
the UK wearing two shirts and three jumpers wishing I was somewhere warmer and I
havent seen the sun for a week, I can always go for a quick surf. Its not the
real thing, but at least it brings back a flavour of Thailand and cheers me up and
motivates me to get out there again.
Charles Kiddle
Waiting for access to Royal
Garden Plaza
Dear Editor,
Maybe you remember me. I sent you an e-mail a long time ago complaining
about wheelchair accessibility at Royal Garden Plaza. Now its 5 months later
already, but nobody seems to be interested in doing anything concrete. Does nobody care?
The merchants in the plaza must be aware that in Pattaya there are many
people in wheelchairs who would spend money in their stores if they only could.
Never mind, Ill survive anyway. I will be sitting in my wheelchair
for the rest of my life and spend my money somewhere that is accessible.
Has any one of the Royal Garden Plaza owners ever thought about how their
thoughtlessness effects other people? Its quite possible that, because of an
accident or serious illness, one of them may find her/himself in a wheelchair. THEN how
soon would a wheelchair ramp be constructed?
Thank you so much.
Fake Viagra
I would like to pass on a word of warning to your readers. I was recently
on holiday in Pattaya and I wanted something to enhance my nightly activities. I took a
Viagra tablet, but unfortunately it was a fake one and I suffered some very distressing
after effects. I would just like to warn people when taking a Viagra to ensure it is the
real thing.
Thank you.
Neil Young, Bristol, England.
Copyright 1998 Pattaya Mail Publishing Co.Ltd.
370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20260, Thailand
Tel.66-38 411 240-1, 413 240-1, Fax:66-38 427 596; e-mail: [email protected]
Created by Andy Gombaz, assisted by Chinnaporn Sangwanlek. |
Letters published
in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail will also be on our website. |
It is
noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers
for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their
own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and,
whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be given to those
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